Metal Gear Solid 3: The Patriots Fight

Disclaimer: i don't own Metal Gear Solid or any of it's characters

2006- Two years after The Big Shell VR events

Chapter 1: Nobis Island

Russia- Moskow- Twelve men in a hideout...

The room was in complete darkness. The only light seen in the room was the computer's monitor. Around the computer were twelve russian men. All middle- aged, mostly with gray hair. They were all dressed in black and seemed anxious.

"Has the message been sent"?- asked the oldest of them all.

The youngest of the men was sit in a chair, front to the computer. He had been writting on the keyboard, and clicking the mouse for some time. He looked upset at the other men's rush.

"Yes. Message sent to Philanthropy, addresed to Otacon."

The men were now with an evil looking smile.

"Good. They will soon be there. If everything goes according to plan, the Patriots won't last long."- the men that said that, then released a loud laugh, and the others did the same.

But one of the men seemed not as pleased as them.

" Are you sure about that boy that went through the VR training? Isn't he gonna mess things up?"

The oldest turned away and walked back a few steps. Then he answered:

" I don't think so. He showed good potential at the VR training. He will be able to help Snake."

Then, the man that replied walked out of the room, through a door in the right wall, and the others followed them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Otacon was sit next to his Philanthropy computer. He was trying to dig up some intel about new Metal Gears being developed. Suddenly, a baloon poped from the task bar with the message: " You have 1 new mail". Otacon clicked on the baloon and, wich opened a Internet browser, linking to Otacon's secret e-mail. The envelope mark of unread mail was next to a message with an anonymous address and the following subject: " New Metal Gear- Very Important". Otacon was a little surprise. He clicked on the message and the message could now be read. The message was the following:

" To Otacon at Philanthropy:

Mr. Otacon, this e-mail was sent to inform you, Solid Snake and Raiden, of a new Metal Gear project. The project is being conducted at a secret island near Alaska. The island is called Nobis Island. There, there's a secret base with a few buildings, for reasearching. We know that Metal Gear's production is a risk to worldwide safety so we hope that you accept taking Snake and Raiden there. Both will be able to sabotage the project and stop another Metal Gear. Below, you will find sattelite pictures of the island, as we as it's longitude and latitude. This way you can check it out for youserlf, with a sattelite."

Below, were indeed the pictures and the location of the island. Below that, the message ended with:


Otacon was surprised and shocked, acctualy his jaw seemed to drop to the ground.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Snake's house...

Otacon had just arrived Snake's house. It was afternoon and the sun reflected on Otacon's car. He had previously phoned telling him there's an emergency. An emergency about a development of a new Metal Gear. The house was modest. Medium sized, painted white and two floors. Nobody would even think of the legendery Solid Snake living there. Otacon rang the doorbell. Snake opened the door. He was with blue pants and a black shirt. He seemed worried but not scared. He was used to receiving bad news.

" So, what's up with that message you got?"- Snake sad as they entered the living room and sat in a large brown couch.

The living room was large,with white walls, a big TV set, hi-fi, a Playstation 3 system and a PC.

" I'm afraid i have bad news. Today i received an e-mail. The subject was " New Metal Gear- Very Important". At first i thought it was a joke."

" What was in the e-mail?"- said Snake looking out the window.

" Details about a base. It had it's location, satellite pictures and info on the base. Snake, that base is in an island near Alaska!"

" You're thinking this has anything to do with Shadow Moses?" Snake was starting to get even more worried as he looked back at Otacon.

" I don't know. But it seem it's a secret island. It didn't say anything about who build it or who runs it but they said we had to act fast. They said your name Snake. And Raiden name's too.

" And why us?"

"I don't know. But i think we should go there by chopper. I would take you near it, and then you would could paddle with a rubber boat to the coast. There's something on the island, we just don't know what. We have to check it out."

" Alright. Let's get Jack."

" You know where he lives?"

" We've been keeping in touch. He doesn't live much far away."

" You sure we should get him? I mean, Rose, the child and everything..."

" You know he wants to go. Besides it might be nothing so there's no danger. If there is something i might not be enough. I'm getting old you know..."

Otacon was doubtful about taking Raiden but he accepted.

" Pack your equipment Snake. Let's get Jack."

