In that moment he really wished he hadn't opened that damn door because this was going to be so hard, to explain away. Especially since he had told Stella he had some very important and serious business to attend to.

When he was younger he used to have this nightmare were he would open his bedroom door and a group of girls would be standing outside it. The girls would all laugh at him and be pointing out the fact that he was only wearing boxer-shorts. Never had he felt so humiliated and embarrassed as he did in those dreams, that were all until right now where it had actually come true.

There he were in the door way in nothing but his tighty-whiteys with the batman logo on, that he in all secret had bought on earth. In front of his girlfriend and three of her best friends who all happened to also be dating his friends. Now he knew for sure that he was never going to hear the end of this from his friends and it didn't help when Stella burst out in laughter and the other girls followed.

"So this is what you had to do, that were so important that you couldn't spent the day with me." Stella managed to get out between her laughter and crossed her arms as the girls got it under somewhat control. Though he could see they were fighting hard not to break out in laughter again.

"I can explain." He said not really knowing how he was going to do that, especially since all he was doing inside his head was asking himself why he had opened the door in the first place.

"Oh let me guess, Robin was on vacation and Batman needed your help?" Musa guessed with a smile.

"Or you are recreating the scene from risky business where Tom cruise are home alone." Bloom said but the reference was lost on the others since they had never seen the movie or knew who Tom cruise were.

"No matter what explanation you are whipping up as we speak, I propose you forget all about it and let us inside." Tecna suggested while she put up a finger as a sign for him not to interrupt her while she was talking.

"You see we are going to watch a little home video when the rest of the guys arrive. So either you can step aside or we can stand here in the hallway for everyone passing by to see you in all your … glory." Musa finished for Tecna, and Brandon didn't need to think twice about it, so he let them in while still painfully aware that he was only wearing underwear.

"Who is coming?" He asked after closing the door and tried to make it less uncomfortable than it was for him as the girls all found a seat in the couch.

"Timmy, Riven and Sky." Bloom answered as Musa, Stella and herself got comfortable in the couch next to each other. Meanwhile Tecna was preparing something on the TV.

"They should be here any minute and that means that I you have a little time to put on some pants." Stella informed him. And before long the rest of the guys were there as well and Brandon was once again wearing pants. As he sat there it was clear to him the girls were serious and very determined, now what it was about exactly he didn't know but he was sure he was going to find out.

"We want you to take us to the concert next weekend." Musa announced and the girls nodded along.

"We have talked about it and for the last time I'm not going end of discussion Musa. I'm not going to see the worst boy band in history, not even if I got paid. In fact I would rather break both my legs then listen to their music." Riven said frustrated, that he yet again had to make it clear to her.

"For once I agree with Riven." Sky agreed and looked apologetic over at Bloom." I just can't stand that band."

"You don't like them neither Tecna. Why do you want to go?" Timmy asked Tecna confused, since he remembered very clearly her stating she didn't like them.

"I changed my mind about the band; it is not a crime you know." Tecna replied aggravated, were it too much to ask that her boyfriend took her to a concert.

"Can we just watch that home video and get this over with "Brandon proposed

"Yes lets." Stella said, sounding almost pleased with herself. Making all the guys wondering what were so special about this tape.

"I suggest you reconsider your answers while watching." Tecna said when she had pressed play and sat down. The first thing they saw was Timmy who was sitting at his laptop, nothing strange or unusual about that but Timmy quickly started to get restless in his seat and the girls all smirked.

"How did you get this?" Timmy asked knowing without a doubt what was about to unfold.

"Tecna forgot her video camera." Musa explained as Timmy on the TV started to suddenly scream out loud and stood up on his chair. His terrifying and panicking screams ended only to be replaced by heartfelt yelling for help. Though they couldn't quite make out what he was saying they could all make out the words monster and huge. Before any of the guys could ask him what it all were about a little white mouse came crawling in under the chair and stop just with its upper body outside so Timmy could see it.

And it was clear to everyone when he noticed it, he literally jumped up in the air and landed on his left leg while he was holding on the other and hugging it tightly to his body. His mouth was wide opened with a scream stuck in his throat while his whole being was trembling in fear. All in all Timmy looked like he was standing face to face with his worst fear- And it looked hilariously.

"Really a mouse?" Riven managed to get out as he struggled to breathe because he was laughing so hard. In fact the only one who wasn't laughing in the room was Timmy who was waiting for the laughter to die out.

"It wasn't that funny." Timmy declared but Sky quickly set the record straight.

"That is THE FUNNIEST thing I have seen all year."Sky emphasized for Timmy before returning to laughing.

"Oh wait till you see the next one." Stella said and the scene on the TV shifted. It was still in the dorm room but now there were two people sitting in the couch in their bathrobes while two young woman were giving them facial mask. Now Timmy and Brandon had a bit of trouble figuring out who those two were while Riven and Sky turned pale and looked at each other in shock.

"This is the avocado mask right?" They all heard Riven's voice ask through the TV and Timmy and Brandon looked around in disbelieve.

"That's right it is Riven and Sky, we have three hours long videos of the two of them getting mani and pedicures together after the facials and the massage. Apparently it something they do once a month together." Tecna in lighted them with as the girls all giggled.

"I always thought your hands were soft and smooth." Musa said looking directly at Riven while Brandon and Timmy broke out in laughter.

"Okay we get it." Riven mumbled.

"Now we have one more extra to watch, that in fact answer the question of why Brandon isn't wearing his shirt." Bloom said and Brandon froze. Beside from his batman underwear Brandon had also gotten a mix CD with some songs from earth. The next 15 minute everyone was hysterically laughing at Brandon who first was dancing to Backstreet boys' song everybody, while stripping down to his underwear.

Then he moved on to dance on the table while They Might Be Giants song Istanbul (not Constantinople) played, where he apparently according to Riven looked like a retarded duck there was getting suffocated. Next were love bites by def leppard were he moved on to dance with the lamp and traumatized the lamp forever with his dirty dancing, if you asked Sky and Tecna. And last but not least wannabe by Spice Girls was the finale.

"Now that is the funniest thing I have seen all my life." Stella cried from the floor were her and Musa was laughing so much that it actually hurt their stomachs.

The guys needed no more "convincing" to show up the next weekend to the concert. After a week with numerous checks for hidden cameras and Timmy putting the lamp to rest forever, the sound of the crew drowning out the music were almost relaxing.

But one thing was clear to them- they needed to get that video back and destroy it.

Here you have it the 1th December now this one shot had nothing to with Christmas but I promise there will be a few there is going to be. Please let me know what you think about it or if you have an idea for a one shot you want me to write.

That's all for today

Make up your mind