
The doors of the prison opened. As a mild draft came through, Anna tighten her cloak. Elsa had pulled back the winter, but that didn't stop the heavy winds that came.

"Your highness..."

Anna smiled and nodded at the guards.

One of them escorted her further into the prison. Once they reached a specific cell, they both stopped. He looked... different. His hair was all a mess. Mud smeared all over his clothes. No one would guess he was a Prince of the Southern Isles. He looked so different than the day they first met.

She turned towards the guard.

"You may go."

Once the guard was gone, Anna realized Hans was looking at her.

"What do you want?" he began. "If you've came here to gloat, to tell me you won, you're only wasting your time."

Anna looked to the floor, breathing. "I didn't come here to do that."

His brow crunched. "Then what do you want? People have been laughing at my face ever since I've been locked up. My brothers are only going to throw more dirt at my face once I get back to the Isles. You of all people hate me the most, I tried to kill Elsa...!"

His voice echoed through out the chambers. She breathed again. No matter how much Anna tried to hate Hans... she couldn't.

She opened her eyes. "Yes... you did try to kill Elsa. You left me behind to freeze up and you were going to take Arendelle for yourself. What you did was wrong, but I understand why you did it."

Behind the facade of a man, a scared little boy was behind his eyes. A scared, sad, angry little boy. Still torturing himself after so many years...

They were both the youngest sibling. Anna couldn't imagine living with twelve older brothers or sisters, though if Anna had an unkinder life, she would have ended up like Hans.

On the evening of the ball, he was so attentive. So understanding. Was any of it true?

"Maybe this is a good chance to reconnect with family, Hans," she began. "If you're anything like the guy I knew on Elsa's coordination, be that guy. I know he's around there somewhere..."

She began to walk up to the surface.

"I know this looks bad, Anna..."

Her footsteps stopped. What more did he had to say?

"Despite everything that's happened, I would have never shut you out."

She turned to look at him.

She couldn't bring herself to hate him. In fact, she felt sorry for him. Though, she couldn't believe the words he just said.

"Don't close all your doors, Hans..." she couldn't let him see her cry. "If you don't give up on them, they're bound to open up."