A.N: Well. It was a while since I've written anything. Let's hope this one works. This is the first time I've written anything about Zelda, so please forgive any incoherences. Thank you very much, and have a good read!

It was that night again. Once every month, the rays of the glorious full moon would part the clouds and illuminate the land of Hyrule with its majestic beauty. As the sun set below the horizon, the twilight would create silence, a calm in which no living being dared to speak up. Not only was it relaxing, but it was impossible to compare the sensations it would stir up in one's belly. The mere sight of the sun giving place to the moon was exciting, yet calming in a strange way.

Evil had been banished from the land along with Ganondorf. Lives had gone back to what they were before the rise of the false Twili King, and there was nothing to fear. Link had tried going back to his old life in Ordon. But how could he possibly achieve this miracle? The Hero was wide awake and wouldn't go back to sleep. Did he spend too much time in battle? Was he too far ahead to turn back? This was the reason why, once a month, he would leave the village without Epona or anyone and go out in the fields. There was a hill just outside of town where the view of the setting sun was simply gorgeous. That night, like every other full moons, he brought along a leather bag. No one in the village knew what was in this bag, and Link intended to keep it that way. After all, there was a part of his role that had always been a secret.

He watched in silence as the sun disapeared over Hyrule Castle's far away shadow and he briefly wondered how Midna was doing now that she had reclaimed her land. It must have been hard for her to live in the light for so long. However, now that he, too, had tasted the twilight's own light, he felt himself being dragged toward it. It made him feel ecstatic to being basked in shadow's personal light. This is why he was here that night. His breath caught in his lungs just thinking about it. Finally, the rays of bright light disapeared completely, and the sky turned a darker shade of blue, purple and red. Link pulled his leather bag on his thighs and unbuttoned it, opening it for just himself to see. The dark power of the stone Zant had cast on him long ago was as powerful as ever, but Link had grown accustomed to it. Now that Midna was gone, he had to find a way of dragging it with him without touching its rough surface, so the bag had been his first choice. Taking a deep breath, he reached inside. His fingers brushed against it, and a tingling sensation spread throughout his whole body. As darkness consumed him, his arms and legs bent in odd angles, his back curved and his spine lengthened, his nails became claws and his teeth became sharp as his skull shaped itself.

Finally, he stood on his four legs. The breeze brushed his newly acquired fur and his jaw muscles curved into a smile. It was overwhelming. He stepped on the edge of the hill, brought his head up to the moon and howled.

"Thank you, Ordona," he thought. "Thank you for allowing me this moment."

The night had started. His song hadn't even died out that he was running down the hill. Stalhounds would come out of the ground here and there, but he would simply ignore them. Running past them, he knew they would burrow themselves back in the dirt sooner or later. Nothing had to ruin this night. It was his night, the only time he allowed himself to touch the stone and feel the blood of the beast run wild inside him. The roads were empty, except for the occasional stray dog that would run away or the merchants carts heading to Hyrule Castle. Link ran on the roads, trotted between the trees, jumped in the grass, rolled in the dirt. It was his happy time. In a way, he was grateful no one got to see him like this, especially Midna or Ilia. It wasn't his human self that was showing that night, and he knew it.

For the next hours, he was in his own land, all through the night. When the sky started getting lighter and the moon paler, he knew it was over. He had ran all the way to Kakariko Gorge, where he had found this one group of good smelling flowers. He was laying down in them, basking himself in their sweet scents, when he noticed the sun getting up. The great wolf stood up and shook his fur, feeling a bit down.

