Summary: Akatsuki!kitten!cliché. 'Nuff said. Trying for a somewhat realistic genre-savvy OC. Rather Short Chapters. Fast Updates. Fast Pacing too.
AN: First of all, I'm really sorry for not updating for so long. Furthermore, I'm almost as sorry to be posting a new story instead of continuing a chaptered one. My computer crashed. Badly. Whatever wasn't corrupted or plain out lost mostly belonged to the 'Full Out Smut' category, and one or two simple drabbles. I've even lost over 1.700.000 words worth of manuscript, 7 different books divided over three series in total. Some were almost ready. In others I only needed to bridge two or three chapters, but I couldn't until I'd properly outlined the path of it's sequel. Worst was that both my virtual back-up, as my printed copies ended up destroyed. I kept both in our cellar, which is very easily a floor on it's own with 4 rooms, but I had the bad luck of having a combined plumbing/electricity failure. The burst pipe destroyed the paper copies that rested on a low shelf. And a verminly deisolated wire combined with the former, fried the external drive I kept my backup on.
I'm mostly writing this to get rid of writer's block and reluctance to type everything all over again. It's more to get me into the habit of posting stuff again. Moreover, I need to outlign the plots for my ongoing stories again, and rewrite the scenes I'd already written. These chapters will be short, pretty cliché and not all that big on quality, but as I said, it's a stepping stone to ease me into writing again.
AN2: ten kittens yes. The Rain Trio is complete.
Disclaimer: If I owned any of this, I wouldn't put it on fanfiction. The only thing that is mine is Samantha Rhôdes, the oc/semi-SI.
Prologue: No such thing as Coincidence.
I've always thought of myself as an average girl you know. Somewhat smart, but not all that intuitive. Kind of unlucky too. Not really that pretty, but not ugly either. Some might argue I'm a little overweight, and I sometimes agree, mostly when I see something awesome that I just I don't fit, but all in all, I'm pretty happy with myself. -five kilo's above average is NOT fat, despite what auntie says- I may not be the best I could be, but I'm pretty damn comfortable nevertheless. I like myself. Oh, and I like fanfiction. That's a pretty important thing to know. Most of my them behind the computer is spend either reading or writing it, or browsing TvTropes. [Curse that site!]
I had a pretty active imagination, and my mind can't help but draw parallels between my life and some stories I come across. Wondering 'what if?', perhaps. 'What if that is me?', 'What if I went through that?', 'Would I be able to find such resolve?' Such questions were on my mind pretty frequently, but I mostly dismissed them. Unfortunately I live in suburbia, not la-la-land.
Imagine my surprise than, when I find a box of kittens on my perch. Not just any kittens either. There are ten of them. One is blue. Two have red and black eyes, or -eye-... One has stitches, one is literally half-black/white...
Well, I could continue to list their characteristics, but I'm pretty sure most people know where I'm heading with this. Goddamnit! Since when is my life a bad fanfiction with a cliché plot? This might also just be a weird dream or a freaky coincidence, but it hurt when I bit my finger, and these kittens were definitely not behaving like kittens. I took one of the black kittens. Yep, that was the sharingan. definitely. Not a contact either.
Weren't there supposed to be nine though? My eyes slid back to the box. The Immortals, The Artists. The Uchiha's. Fishface. Than two of the three others had to be Nagato and Konan. By deduction, that should make the orange tabby with them Yahiko.
Well, or Naruto, but with the way those three are cuddling up, I'm pretty sure it's not ramen-for-brains.
I set what I presumed to be Itachi down on the table, next to the box with the others in it, and just decided to test it. "two mews if you're not really a cat. three if you're not really a cat and still have access to chakra... You know what... Screw that. Put me into a non-torture tsukuyomi, if you still have significant access. Better than pantomiming. God, I'm crazy for actually considering the possibility.
The cat obviously gave me a look as if it too was wondering for my sanity, but made two clipped meows.
Coincidence? It could be. I groaned nevertheless. I really am not that lucky. It was one of the rules of the universe. I call it Samantha's razor, as situated between Occam's or Arkham's razor. It didn't matter whether something was likely or not. I'd stumble across the fate that would bring me the most possible hassle. If I was a character in a story, I'd think the author would have it out for...
I looked at the box with kittens again and sighed, realizing I probably was one... A Self-Insert that is. Goddamnit real me! how could you stoop that low? Fantasizing about such things is one thing, acting on it and writing another one entirely. And an Akatsuki-kitten-fic of all things.
In hindsight I am suspicious as to why I came to that conclusion rather fast. I also wondered why I wasn't panicking. Either about being fictional, or having the freaking Akatsuki in my house. I can partially blame it on shock, but I think that a large part of it was also that I believed in the multiversal theory. It was pretty damn likely that multiple me's existed, and it was even likelier that one or multiple of those me's end up living not-so-ordinarily lives.
But still everything has to come from somewhere, and seeing as this is an AKF, I blame another me.
I picked up two-eyed-sharincat again, and went into the kitchen. Filling one glass with hot water and one with cold.
"I apologize for this!", I told the kitten, not really looking at him, "But this tends to be the most common way to swap. Wait here for a second, will you. I'll go to grab a blanket in case it works."