EmberRose: Please review!

Disclaimer: XxEmberRosexX doesn't own Rise of the Guardians.

"Chicago, Les Miserables, Now You See Me, or Grease." I decided as I looked at Nyx's vast collection of movies. Jack and Bunnymund had yet to arrive, so we decided to pick the movie without them. I played with my light brown hair while I waited for Nyx to decide. My grey eyes wandered the room, taking in the orange and black couches and beanbags that littered the ground.

"Hm." Nyx thought for a moment.

"Or we can watch Magic Mike." I joked, nudging her side.

"Chicago." She said, paling. "Definitely Chicago."

"You sure?" I asked sarcastically. There was a knock at the door, saving Nyx from any further questions about 'Magic Mike'.

"Positive." She muttered before running from the room. Jack and who I was assuming was Bunnymund came in with Nyx trailing behind them.

"What movie are we watching?" Bunnymund asked, hopping down on the couch.

"Chicago." I sang, plopping down onto a beanbag chair. I sat back and watched as the movie started. As the movie progressed, a few of our other friends came in. Liberté, our spunky red head Daci, the blond Talia, and then the brunette Esmeralda who was basically the mother of our family. We all settled down on the beanbags and watched the movie progress. Finally it got to our favorite party.

"Pop." Talia said with a smile. Jack looked at her in confusion.

"Six." Daci responded. Bunnymund gave her a strange look as well.

"Squish." Esmeralda breathed, leaning back carelessly.

"Uh, uh." Liberté moaned, shaking her head.

"Cicero." I whispered happily.

"Lipshitz!" Nyx sang in a low voice. We repeated those words until we got to the chorus.

"He had it coming. He had it coming. He only had himself to blame. If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it!" We all sang before I stood up and belted out. "I betcha you would have done the same."

"Scary." I heard Bunnymund whisper from the side. We all smirked at him before settling down, occasionally singing along with the songs.

"I love our family." I sighed contently. Liberté smiled and put her arm around my shoulders in a sisterly way.

"I know." She whispered. Nyx put her arm around me as well so we were squished together like a sandwich. The movie continued, but suddenly we were submerged in pure darkness. I gave a small scream and clung onto Nyx in fear. People jumped up, searching for danger but not being able to see anything.

"Soon. I will have you all." A voice whispered in the dark.

"Pitch!" I heard Jack yell. There was a flash of blue, and everything was illuminated for a few moments but then it went back into the abyss of black. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face and then suddenly the lights came back on. Everyone was either standing or sitting in confusion and shock. But someone was missing.

"Liberté." I whispered with fear. I shot up and looked around desperately. "Liberté!"

"Where has she gone?" Nyx asked in panic, running from the room. "Liberté!"

"Liberté! Come on out!" I yelled, running out of the room and into the bitter October air. "Please! Liberté!"

I raced across the yard, avoiding pumpkins and small creatures. Suddenly my foot caught on something, causing me to tumble to the ground. I spun around so I was on my back and sat up. Something was laying across the pathway to the Autumn Woods. I squinted my eyes and gasped as I saw the copper red curls that were spiraling in random directions.

"Liberté." I breathed in relief. I crawled over to her and shook her arm. She didn't move. I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion and rolled her onto her back. I blinked a few times before letting out a blood curling scream. A clean red line ran across her throat with blood pouring out of it. Her usually electric blue eyes were blank, staring aimlessly at the sky. "No. Please! Wake up! Liberté!"

"Armonia!" Someone yelled behind me. Jack. I ignored his presence.

"Liberté!" I sobbed hysterically, holding her body closer to my chest as if I could protect her from further harm.

"Armonia! Listen." Jack said, attempting to pull me away from her body. He pried my fingers from her arms and held me to his chest. "She's gone. She's gone."

"No! She's not gone!" I screamed, shoving him away. He refused to let go, and just held me tighter. "Let me go! I have to help her!"

"Armonia." He whispered in my ear. "She's gone."

"Shut up!" I screamed, but broke down in tears. "She's...she can't be...she isn't!"

"Jack! What happened?" Nyx demanded, sprinting over to us. She spied Liberté's body and gasped. "No. Is she...?"

"She's gone." Jack said gently. I cried even harder into his chest. More footsteps ran over to us and the story was explained once again. Liberté is gone. Forever.

"Who did this?" Nyx growled with anger. I looked up from Jack's now wet sweatshirt and saw that she had a determined grimace on behind her tears. "Who?"

"You heard the voice." Bunnymund said softly, putting a furry paw on her shoulder. "It was Pitch."

"We have to find him." Nyx said with such ferocity it burned the grass around her. "We will hunt him down. And kill him for good."

"I just want to...see her again." I coughed before falling against Jack and closing my eyes. I sighed and I opened them again. "Where is Pitch at? We have to find him."

"We're going with you." Esmeralda choked out, wiping away her tears.

"Our sister. Is dead." Daci said in shock. She was still looking at Liberté's body. Her own body was trembling in either anger or sadness. "We're going to kill Pitch. Now."

"We have to bury Liberté first." Talia put in quietly. Tears formed a steady river down her cheeks. "She deserves to be laid to rest."

"Do you hear the people sing?" I started to sing in a broken voice. I crawled from Jack's arms and sat beside Liberté. "Singing the song of...angry men. It is the...music of the people..." I trailed off, being choked by tears. "Who will...who will-"

"Not be slaves again." Nyx whispered, kneeling beside me. "When the beating of your heart."

"Echos the beating of the drums." Esmeralda, Talia, and Daci joined in, giving me the strength to finish the verse. "There is a life about to start when tommorow comes."