Envy POV

That stupid fucking runt... Thinking they could kill me! ME?! ENVY?! I WAS IMMORTAL, UNTOUCHABLE! Even with father gone, I could rise up. I could rule all by myself! I just need time. Yes... time... If only I had as much to spend anymore..

I've been crawling about these damn sewers for years now.. I'd never admit it, especially to that smug ass Mustand, but I was running away. Not from the military, not from Amestris... no... I was running because... It doesn't fucking matter anymore!

I'm still underneath Central. 5 fucking years.. crawling around these father forsaken sewers.. that's it.. That's it! I can't take anymore of this fucking sulking. My eyes burn. I am getting my fucking revenge. I am envy damnit, ENVY! And I will not sit around idly by, while that fucking runt lives happily ever after!

I find the quickest alley Ican. The manhole is nothing to move. It's half rusted off, and I can tell it rained recently, keeping it wet and loose. The cold helps too, as I quickly push it aside, before dipping behind the nearest wall to the streetline. I look around, searching for an easy swap. There, a little brunette heading shopping.

The familiar lightning crackles across my skin. What a wonderful feeling.. A moment later, I slip into another street, opposite to hers. A few slipped wallets later, and train fare is easy. Might even grab myself a snack along the way. Heh, gluttony woulda cheered..

I shake my head clear of those memories. Those two are gone. No point letting my head dwell in the past anymore. No, I have a head to take. I copy a warm coat i catch a glimpse of along the train stop, dipping into a stall to ensure no one notices. Humans, so easy to fool.

The train arrives pretty quickly. One thing they are good for, making reliable machines. Guess that comes with the natural stupidity of humans. They need something reliable. Ensures their lives never have to change, and neither do they. I quickly board, hoping no one recognizes my persona as I get my ticket checked, before finding a quiet seat off to the side. A slow day, only a couple people in this car. Seems my lucks on the up and up.

A moment later I feel the pain. A sudden straining in my lungs. What the fuck? I start coughing, holding my hand to my mouth trying to make it seem as benign as possible. Fuck this hurts! It gets harsher, with each bump of the tracks i feel it burn worse, and worse. Fuck it feels like I'm burning on the inside. Fuck, fuck!

The few saps on the train glance my way, worry in their eyes. I do my best to wave it off, quickly forming one of those inhalers as I take a breath from it. Maybe if I play the asmathic they'll leave me be, as i cough almost violently between intakes. It works, for the moment at least. I hear the train slowing down, even as my lungs seem to only burn faster.

Stumbling, I clutch the upper strap, waiting by the door as the train slowly crawls to a hault. The moment the door opened, I took off as fast as my feet could carry me. I felt sluggish, like I was wearing iron weights all over. Father this hurts so badly.. I shouldn't be getting sick.. I can't get sick. What the fuck is going on..

Halfway up a dirt road, i feel my legs finally give out. I crumble, half falling into a grass field, as i clutch my chest tightly. My stomach is violently churning as my lungs feel like they are trying to breathe in hot metal. "AHHH!" I scream out painfully, eyes clamped shut as i feel my disguise fade away, back to the human persona I'd come to enjoy. That's when the worst pain hit.

I turned over, clutching my chest so tightly I tore my top, as i started coughing even more violently. A mixture of blood, bile and spit spattering across the grass, my free hand clenched tight as i punch against the ground, desperately hoping to beat away the pain, before i feel a large lump curl in my throat.

I started coughing more, this time it isn't blood that comes up. It's something resembling it, but I know better. My stone, in liquid form being spat up onto the grass. Oh father no... am I dying?! Is this what a homunculus does, when it dies of age?! How many times did I die?! No, I'm not ready! I need to kill him!

With one final, painfully loud screaming cough, i vomit up easily half a liter of blood, and a small, barely visibly stone among it as it painted the grass red. Then, it crumbles away as my vision begins to turn black, before collpasing into the grass. I counted the seconds. 1...2...3.. waiting for the end to come..

But... After what felt like ages, I was still here. I slowly opened my eyes, staring at my hand still coated with semi-dried blood. It felt lighter.. I felt lighter. My eyes snapped open fully now, as i sat up, instantly trying to shift. I didn't care who might see, I had to know, but nothing happened.

My hands began to shake, as i slowly stared down at myself. I wasn't changing... I was stuck like this.. Slowly I reached up, touching my face. It wasn't the cold flesh i was used to. I didn't feel the crawling beneath the facade, of the souls I kept inside. I felt warmth. I felt flesh. I felt... "human.." muttering shakily under my breath.

My eyes began to shake, as i scrambled to my feet. No no no no! if this is some sick fucking dream I desperately wanted to wake up, but I never did. I screamed. I screamed louder than I'd ever screamed in my life, even when that bastard Mustang burned my eyes. I clutched my head in pure terror. How was this happening?! Was Father really right?! Was God real? Was i being punished? For what?!

My head snapped down the road. I could see it, 3 miles down the long pathway. The Rockbell home. The place the runt was staying. I had to get answers. I just couldn't stay like this. I could get revenge once i was fixed, but he might be my only chance to get back to how I was, willingly or not. I instantly take down the pathway, frowning deeply as the rocks and gravel below my feet sting across my now real fleshy soles. Fuck how do humans do this?! Oh right, shoes.

I bite through it, tears welling in my eyes as i stumble and run as best I can. I need to know what the fuck is happening, I.. I... I need Help!