You had been waiting at the carnival grounds for about an hour now, and you were starting to think you had been stood up. "I am such an idiot! Of course the guy I just met wouldn't be serious about a relationship!" You started to walk around the grounds, when you got a HUGE craving for cotton candy. Digging in your pockets, you soon discovered you had no money. Sulking, you started to walk away when you heard a voice say, "Can I get two things of cotton candy please, one for me and one for...her." He said, pointing to you. "I saw you digging in your pockets, I figured you didn't have any money."

"Hehe, yeah. I came here for a date and I figured he would be a gentleman and pay for stuff. He's not even here." You rolled your eyes.

"Well you can join us if you want. My brothers and I are just hanging around the carnival. We got the day off. C'mon! I'll introduce you to them." He grabbed your hand and dragged you towards his friends, both of you laughing all the way. "Hey guys! Look, I found this girl!" The boy's friends look at him with their eyebrows raised. "You found...a girl?" The one in green says, smirking a bit. My cotton candy hero takes a bite from his blue cotton candy and then his eyes go wide. "Woah! That sounds so weird, I didn't mean it like that. She didn't have any money so I got her some cotton candy, and as a fellow cotton candy lover I decided to bring her over here to introduce you to her. But come to think of it, I can't really 'cuz I don't even know her name and..."

"We get it!" The spikes haired one yells, "You picked up a homeless girl and now we have to drag her along with us cause you thought she likes cotton candy!"

You stare at him, "I am not homeless! My date just didn't show up and I forgot my wallet!" You didn't like this red guy very much. Turning to the guy with cotton candy, you told him your name. "There, now you can introduce me to your friends, or brothers, although you guys look very different from each other."

"Awesome! That's Kai, the hothead, Cole, the leader, Zane, the brains, and me, Jay, the funny inventor, engineer, poet, chef, and writer."

"AKA the child..." Kai says, rolling his eyes a bit.

"HEY!" Jay says, pouting. His childish attitude is so funny that you can't help but start laughing.

Jay's POV

(Y/N) starts laughing and I realize I practically just confirmed what Kai said with the face I had pulled. Ya know what! Screw Kai, so what if I act like a child! At least I'm willing to have fun unlike Mr. Grumpy Pants over there. I grab (YN)'s hand again and yell back to my team, "We're going on rides! Ta-ta!" (Y/N) giggles as we race towards the biggest roller-coaster there. As we wait in line, I try to start some small talk with her. "So (YN), who do you live with? Do you have any pets? What's your favorite color? What's your second favorite color? Do you like roller coasters? How did you get here without your license? What do you think of my friends? Do you have any friends?" I pause to take a breath and I see her give me a devilish grin.

"On my own, a goldfish, (Y/FC), (Y2/FC), yes, took the bus, Kai's mean, Coles buff, Zane's quiet, I have one best friend!" She triumphantly answers all my questions in one breath.

"You think Coles buff? I don't know, I think I'm pretty strong too." I strike a pose which makes her laugh. After going on a couple rides we are all laughed out. "So you live on your own? Do you want to come over to our house? Well it's not really a house...more like a pirate ship that flies." I look at her, hoping the flying ship will get her. It so does!


"Well actually most of Ninjago has seen the Bounty when we go on missions, and 7 people live on it."

"Who cares! Lets go!" She's so excited it's crazy. We meet up with my team and head back to the Bounty.

Your POV

As we walk back to the Bounty I try to hide my excitement but fail. "Excited?" Cole asks, finally speaking. I nod enthusiastically. "So are you excited to hang out with us, or the ship?"

" it bad to say the ship?" I say.

"Haha, you and Jay are like twins. No wonder you became best friends quickly."

I sigh inside my head. I know Jay and I have a lot in common, but I ended up at the fair grounds because I put my trust in the wrong guy, and it hurt. Now I feel like I really trust Jay, and I honestly wouldn't mind becoming more than just friends, if you know what I mean. But is that how he sees our relationship? Best friends? Then I see it...and I hear it.

"Hey Nya! You wanna meet my new friend?" Jay gets Nya's attention when he grabs her hand and swings it back and forth. When she says "Sure" he doesn't run and pull her towards me, like he probably would've done with me, instead he walks with her hand in hand to introduce Nya to me.

"Hey (YN)! This is Nya, she's Kai's sister. And my..." He stops there when he sees my expressionless face. "Hello? Are you okay (YN)?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. I just...blanked out. Can I see the inside of the ship?" Jay nods and those two take me on a tour of the interior of the ship. I was so excited to see this and yet the only thing I could think of when I was walking through the hallways was, "Have I just been best friend zoned?"


Okay, here's the deal, I did this because of Jaya fans. Many of you have said something about Jaya, whether it was, "My favorite ninja is Jay but I'm a Jaya supporter" or "I loved the Jaya you put in that story". Of course I'm paraphrasing some things you awesome people said. If you are a Jaya fan you don't have to read the rest of this because it most likely will not end up with those two together. I mean, why should Cole, Zane, Lloyd, and Kai get girlfriends in my other stories but because the show gives Jay a premade crush on Nya, "you" only get to be his best friend? This is FANFICTION! Their motto is "Free your imagination" so this story will get twisted into love triangles galore! Basically what I wanted to do was appeal to Jay fangirls AND Jaya fans. So yeah, now my rant is over! Also, I need Lloyd ideas! If you are a Lloyd fangirl, what is your dream situation to meet him in? Tell me in reviews! Thanks, bye!