Akemi: Hello...

Everyone: ...hi...

Akemi: Let's get one with the story it's called...The Truth

[Warning: this is based on Zexal II episode 91 it's not exactly the same but oh well, so I own nothing...except no duel..!]

Chapter 4:

The Truth

Yuma said "Hey umm...Bronk what's wrong? your acting a little weird today"

Bronk responded "It's just well...I wanted to ask Shark to duel so I can be able to ask Rio out..." Daydreams about Rio

Yuma said with a sigh " Um...yeah I'll be going now..." Takes Bronk's skateboard while he daydreams...again!?

Later in the School roof

Today I must say that Bronk is getting into Ryou's nerves one is because...

"Please let me duel you for Rio-senpai!~" Bronk begged

"I've already told you NO! Now leave me alone..." Ryou didn't listen he just snapped at Bronk and walked away

Bronk sighed and then he shouted "Why won't you let me have a duel with you, huh?"

Ryou turned and look at Bronk with prey eyes

Bronk step back a little in fear

Ryou said "Because Your not even at Yuma's level, Chum!..." Ryou said as she walks away

Bronk looked down at disappointment and realized what Ryou just said 'Your not even at Yuma's level, Chum' It made him feel sad that he would rather let Yuma have rio than him...

Someone was hiding behind the bushes...it was Flip and Caswell...!?

Flip laughed "Well, well.. that was surprising...

Caswell said "Di-Did you hear that!? Ms. Kamishiro only wants Yuma to have Rio as he's girlfriend!?"

Flip hit Caswell in the head "IDIOT!? Yuma and Rio are dating!?

Caswell gasped in surprise "WE need to let everyone know!"

Flip said "Caswell...that's the most stupid Idea I've ever heard..."

Caswell turn quiet "..."

Flip jumped up "I LIKE IT!"


The Article was published and everyone was whispering about it then Rio came with an unsatisfying face

Rio walk in where Yuma & Ryou's class is and slam the door open

Everyone jumped in surprised when they saw Rio walking in and trust me she did not look happy!

But everyone tried to not make eye contact and stared whispering to each other

Rio ignored them all and just went to Yuma's direction "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ALL THIS!?"

Yuma looked at Rio "Wh-WHAT!? I have F***ing no idea what you're talking about?"

Rio pulled out the news Article and the first thing Yuma saw was him and Rio together with heart shapes

Yuma gasped "WHAT!? ...Wh-What the hell!?...I.."

Ryou came in Yuma's way "Yuma...SHUT UP! I"M TRYING TO READ!?" She said as he hit Yuma with the book Ryou was reading

Yuma yelped "Ow...Why did you did that?"

Ryou turned away "Because If you guys are going to talk about something pointless do it somewhere else!"

Yuma patted Ryou on the head "Your jealous aren't you because I was talking to your sister, right?"


Girl# 1 whispered "oh looks like Yuma is a two-timer flirting with Ryo and Ryou I feel sorry...ha!" Group of girls start giggling

Ryou turned to them and walked up to them with a 'Your dead meat' face "Who the F*** said that?"

Girl#2 nervously said "Um...we were just chatting about s-stuff...a-and...!"

Ryou snapped "Oh Shut the F*** up! You girls are pissing me off! WHY DON'T YOU B**** GO TALK BEHIND PEOPLES BACK SOMEWHERE ELSE...unless you want to die..." She looked at the girl with the same cold eyes she gives everyone

Girl#1 & 3 said while nervously walking away "S-Sorry...Sh-Sharku...w-we'll be leaving..." the group of girl ran off of the classroom

The room went silent...

Ryou turned to everyone next "Oi! What are you looking at?..."

Everyone turned away in fear

Ryou sigh and sat down in her seat where Rio & Yuma was "So what are you whining about this time, Rio?

Rio yelled at Ryou "I'm not Whining!? It's just..."

Ryou patted Rio "Whatever it is...I don't care...I'm sure you can take care of it yourself..." she walked out of the classroom

As soon as the door closed Rio yelled "BAKA!? THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANT TO KNOW!? COME BACK HERE!" She ran after her big sister

Yuma a little confused said "um...What the hell just happen?..."

Tori said "um...I think they're gonna fight..."





Yuma said "Let go watch!"

Tori smiled "Okay!~"

Later at the school yard

Ryou said with an annoyed look "Rio when will you stop following me?"

