Chapter 1; Sun and Stars

Asgard, the city of wonder bathed in golden light. Its buildings standing proud and tall against the backdrop of the starry night. A perfect circle of an island marked the cities borders, aside from the rainbow road leading out to the bifrost and all the wonders of the nine realms. And in the middle of this island the castle rose up, every pathway, every nook and cranny driving its way towards it. It could be seen from all over the city, and all respected it and the rulers who lived inside. Odin, their proud ruler for many years, feared growing old. It was no secret he had intentions of putting his eldest on the throne before he fell into the Odin sleep. But tonight was special, tonight was the night the news was publicly announced for the first time and all the nobles that lived in the palace, and the ones that didn't, flocked there to celebrate the "unexpected" news.

Aside from her feet on the pavement, a young woman made her way up the grand stairs and into the palace. She had no need to showing the guard her invitation, he knew who she was and she knew him. An old friend you might say. She waved at him before pulling her cloak a little tighter around herself. The wind was bitter and they were predicting rain. She doubted that even with the rain it would do little to damper the spirit of the party she found when she wandered into the throne room. The room was basked in a shimmering glow that made her smile and reach up to pull down her hood, shaking out her long dark hair. The guests were milling around, some chatting, others danced, but everyone was dressed up to the nines, as nobles usually were. The young woman glanced down to make sure her book was still tucked up under her arm before she spotted who she was looking for.

"Father," She said, pulling off her cloak with a fluid motion as she walked over to greet him. He looked up hearing her voice and smiled. Her father didn't have much to him, like her he was quite small and somewhat fragile, though he would not have you believe that thought when you came across him at the market striking his business deals. He was fearsome them.

"My daughter, sweet thing, where you at the library this whole time?" He asked, taking her head in his warm hands.

"I got caught up reading," She admitted softly showing him the book she had with her about midguardian constellations. "It fascinates me and I was hoping to show it to Thor and Loki. Where are they?"

"Last time I saw Thor he had some pretty women trying to convince him to dance." Her father said with a soft laugh.

"I should go find him then," She replied with a giggle. It took her a few minutes, worming her way around the dance floors edge, her deep purple dress trailing along behind her, before she spotted the tall familiar blonde man.

"Thor!" She cried, waving her hand at him. She heard his booming laugh before she was engulfed in a tight hug and lifted clear off the ground and held aloft so he could see her better.

"Elaine!" He said before putting her back on her feet and allowing her grace to straighten out her dress and hair before he pointed to the book in her hand. "Still have your nose in books I see. Your father told me you have begun to study the stars of midguard."

Elaine laughed softly, like soft bells before elbowing him.

"I was not bred for fighting like you, nor for magic like your brother. My only true strength is in the knowledge I collect and study. Speaking of your brother, I have a request for you both." She waved him in closer, so he voice was smothered by the beautiful music. "Come to my quarters as soon as you can slip away and we'll go stargazing. You, me and Loki." She pulled back to see his smile and feel the small pat on her shoulder.

"I shall meet you there soon. Loki is probably following mother around or with father, if not look for the nearest source of mischief," He added with a smirk and a wink before he moved away, proclaiming he might as well dance with the women who'd been dying for his attention the whole night. Elaine smiled as she watched him go. Ever since they had been children, Thor had been her friend and ally. She had grown up being outcast for her father being nothing more than a common merchant, despite the fact her mother had been a noblewoman, but had died during childbirth. So her father had done the best he could and gave her books and all the knowledge she could ever want in an attempt to keep her away from the other noble women, who would ridicule and shame her.

The fact they were invited tonight was probably mostly due to Frigga. The woman had practically adopted her as a daughter and was the closest thing to a mother Elaine had ever known. She was also known for her love of books and it hadn't taken long for the young bookworm to capture the heart of the queen who had no daughters of her own. Elaine could remember some nights were she would sit around with Frigga, Thor and Loki while she would read them stories of other worlds. The stories had stuck with her and still fascinated her today even when she poured over them for days on end. And that was how she planned to spend the rest of her life, with books as her only company. It wasn't that she wasn't pretty, in fact by standards she was considered quite a beautiful woman, it was the fact that she didn't think she deserved love.

Elaine, buried in all her thoughts, did not realise she had walked away from the party and was standing out in a corridor lined with pillars allowing a view of the gorgeous starry night sky. She had to stop and step a little closer to gaze up at it almost lovingly. She'd always loved the stars.

"You seem distracted, Elaine."

She whirled around at the sign of the voice to find a flash of green step forth from the shadows. She relaxed and smiled softly at the familiar face suddenly lit by the torchlight.

"How long have you been following me?" She questioned, cuddling her book absently to her chest. A flicker of a smile appeared on his face.

"Since Thor practically threw you into the air," He replied, stepping up to her side to look out at the sky.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" She asked softly, almost absently, like her mind was suddenly gone from her head.

"Yes. And you, you look lovely tonight, you should wear purple more often," He said, turning his gaze on her, the corner of his lip twisting up into a playful smile as he watched her face turn two shades darker.

"You…we both know that's not true…" She said softly, looking down at her feet. Cold fingers lightly touched her chin, bringing her face upwards again to look at him.

"Well I'm not lying." He said quietly and she laughed.

"Oh really, God of Mischief," She teased, a smile returning to his face.

"I can be truthful when I want."

"Well, I will believe that I look lovely when the all the eligible men of Asgard flock to me." She joked and he laughed softly.

"I hope I am not late." Thor's voice rang out ahead of him as the two looked to see him walking towards them, his red cloak fluttering along behind him.

"We were just about to leave you behind." Elaine said pulling on her cloak and fiddling with the fastening for a moment, the book in her hand making it seem a bit awkward but she got there.

"To the field!"

Just a little introductory chapter to set up my OC Elaine. I actually choose the name particularly for the reason it means "light" which is part of her fascination with the stars and yada yada. And No for those of you reading 'Our Last Meeting' I haven't abandoned it, just need some thinking time for it, just a little brain block. As always, leave me a little review and tell me what you think, they always help me to keep writing. Steps xx