Snake went to his room. It was small and by the lack of stuff we probably didn't spent much time there. There was a bed, closet and a small TV.He always kept some equipment, in his closet, in case there was an emergency, or if anything happened near his house. He picked his sneaking suit, thermal goggles, night vision goggles, directional microphone, tranquilliser gun, the soliton radar and the codec. The Soliton Radar was new, developed by Philanthropy, and it was strapped to the person's wrist. The coded was also new, and it needed to be "strapped" to a person's ear. Snake returned to the living room.

" What's your codec frequency Otacon?" asked Snake

" 141.40. And yours is 140.20 right?"

" Yeah. Look, you want something before we go? Like coffee or something?"

" Sure, a coffee would be nice."

" Ok. While I'm in the kitchen, phone Jack and tell him. His number is in the agenda."

Snake disappeared to the kitchen. Otacon reached the phone and opened the agenda. He found his number in J. He dialled the number.

" Hello?"

" Jack, it's me Otacon."

" Otacon? Well hello. I haven't heard anything from you since... You know."

" Yeah i know. Me and Snake have been kind of busy with all these Metal Gear projects."

" We're are you phoning from?"

" I'm in Snake's house. Jack, something weird is going on. Today i received an e-mail signed by Russians. It had details about a secret base in a secret island. And pictures! It really exists. I checked it through the satellites. The message said there is a Metal Gear being developed there. Snake wants you to go with us."

" Secret base? Is it from the Russians?"

" I don't know."

" And Ocelot?"

" He might be involved but i don't know anything about him. Of course this could be some kind of trap. But we have to check it out, we have to destroy all Metal Gears. Now, if you want to come we will go there now."

" Sure i will go with you."

" Are you sure? What about Rose?"

" Don't worry. Everything's fine."

" Ok we will pick you up. Do you have equipment?"

" Yeah, i have what i "used" in the Big Shell."

" Ok. Bye Jack."

" Bye Otacon."

Otacon put the phone down as Snake came from the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

" Here. So he goes?"

" Yep" said Otacon after drinking a bit of the coffee.

While Otacon was drinking Snake was silent and thoughtful. This could be a trap to get him. And who would be involved with that base?

" Where we're going after getting Jack?"

" To Philanthropy. There we can take a chopper."

" And permission?"

" We don't need any." said Otacon smiling.

Otacon finished his cup. Both left the house and entered Otacon's car. It was a blue BMW.

" Nice car" said Snake

The car started working. Snake told Otacon where Jack lived and Otacon drove that way. Otacon also turned on the radio and and Insane Clown Posse's "We Will Never Die Alone" was heard (:P, i just couldn't help it)

20 minutes later...

They reached Jack's house. It was kind of similar to Snake's, except bigger. Jack was waiting outside. He was happy to see them. They got off the car approached Jack. Jack gave both a handshake. Jack had a bag on his hand. His equipment was there. A beautiful woman opened the door. It was Rose. She was very beautiful as always. Snake felt attracted to her, but didn't show any signs of that.

" Hi Rose." said Snake and Otacon at the same time."

" Hi guys! How have you been?" she said with a beautiful smile

" Fine. And the child?" asked Snake

" He's fine too.- Rose's eyes were sparkling with happiness.- He really has make us happy and proud."

" Rose, are you ok about taking Jack? If not, we won't take him." said Otacon.

" No, don't worry. And no matter how i insisted he would go. He says he's been missing some action. But...- Rose look at Jack sadly.- Jack, please come back alive."

" Sure dear. Don't worry." with that both kissed passionately. Otacon smiled but Snake's face didn't even move.

" Bye Rose. " said Jack with his hands his Rose's face.

" Bye Jack... Bye guys. Take good care of him will you?

" Sure Rose, don't worry."

The three walked away and into the car. Jack looked back several times. It could be the last time he would saw her... Tears were falling down Rose's face.

As the car drove away from Jack's love, his head came back to the mission. He was determined to accomplish it and if Ocelot is involved, kill him. Kill the bastard that almost killed the three of them two years ago.

But little do they know about the secret base...

The day was ending. Not much longer until the cold and wispering night to come. Two choppers were heading for Nobis Island. In one of them were Solid Snake, Raiden (Jack) and Otacon. In the other one there were soldiers. But not russian soldiers. And the other man. He seems so familiar... With these men, there was also a small package. What could be inside?

Raiden picked a sandwich wrapped in plastic from his bag. He then picked two more and gave them to Snake and Otacon. Both thanked fot the hospitality. But Snake wanted more.

" Hey kid! You got any beer?"

