Everything was warm and quiet when Will woke up. He didn't open his eyes. He wanted to enjoy this moment of peace before getting up for the day. He knew his mate would want him to get up to make him breakfast, but he wanted a few more minutes before then. Will yawned and stretched, and he felt an arm curled snugly around his torso. He sighed and wished his mate wouldn't hold him so close. His mind began to wonder over to Hannibal and a smile came across his face. He wouldn't mind if the alpha held him with his strong arms. Well, at least they looked strong under his suits. He entertained the idea of a shirtless Hannibal and smiled.
Will nuzzled his face into his pillow and sighed. He even could smell Hannibal. It was a nice change from what he usually woke up to. The body behind him shifted, curling closer to him. The muscled arms flexed as they repositioned to rest around his hip while the other slipped under Will's pillow to cushion his neck.
Well, this was different. His mate has never done this before. Will opened his eyes and froze.
This wasn't his room. The room was white and pristine with red curtains covering the window which gave the room a red glow. Everything Will could see seemed nice and expensive. Will looked down at the bed, finding it to be nicer than anything he'd ever slept on. What was going on? Where was he? The arm under his head moved slightly, and Will caught sight of the well manicured hand peeking out from beneath his pillow. Slowly, Will turned his head. Sleep filled maroon met his own, and Hannibal smiled at him.
"Good morning, Will. I trust you slept well." the alpha said, and suddenly everything hit Will at once.
"Oh my God." Will sat up and tried to jump out of bed, but Hannibal tightened his hold.
"Will, calm down."
"Oh my God I murdered him!" Will cried, his hands starting to claw at his hair. Hannibal put an immediate stop to it and pulled the omega closer. Will tried to slap his hands away, but hissed as his sore shoulder flared up.
"Will, you need to be calm otherwise you'll hurt yourself." Hannibal succeeded in pinning Will back to the bed. Will continued to whine, the images of what happened last night running through his head. He had murdered his alpha! Even if he was safe from him he would still go to jail.
His mind was in such a whirl he didn't notice as Hannibal crushed him to his chest.
"Will, take it easy. Take it easy. It's okay." Hannibal soothed him, ducking the omega's head under his chin as he positioned them closer. Will's breathing sped up and came out harsher and harsher, small whimpers soon following. "It's okay, Will. You are still suffering from your broken bond. The feeling will pass."
Hannibal moved his hands over his back in circles before pressing down gently on the back of his neck. Will gasped before going completely limp. There was a pressure point in the back of all omegas' necks when pressed hard enough can render them immobile. Will always thought it was a stupid thing to have. His mate had used it before, but it was usually a lucky strike. Hannibal, being a doctor, would obviously know where to push.
The older alpha moved Will to his side before spooning behind him once more. He continued to stroke and pet him while he forced him to curl up.
"It's okay, William. Everything will be okay." Hannibal whispered as he laid kisses along his neck. Will flinched, but there wasn't much he could do. He took a deep breath and his senses were filled with Hannibal's scent. He relaxed. When Will's breathing finally calmed, Hannibal loosened his hold and sat up.
"I'll make some breakfast. Would you like to have it down stairs or should I bring it up?"
Will blinked up at him, his panic gone and leaving his body drained. However, he shook his head.
"I... I'll come down." He answered, and Hannibal leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead.
"I'll come check on you in a little bit. You should be able to move in a few minutes." After brushing Will's hair one more time, Hannibal stood. Will watched as the alpha put on a bath robe before disappearing through the door. Will tried to move, but his limbs refused to budge. Sighing, he slipped his eyes closed to wait it out and listened as Hannibal moved around down stairs. After a few minutes with the alpha's scent floating around him, Will was asleep once more.
Will wasn't sure what time it was when he woke the first time, but it was now nearing eleven o' clock. He slowly made his way downstairs and admired the paintings on the walls and cool hardwood under his feet. He paused when he neared the dinning room, spotting Hannibal sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and a tablet in hand. The alpha looked up and gave him a fond smile. He stood up, but Hannibal didn't go near the omega and disappeared into the kitchen before returning with a plate of eggs and sausage.
"I put your food in the oven to keep it warm." Hannibal said as he laid out the meal. Will continued to stand even when Hannibal sat back down. Will tugged at his shirt sleeve, suddenly aware he was wearing the alpha's clothes.
"I was... Covered in blood." Will began, and Hannibal continued to watch him. When Will made no efforts to continue, Hannibal sighed softly.
"I disposed of your old garments and washed you off." At Will offended look, he smirked. "William, I'm a doctor. There's nothing I haven't seen before."
Will tried to glare but instead he yawned.
"Are you still tired? Would you like to go back to bed for a little while?"
Will remained silent before stepping into the dinning room and took a seat across from Hannibal. The alpha smiled as Will brought the plate closer to him, but it dulled when the omega remained still. Will blinked at his food, eying the meal before him. Will continued to stare at the food before Hannibal reached over slowly and brushed his hand over the omega's forehead.
