Notes: I am not dead obviously because suddenly here I am throwing Parapines Fanfiction everywhere - I am a hardcore shipper and I have loved this ship since forever. I wanted to write a Fic that is actually long and has a good plot so here you are – by the way it may be a slow start but I hope everyone enjoys it. I will try to be more frequent with updating this. No Beta so sorry for errors and such. Hope you enjoy!

This was the sixth nightmare in the same week. This one was by far the worst in his terms.

The room was dark, blackened around the edges so his view was restricted from anything but standing awkwardly, circled by unknown people that wore stern scowls. Dipper Pines took a few steps back, his heart dropping like a weight inside his chest. His throat dried with terror, he irrepressibly began shaking with fear as he stood before the sullen faces of the courtroom.

"Norman Babcock of his Majesty's Province of Massachusetts, on this day you have been arraigned for the horrible crime of witchcraft..." The eldest man, who was obviously the Judge, had a lanky, wiry frame and unfriendly eyes that struck dread in the Twin's panicking mind. The atmosphere was dull and shadowed with a hint of anger.

"I'm not-"

"Witnessed by those whose testimonies have been heard…"

"But, I'm-"

"You have, by this court, been found guilty..."

"No." The Pine's boy whispered, holding his hands out as if to protect himself from an invisible attack. The panel of people all stared blankly at him, their eyes dark with an unknown emotion. His heart drummed thunderously in his ears, near gagging on pain.

"And it is passed on you, according to your grievous crimes," The Judge's gaze falls on him impassively, rising with resentment near the end of his rule, "...execution."

"No!" Dipper stilled and he felt the sudden lash of complete shock. The voice was not his – it was a voice that was quiet and terrified, layered with alarm and sorrow that made the brunette even more petrified. The voice was higher-pitched, like that of a child.

The sound came from behind him that echoed throughout the chamber.

He slowly spun on his heels to feel the world slip around him – it was just a boy, perhaps a year or two younger than him, with wide, pale blue eyes stricken with anguish as tears fell down his cheeks. His dark hair was spiked up in an unnatural manner that would require an ungodly amount of hair gel to compose.

But Dipper noticed how horrified the boy was and his mind weaved the scenario together, watching in horror as the adolescent – his small hands shackled by rusty restraints – pleaded feebly. It was not him being executed or being sentenced, it was this kid.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" It was as if the Judge was mocking him, his tone resembling that of a scolding mother's but with wrath and deep bitterness that a parent would never have against their own child.

"I wasn't doing anything wrong! I was j-just playing!" The boy – Norman – cried, and Dipper took a small note of his unkempt hair and his once fine clothes tattered and smeared with dirt. It was a sad sight and twisted his heart into a knot.

"Aye, with fire! You were speaking with the dead!" The Judge snarled, grinning wickedly as gasps and mummers faintly rising in the air. He extended one slender, waxen hand, gesturing to everyone in the room with a victorious smirk. "I'll not risk damnation on these good people."

"Wait! No! You can't do this!" The brunette stood his boundaries in front of the supposedly guilty victim while holding out his arms. Norman was sobbing by this point, cowering in the shadows of the court room, seemingly unable to fight back.

"You are to be taken to the place of execution where you will be hanged by the neck until you be dead..." Dipper felt the rush of freezing talons down his spine as the townsfolk cast dirty glares to the two boys while closing in around them.

"I didn't do anything wrong! Stop! Leave me alone or I'll make you sorry!" Norman's eyes began to flicker an unnatural shade of bright electric energy, flickering like a switch. "I'll make all of you sorry!"

The brunette barred Norman by standing over the scared boy and facing the jury with a long stream of profanities though he had no effect on the wispy world around him and his voice was obviously unheard.

An unearthly scream ruptured the panic from the room and the nightmare began to collapse, shreds of the scene starting to rip apart like burnt paper. The court room began to slip into nothingness and Dipper had one last look at the spike-haired boy with sky colored eyes before everything went white

He woke and the world slipped into shadows.

The teen screamed loudly, awakening from his horrible dream while causing his Twin Sister, Mabel Pines, to give a jarred yelp and lurch forward from her downy pink covers on the opposite side of the room. The sound of muffled wailing filled the attic as the Twin let out a shuddering screech into his pillow.

"Dipper…?" Her sleep fogged voice whispered through the still night air. The brunette went into silence, reliving the moment over and over in his brain and ignoring his sibling.

"Dipper!" A hand reached out and he squeaked, bumping into the wooden backboard of his bed. A pair of worried eyes shone through the darkness to reveal that Mabel had gotten up and moved the edge of his comforter.

"Are you okay? Was it that dream again?" Her voice was smooth and graceful, having the ability to calm the other sibling greatly with her reassurance. He felt attached to the real world again, no longer submerged in emotion.

Dipper maneuvered himself uncomfortably in his sheets, blinking rapidly and patting his mattress to see if it was existent. "No, it was…different this time."