"If only it could last longer…"

He started the trot back home, knowing he had a ways to go before reaching Faron Woods. As he was crossing the bridge, his ears perked up. A distant noise was coming up to him, louder and louder. He turned around and faced the distant walls of Kakariko. A small growl came out of his throat and the wolf backed away a little. That sound, like a rumble, was all too familiar. That's when he saw them. Three young Gorons, racing each other, yelling dares to each other, stormed rolling out of Kakariko's main gate, freezing the wolf in place. In his state, he mustn't be seen! Turning back, he ran out of the road and ventured in a patch of high grass, hoping to hide, but the rays of the sun suddenly illuminated the land with a harsh light that didn't help at all hiding this gigantic beast. Just his luck, when the Gorons passed down the road, one of them was hit by another and went off course, directly toward the hiding Link. He gasped and jumped out of harm's way just as the Goron passed by him, but he landed out in the open. The Goron landed on his side and stopped his rampage, so he had to unroll to get to his feet. Link made the mistake of meeting eyes with him: the Goron's eyes widened and he called to his friends:

"Hey guys! Look at that! It's that thing that was rummaging in the mountain last month!"

The other two Gorons stopped in their tracks and got to their feet just as fast. Link looked around him. The road was blocked by the Gorons and the exit was past them. Behind him was a field, but it lead only to walls and an empty gorge. Growling, the wolf watched as the other stone creatures approached and circled him, angry grins on their faces. Just to be sure, he tightened his bag's strap around his shoulder. The last thing he needed was to drop it in the grass and lose it.

"Well, well, what do we have here!" one of them said as he cracked his knuckles and sniffing the air. "It smells like evil…"

"We've looked all over the place for that mutt," the third one said. "So you have fun scaring the wits out of the townspeople, beast?"

"Let's get it!"

Giant fists of rock came raining down on him, and the wolf jumped back, right and left, trying to evade them as much as he could. He growled and barked at them, and as he ducked under a fist that came crushing the ground where he had stood, he regretted venturing in the mountain on his last stroll. Jumping back once more, his backside hit something and he looked back; he was at the wall. There was no escaping. The three Gorons circled him and laughed:

"Not going anywhere, are you, mutt?"

"Hahaha! He's gonna get it this time!"

Link's instincts suddenly kicked in. Barring his fangs, he sprang at the closest Goron and latched on to his face, digging his teeth in the soft flesh of his nose. Tasty blood flowed his mouth and, even as the Goron was trashing around yelling, he held on as long as he could. Something grabbed his leg and suddenly pulled in an impossible angle; there was a loud crack and Link let go, whining and barking at the Goron holding him. The injured one drew back, holding his face, and while the second was holding his messed up back leg, he heard a rumbling and had to turn. The third Goron had rolled up, and was now rolling in place, as if gaining more and more speed and strenght. Link's eyes widened, and the wolf drew back in the back of his mind. Now, only the fear of the human spread around in him. He was about to get crushed. In a matter of seconds, he would die.

The Goron sprang forward. The second one backed away. And Link's only reflex was to stumble away. His injured leg was caught by the rolling stone and the sudden pain that spread through his body made him go blind. The next thing he knew, he was laying on the ground in a pile of debris from the wall. He kept his eyes closed, trying to concentrate and regulate his breathing, but his leg was twitching in pain and he had to bite his tongue to keep quiet. He was hearing the Gorons talking to each other:

"I think you broke it."

"Mwell good fow it! Mah freakin' nose! Arh!"

"Come on, let's go back to the village. That shaman will get you something. That evil-smelling thing here shouldn't mess with us again!"

Loud steps echoed on the ground and he knew they had left. He forced his eyelids to open, and upon seeing their far away backs crossing the bridge, he felt relieved. He growled and whined, trying to concentrate, but his leg wouldn't listen. He forced his head up from the grass and looked down his canine body. His once grey and white fur was now covered in dirt and blood, and his back leg was twisted in an unnatural way. The flesh itself seemed twisted on itself, swolen and bleeding from the inside. As far as Link knew, it looked very bad and he had to get it treated. His other back leg moved under him and he wriggled as best as he could to get out from under the chunks of rock. Staggering up to his feet, he had to keep his injured leg up off of the ground. Whining, Link slightly growled.

"I didn't need this kind of problem… How in the Goddesses will I explain this to Bo?"