"It would be wise to have some food, Will. You must be hungry." Hannibal said. The hand trailed away from his forehead to cup his cheek. Will leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. "It would make me happy if you ate. You don't have to eat all of it."
Will breathed in deeply before opening his eyes. He saw the concern etched into Hannibal's face, and he realized the alpha was more expressive than he had ever been. Finally, Will pulled away from his hand, picked up his fork, and began to eat. He didn't eat much, just tiny bits at a time. Hannibal didn't seem to mind. He returned to his reading once he was satisfied Will was getting something to eat, sneaking glances here and there. The alpha's concern made Will's heart swell, and he ducked his head down whenever the two accidentally made eye contact.
After a few minutes Will pushed the plate away, most of the meal still on the plate. Hannibal dutifully stood and took the plate from him.
"I'll put this back in the oven in case you want to finish it later."
Will gave a nod. His mind was wandering back to last night. Now, as he was calmer, he was remembering details and things that happened. He remembered killing his mate, he remembered calling Hannibal, and... he remembered Hannibal taking care of the body in a professional way. He's done this before, Will had thought back in the car and he thought about it again.
Will's stopped from his thoughts as he's picked up in strong arms, arms that had picked up his mate's body and stuffed him in the trunk.
The omega didn't fight as Hannibal carried him back to the bedroom and putting him back into bed. He soon joined him, curling up next to him, but he kept his hands away. Will could tell he wanted to put his arms around him and nudged closer. Taking the hint, Hannibal wrapped his arms around Will's waist snuggled closer.
"Don't you have work?" Will asked.
"I made arrangements at the hospital." Hannibal replied, scenting Will's hair. "Told them it was an emergency with a client."
Will nodded and the room fell silent once more. The question was in the air, but neither one wanted to address it. Finally, Will couldn't take it anymore.
"Where is he?" Will asked.
"Don't worry about that," Hannibal answered. "He's been taken care of."
How can I not worry, Will thought, but kept quiet. The muscled arms contract around him, and Will closed his eyes.
"You're a killer." Will mumbled. "And not just an ordinary one. You know the ropes. You know what to do. You're not like me who killed on accident or in self defense. You plan your kills."
Hannibal tightened his hold, but said nothing.
Will continued. "I should be horrified. I should be trying to escape, to leave. I should call the police, but I find that I just don't care anymore." Will dared to look up. "I feel, for the first time in years, safe." Will laughed. "I feel safe with a killer. How ironic is that?" Will laughed more, and he would have continued on if Hannibal hadn't placed his lips over his.
The omega fell into the kiss, clinging tightly to his new alpha with all his strength. He growled as the kiss grew harder and bit down into Hannibal's lip. As the blood spilled into his mouth, Will clawed at Hannibal's clothes and scratched along his torso. Hannibal groaned before pulling away and pushing Will back. Will blinked, dazed and shocked.
Oh no, I did something wrong. I should have asked for permission before-
Hannibal swooped in and gave him a long, hard kiss, effectively distracting him from his thoughts. When Hannibal pulled away, Will was too breathless to think or speak.
"As much as I would love to continue, we have to talk about our plan."
"Plan... What plan?"
"It would be too suspicious if you suddenly had a new mate. We need to wait."
Will's thoughts snapped back at him, reminding him how exactly he wound up in Hannibal's bed. He sat up, but didn't freakout. Instead he pulled a blanket around him and leaned back against the head board.
"I... don't know what to do..." Will looked at Hannibal in fear. "I can't lie, Hannibal. I was going to be a cop before people realized I was an omega." Hannibal lifted an eyebrow at the comment, but Will continued on. "I grew up obeying the law, obeying my family, obeying my mate. I don't think I can-"
"Did your parents encourage you to get a job? To go to college?" Hannibal asked suddenly.
"I- no, they were against it. They wouldn't help me pay for my way, but how does-"
"And when did you graduate? You are a teacher, so you must have your graduate degree. Also, you said you were going to be a cop before they caught what you truly are. That takes more than a couple of years." Hannibal sat up and forced Will to look him in the eye. "You are weak, Will Graham, but you are stubborn for what you want. So, what is it you want now?"
Will stared at Hannibal with wide eyes before a smile crossed his face.
"You," he whispered. He crawled into Hannibal's lap and buried his nose into his neck. He took a deep breath and nuzzled the barred neck, leaving little bites here and there. "I want you." His heart began to swell and tears steamed down his face. He had never felt this happy before. He finally found someone to love and protect him and there was no way he was going to let this go. "I want you."
Hannibal hugged him back before pushing him back. They looked each other in the eyes before they fell into a passionate kiss once more. After pulling away, Hannibal gently bit at Will's bruised neck and sighed.
"This will take time." he said, nosing at a the omega's jugular. "Just follow my instructions and soon we'll be together without any worries."
Will smiled and brought the killer's face up for another kiss.
"I will; I'll do anything, Hannibal. I'll do anything for you."
I know this chapter is much shorter than the others, but as I said this is not the last of these two. They will return later on in the series. The next installment for this particular story will be in a different story, so look for that in the future.