"What happened?" Mabel tried to seem collected, but she leaned in, nervous about her brother's nightmare. Being twins, she always cared about her brother and had a strong connection with him, so when he was distressed she gradually became so as well.

The waves of fear were practically rolling off him anyway.

"I..." His voice caught, sniffling, lying back to feel chills running down his neck while looking up at the creaky, ancient rafters in the ceiling. "I don't want to talk about it…"

Now that was a lie – he obviously did want to discuss it with someone.

"Dipper, what happened." It wasn't a question, it was a command. The Pines Twins broke out into a glaring contest for a moment before the boy crumbled in on his sister, losing his control almost immediately.

"I saw this c-courtroom, and there was t-this kid. It…they sentenced him to die, Mabel, a-and I don't even know who he was! T-They just…no one stood up for him. I-I tried to do something but they couldn't s-see me…" The brunette's tone cracked multiple times in his fit. His sister dazed off into space and absently petted his hair, a look of unease spreading over her features.

"It wasn't real, bro. It wasn't real." She cooed, heart clenching when she saw he was crying.

"What do I do?"

Mabel paused at his words – if anything it was herself who would ask 'what to do'. Dipper was smart and clever and mature beyond his years but once he was so tormented by these nightmares he lost his grip. Never before had she witnessed her brother in such pain or distress – he was pretty good at concealing his emotions. She barely saw him genuinely cry.

"We've done everything Dipping Sauce, and apparently nothing works." She sighed as she bluntly said the truth, shaking her head unhappily and irritated. She distantly thought about how many methods they had used to try and rid of the awful dreams but to no avail, " This is all just stupid Gravity Falls weirdness. I have no other option than to leave it be. I mean, there must be a reason behind these things and eventually something will pop up."

Her sibling said nothing, closing his eyes and burying his face into his knees. His breathing had changed from normal breathes to raspy coughs that sounding like he was being choked, and each time it made girl shudder and cringe.

"I'm so sorry." Mabel gently kissed his brow, allowing him to rest against her side. "I wish I could help."

She slowly started to run her fingers through his hair once more, relaxed and peaceful, soothingly against his forehead where his birthmark was hidden. She lost consciousness soon after with her brother wrapped protectively around her, and in the light of fluorescent dawn she was able to make out the silvery tear trails still marked his pale cheeks.

The silence was apprehensive and Mabel tried in as many ways possible to cheer her gloomy brother from his despondency but it never seemed to work. At best she could get his to smile softly but nothing more. Dipper loomed around the Shack, dragging a disgustingly old broom behind as he dusted the crevices of the Gift Shop.

Each night the nightmares invaded his dreams and made him wake at outrageously early hours in alarm and anxiousness, usually screaming. And every day it seemed to get worse with resulted in Dipper not getting enough sleep – yawning constantly, his cocoa eyes rimmed with dark shadows of sleep-deprivation.

"I'm sick of this."

Her brother turned, eyebrows rising lightly. "Sick of what?"

"This!" She flailed her hands, nearly smacking her sibling and he flinched. "You being this! You not getting any sleep, and actually listening to Grunkle Stan and being all sophisticated and moping around all day!"

"Sophisticated –? "

"Yes!" She reached down to pick up her heavy pet pig, Waddles, and cradle him to her chest while stomping around the shop. "When was the last time you went out on a monster hunt with me? Two or three weeks ago? We can't continue to waste our summer!"

Dipper blinked, setting the broom down and moving to his sister's side. "I-"

"No, shush, don't speak. I'm thinking." She put her free hand on his face, making him shut up. There was two seconds of silence before she set her pet on the floor and seized her Twin. "I got it. Let's go kill Pacifica."


"What? I'm joking!" She flung herself over the counter and grabbed a small pair of silver keys, her smile growing wide. "Come on, get some fresh air, let's ride the golf cart!"

"Didn't the police department warn us that you have to have a special license –"

"Since when did we listen to the police?"

Dipper paused, pulling the blue bill of his hat down. "True. Hey, didn't Grunkle Stan say that another group of tourists are coming in later tonight, shouldn't we –"

"Stop being a push-over!"

"I-I am not a push-over!"

"Then come on! The Golf Cart awaits!" Mabel was nearly giggling with excitement as she grasped her Twin's hand and dragged him out to the porch and skillfully leaped over the steps before skipping to the vehicle. It was small, rusty and obviously not properly taken care of, but to the Pines Twins it was a dream to race through Gravity Falls in it.

Realizing his sister would not take 'no' for an answer, Dipper sauntered to the other side of the cart. The key was twisted in and the golf cart grumbled to life, shuddering slightly, the headlights flickering dimly. Dipper patted the hood with an almost proud look in his eyes as he took the driver's seat and for the first time in almost a week gave a real smile.

"The Mystery Twins are back!" The sweater-clad girl shrieked while they tore down the gravel-dirt path into the woods, the Shack becoming less and less visible until it completely vanished as they swerved into the dark of the forest, leaving dust in their wake.