He suddenly thought of something. The strap of his bag had been cut off. He looked around, panicking, sniffing out in the debris, and caught his scent where the Goron had met with the wall. He limped over and stuffed his nose under a rock, pushing it back. The bag seemed okay at most, the sides were cut here and there but there was no hole in it. Releived, he used his bloodied teeth to unbutton it and pull the lid over. He took a peak inside. And felt his heart shatter to million pieces.

"Oh no… No, no, no, no! It can't be happening! Eldin, tell me this isn't happening!"

The stone was broken. At most a dozen of shards lay, useless, in the bag. Link could only stare at them, speechless. Was this true? What would happen now? It was beyond repair! This was an object of dark magic! How could it break so easily? Link tried to take a deep breath, and reached his nose inside. He touched a shard, hoping the effects would still be there. Nothing happened. It was dead silent. Link closed his eyes and tried to regain his bearings.

"It can't be broken. No, I'll find a way. There has to be a way! But I can't do anything useful with that leg… What to do… Should probably head back to the woods. I'll think this through once I'm there."

Using his teeth again, he buttoned his bag and took it in his mouth, the strap being useless. Link then started the long journey back home. He was limping and avoiding the road, as it was more used during the day, and crept close to the walls and in between the hills. The sun was already at its highest when he came in sight of Faron Woods. He was feeling ill all over and his head was heavy. He limped through the entrance to the woods and finally met with the cool shadows of the trees. When he passed in front of Coro's house, the salesman was nowhere to be found. He was probably visiting his sisters over in Lanayru. Hoping to find something to eat, Link went to take a look in the small pot that was always there above the bonfire and stuck his nose inside. The smell was horrible and Link frowned in disgust, pulling away. How could Coro eat that stuff? He wasn't even sure it was edible. Disappointed, the Hero limped further down the path into the woods and evaded the few Deku Babas that lined the road. He crossed the Spirit's Spring of Faron but didn't stop there. It was too much in the open and he wanted to be closer to his house. He counted himself lucky to live outside the village. It would certainly make things easier. Soon enough, he was out of the Faron Province and he was crossing the bridge he had crossed so many times as a human. He remembered how he had run through it to find the first Twilight wall. The first time he had met his beast blood.

Link walked slower and slower. He was getting more tired than he had thought. The injured wolf struggled to keep the pace, knowing that he had to get there. Soon enough, the Spirit Spring of Ordona was in front of him. He stepped in the warm and almost parfumed waters of the spring and he felt releived.

"Ordona, I beg of you. Let your sacred waters heal me. I once saved you from that Shadow Beast… now can you return the favor?"

As he had thought, he had no answer, but he knew the spirit had heard him. The wolf went to put the bag onto a rock producing out of the water and took a few good gulps of fresh water. He would eat later. Stepping at the edge of the water where he was in more dry sand, he laid his body down so his leg was completely underwater. Already his blood was being washed away in the slow current of the spring. Satisfied, the wolf put his head down on his front paws. He closed his eyes and fell almost immediately asleep.

It was a strange sound that woke him up, a few hours later. It was a clicking sound, like hooves, accompanied by a familiar voice.

"Come on, Amy! Move! You'll feel better in the Spirit's Spring, and if you're lucky, maybe we'll find you a fairy!"

It was Ilia's voice. Link raised his head and looked at the entrance to the spring just as the girl was in sight. She was helping Amy, a goat that hurt its leg a few days ago and wouldn't heal. The animal seemed reluctant, and Link just noticed how tasty it looked. Amy had probably smelled the wolf. As she helped Amy, Ilia was suddenly pushed back by the goat and it ran away toward the village, and the girl was left standing there, confused.

"Amy! What's wrong with her…?"

Her eyes met his, and she froze. Her hand went up to her mouth and he heard a small gasp.

"Oh, Goddesses…"

Ilia backed away, but Link tried to stand up, whining and growling.

"Wait! Don't go! I can explain!"

Of course, she couldn't understand him. Ilia gasped again, yelled:

"Don't come closer!"

And ran where she had come from. Link sighed in defeat. No one could possibly understand him. He was all alone, now. He should have been careful what to wish for.