The Moshi has resurfaced! I got this idea in drama class... Hope you rikey!

I don't own any fandoms or anything here. Just le plot.

Warning: Randomness, slight OOC and wrong references ahead. Rated FF (Fanfiction)

Cheers came from the crowd as the two show hosts walked in.

"Good evening and welcome to the Truth, Dare or Torture Show! I'm Kisuke Urahara,"

"And I'm Yoruichi Shihouin! It's the first episode, so let's fill you viewers in on how it's gonna work here." Yoruichi played with her dress while Urahara was fiddling with the collar of his new suit.

"Damn manager," he thought as he recalled his hyperactive manager. He snapped out of his reverie as he realised his current situation.

"Every week we have a special guest, and he or she chooses a..." Yoruichi's glance cued Urahara into the rest of the explanation.

"Vic – volunteer!* The special guest will choose a truth, dare or torture and this vic – volunteer will have to choose between the three! If they don't comply, they will say hello to the room of Ouchies!" Urahara pointed to a heavily bolted door with ominous whirring sounds coming from it. "Sorry for breaking the fourth wall, but stay tuned for characters from other fandoms!"

"And speaking of our special guest, please welcome... Lau!" Yoruichi gestured towards a Garganta opening between the pair. An average looking Asian man stepped out of the opening followed by his petite companion. He wore his normal outfit, even the tangzhuang**. Yoruichi invited him and his companion to the empty seat next to her.

"Hey, Lau!" He and Urahara exchanged their secret handshake (think School of Rock). "How's the den?"

"It's going well. How's the shop? Heard business is going well for you, but I wanna hear it from the man himself!" He gave what looked like a thumbs up from under his sleeve.

"It's been awesome! Got this idiot helper recently, but he's a hard worker!***" The two shared a laugh.

"Sorry to interrupt... but please, tell us about yourself, Lau." Yoruichi glared at the hat 'n' clogs.

"About me?" Lau put one of his over-sized sleeves on his chin in thought, "Well, I'm from the Kuroshitsuji universe, and Kisuke and I go back a long way. I'm part of the mafia... and this is ma sister Ran-Mao! Isn't she cute?" Lau fanned himself, as if to escape the hot glares of some yandere fangirls in the audience.

"A-anyway... I'm acquianted with the resident earl Phantomhive. Here's a pic," a picture of Ciel and his bulter appeared of the once-ignored projector screen. "Ain't he adorable? Well, except for that sour expression anyway. Who'd wanna kid like that?" Lau was starting to sweat, yet he ignored the now about-to-riot-because-he-insulted-Ciel fangirls.

"Um... finishing up, I'm slightly inclined to violence ("Ya better join ma squad then!"), and well... people around me think I'm weird," He stood up and took a bow. "Thanks!"

"Well, now we're acquainted with Lau, let's get to out vic – volunteer! Please welcome Gin Ichimaru!" Urahara gestured to the Garganta opening to reveal a silver-haired man with a smile plastered on his face. Upon seeing Lau though, a frown replaced the grin.

"Hey, Urahara, didn't you say you would NOT pair me up with th-that guy!? We may have the same voice actor and everything****, but I don't like him! He's like a twin! I'M supposed to be the creepy guy here! Not him!" Gin looked like a toddler having a tantrum. He even opened his eyes.

"MEDIC! Calm down the idiot, will ya?" Yoruichi called to the stage medics, who seemed to look familiar...*****

"Whoa whoa whoa, that was an act! I'm fiiiiiine!" Gin screamed as Captain Unohana injected something purple into his arm.

"Well, that wasn't too bad was it, Ichimaru-san?" Retsu Unohana smiled as he calmed down and regained his trademark grin.

"Okay, now we're settled, how 'bout telling us about yourself, Gin?" Yoruichi had a non-Yoruichi-like smile on her face.

"Hmm... I'm the former captain of the Third Division, now I'm working under Aizen-sama... Everyone seems to think Rangiku and I are an item, but I'm not romantically with her in ANY way. I usually like to creep people out and photobomb. This is Shinsou, my Zanpakutō. Wanna see?" Yoruichi's eyes widened seeing it was pointed towards Lau.

"Enough, idiot! You're being immature. Do you want me to call the medic again or what?" Gin immediately shook his head.

"Fine, I'll shut up then. Get on with it, will ya?" Gin was starting to get impatient again.

"So, Lau, have you chosen your truth, dare and torture?" Urahara glanced at the smug grin Lau was wearing.

"Yep! Here goes: he either tells me if he honestly has not been involved with Rangiku, keep a straight face while seeing all of Rangiku's "pictures" or have Rangiku personally "torture" him." Lau enjoyed the facial expression of his counterpart. He must have hit a nerve.

"Gack!" Gin did not care if he shed his cool façade here and now. "What should I pick?"

Moshi-chan: First things first!

*: Victim-volunteer. Enough said.

**: It's some sort of Chinese jacket thing. Look it up.

***: He's talking about Renji working in his shop (lol the idiot)

****: They have the same Japanese voice actor, Kouji Yusa. They're very similar in personality though, non?

*****: Should say now that the Fourth division is our medic crew. Dunno what that purple stuff is, though.

I'm finishing here because of some difficulty deciding Gin's choice. And that's where you reviewers come in! I'm hoping for at least twenty votes... and some critique. I haven't written in a long time, ne? Oh, and see if you can find Kenpachi's line!

Gin: This show has been brought to you by the Moki Monster channel! Be nice! You're my fangirls, right?

Lau: No! Support me! Vote for torture! TORTURE!

Rangiku: I honestly wouldn't mind that, darlings.

Gin: Whose side are you on!?

Moshi-chan: Over and out!