So, as I stated in my bio (which I just updated a moment ago), I'm going to start rewriting The Siren. Osgar won't shut up about me leaving all those characters in perpetual stasis and abandoning them to literary decay. His words; not mine. He's a bit of a drama queen.
Anyway, I'm working on redoing the already posted chapters and once I have enough to post over them, this post, and add a new chapter I will. But word of warning, when I have five chapters to post, you'll all need to go back to chapter one and read from the beginning because I already have plans for lots of changes. I wrote the original three chapters when I was in my mid teens. I'm in my early twenties now and my writing has changed, grown, evolved, what ever you want to call it.
And as evident by Osgar's annoying independence, I'm also a lot better at character development. Sometimes I wish I wasn't... Osgar's super annoying...