The Five Horsemen

J. Daniel Atlas was sitting in his old rundown apartment, reading the times. Danny always asked himself why he, the great Daniel Atlas, one of the four horsemen, who had robbed an armed truck, performed inception on a French man to make him fly to Vegas based on random suggestions, made his think he robbed 3.2 million Euros from an French bank from Las Vegas, completely cleared out Arthur Tressler's bank account, fake a death that could have killed anyone on the bridge if the slightest thing went wrong, and finally burst into fake money as he jumped off a building… was still living in a cramp apartment with no Wi-Fi. He would go out and get some new things for the apartment, but then he would be spotted and Dylan had told all four of them to wait until further instructions, and not to be recognised. Well he had to go out at one point the food was fast running out even with only one person to feed.

Just then the doorbell rang; this confused Danny as no one actually knew he lived there and he added ordered anything. Hell the only thing he ever ordered was pizza and he had to phone in under the name of Liam Williams and he left a note on the door with "Please knock and leave pizza outside door, money in envelope, keep the change."

Danny kicked over his chair and waded his way through lots of old pizza boxes and playing cards. He eventually reached the door. He looked through the peephole in his door, but no one was there. He opened the door wide and looked around; it was only when he looked down that he saw the small piece of paper at his feet. Danny couldn't have been more wrong, it wasn't a piece of paper… was a tarot card. The lovers. He turned over the card to see the eye symbol and the ever same date, time and place was on it. Then it hit him, it was two years since the four horsemen came to be. He had been in that cramped little flat for almost a year. Wow time flies when you're almost dying of boredom.

"Dylan," Danny thought "You've done it again."