Rio yelled "Ryou It's your fault these rumors happened ...!"


Ryou and Rio glared at eachother

Yuma ran over to the girls and saw that they were fighting

Tori shouted "Oh! Their gonna fight, Yuma!? wh-what are we gong to do?"

Caswell whisper to flip "Are you sure about this Flip?"

Flip laughed "Hey! it's the truth!? besides this can also be in the article two girls fighting for Yuma...ha...ha"

Caswell said in his thoughts "/And he wonders why we aren't friends../"

Bronk said as he walks over to Yuma "Did you read this ARTICLE!? HOW COULD YOU!?" Bronk pick up Yuma from his collar

Yuma responded "Baka! I'm not dating Rio...I'm-!?"

Ryou said looking at Yuma "Hey Yuma!"

Yuma looked over at Ryou "huh?"

Ryou sighed "do you have any idea what's going on about this rumor!?"

Yuma nervously said "Well...um..."


Ryou was in shock, and felt hurt like she was stabbed in the back when Ryou heard those words..."!?"

Yuma got free from Bronk's grasp "Bronk, me and Rio are not Dating!? I'm dating-!"

"YOU A***HOLE!" Ryou threw her shoe at Yuma's face

Yuma fell back "Ow!...that hurt...!"

Then Yuma looked up at Ryou "Wait Ryou I'm not-!..." but he notice tears fell down in Ryou's cheeks...she was crying?!

Rio was surprised too "Um...Ryou?..."

Ryou kept crying although Rio has no idea why her big sister was crying for but Yuma understood why?

Yuma walked over to Ryou and embraced her "It's alright...You don't have to worry...I only love you, Ryo-chan"

Her eyes widen but she hugged Yuma back and said calmly "Baka...not infront of everyone..."

Everyone except Tori was like "HUH!? WHAT THE-!?"

Rio said while blushing "b-but you made the rumor about me and Yuma dating!? that's not right!?"

Ryou looked confused and said "What? I never said that...besides me and Yuma-kun are dating.."

Bronk fell on the ground..."S-So...w-wait...Yuma and Rio-Senpai aren't dating?"

Yuma yelled "Like I said I'm not going out with Rio...I'm going out with Ryou-Chan..."

Bronk face-palm himself "I'm such an idiot"

Tori interrupted "Sorry to break it to you guys but if Shark didn't start the rumor who did?"


Everyone turned around to see who was speaking

Caswell scratched he's head "Um...it was me and Flip who wrote the rumor...we sort of overheard your conversation Bronk and Shark...Ha..."


Ryou got really pissed off "You...You...MORONS!? WHAT'S EVEN WORST YOU EAVESDROPPING!? YOU GONNA PAY!?"

Flip and Caswell bowed down "W-Were sorry! please forgive us..."

"Oh boys..."

Flip and Caswell turned around and saw Rio behind them "Well...You think saying sorry is gonna fix it, huh?...what you need...is A PUNISHMENT!?"

Then Flip and Caswell ran away and Rio chased after them "Come back here you, BASTARDS!?

"AHHHHAAHH!" Flip and Caswell Yelled as they ran

Ryou sighed "All this was a waste of time"

Yuma said "You know Ryou..."

Ryou questioned Yuma "Hm? What is it?"

Yuma took Ryou's hand "Seeing you Jealous makes me Happy that I fell in love with you..." he smiled


Yuma stick his tongue out "I just can tell..." he smirked

Ryou slowly walked away "You know sometime you really piss me off"

Yuma whined "HUH!? WHY? Why? Why? I just told you how I feel and then you just throw your boyfriend like trash that is despicable!"

Ryou patted Yuma's head "Man...your such a pain...but that's the whole reason...why I...started this relationship because no matter how much you annoy me, your always there for me..."

Yuma blushed hard "Ryou...you really-!"

Tori whistled "OOOO~ Yuma and Shark sitting in a tree...K.I.S.S.I.N.G"

Yuma yelled "Tori Shut up!"

Ryou said "Pfft...Well that killed the mood..."

Akemi.C: Now kids theirs a lesson here NEVER...and I mean NEVER START A FRIGIN' RUMOR...EVER!? ^U^

Fuya: Ha, Ha...Akemi-Chan maybe you shouldn't be too harsh

Akemi.C: Your right...but I'm warning you! 0_o!?

Fuya: Okay...Please Review and Favorite, Sayonara!~