" Beers? I don't drink that!" Raiden answared angry. He was against harmful things to health.

Snake wasn' too happy about that. He always appreciated some good beer. Amazingly none of the three were very nervous. The seemed calm and confident.

Not much farther until they reached the island and it was dark by now. Then they saw the island.

" This is it. I can't take you farther. Blow the boat and throw it at the sea. I'll ride the chopper as low as i can so that the throwing doesn't turn a disaster." said Otacon laughing the shit out of him

Otacon steered the chopper down as Snake and Raiden blew the rubber boat with the machine, that came with the boat. The chopper was just nearly touching the water. Raiden didn't like it much but Otacon and Snake didn't seem to care. Raiden and Snake threw the boat to the ocean, as well as the paddles and then they picked a rope and tied it to the empty front seat. They both went down the rope, first Snake and then Raiden. They were now standing on the boat. Snake shouted at Otacon:

" We will contact you as soon as we reach the island."

Otacon waved goodbye and headed back to shore. Snake and Raiden started paddling towards the island. Both were thinking of what would be in the island but just a little before reaching the island's shore, a chopper flew above them.

" What the-?" both shouted in surprise

" Do you think they saw us?" asked Raiden looking at the chopper landing on the island.

" I hope not. But what i wanna know is who was inside and are they doing here." Snake replied looking at where the chopper disappeared from sight.- " We're reaching the shore. You better get ready for everything. This doesn't smell good."

They reached the shore and they were ready to continue but Raiden asked:

" What about the boat?"

Snake, like in a reply picked one of the boat's end and put it on the ground. Then he headed towards the buildings. But they couldn't see anything. The island, on it's sides, went up from the shore, and then went down, once again to the building's ground level. So, as they couldn't see much, they walked up stealthly, looking at every sides, including up. The climbing was hard and they were getting tired but they did it. They were at the top, and they could see all the island. There were several buildings, two big towers and a small heliport. In the heliport, people could be seen. Snake picked his Scope while telling Raiden:

" Jack, pick up the directional microphone. Point it at the heliport and put the headphones between us, so both of us can hear."

Raiden, did that and Snake was now with his mouth opened with surprise.

" What is it Snake? What do you see?"

" Soldiers. U.S. Army soldiers."

" U.S.?? What are they doing here?"

But the worst was yet to come. Two men were talking. One of them was Vamp.

" Shit! Vamp's here" said Snake

" What? That blood sucking freak? What's he doing here? We killed him!"

" I don't think so. He's here alright. Let's listen to what they're saying.

Snake was looking and hearing the microphone at the same time while Raiden hold the micro. What they listened was:

Soldier:" ...the package safe?"

Vamp: " Yes. Tell him it is. And how are the hostages?

Soldier: "She'ss locked up. The other two are in a separate place. "She" tried to escape."

Vamp: " I knew she would try that. Stupid girl. Still, be sure she doesn't get away.

Soldier: " Yes, sir!"

Then both, as well as the other soldiers, disappeared into the biggest building.

" They have hostages?!" said Raiden full of surprise

" It seems so. I'm gonna tell Otacon."

Snake put his hand in his ear and contacted Otacon on the codec.

Snake: " Otacon, we're here."

Otacon: " So how's everything?"

Snake: " I'm afraid i have bad news. Vamp is here. And the guards are U.S. Army soldiers! And they also have hostages, including a female one."

Otacon was shocked.

Otacon: " Vamp? Wasn't he supposed to be dead?"

Raiden: "Yes he was! I watched him drown!"

Otacon: " Then how can he be here?"

Snake: " I don't know but we're gonna find out.They also said something about a package"

Otacon: " I wonder what U.S. Army soldiers are doing there. Those facility's must be our government's property!! If it is... huh...... And why do they need hostages?"

Snake: "I know, it's strange. Any tips on how to dig some info?"

Otacon: " Sure. Look for a computer in one of those buildings. I suggest you start in the nearest. And be careful, you'lle be easily caught if the alarm goes."

Snake: "Ok. We're heading for the nearest facility."

The Codec call was terminated.

" Raiden give me the T-Sniper Rifle." said Snake as he put down the scope.

" How about the noise?"

" Don't worry. It has a built-in suppressor."

Raiden gave the T- Sniper Rifle to Snake, and he layed on the ground looking for guards surrounding the nearest facility. There was a big tower near it. On top of it, there was a guard watching the opposite side with his scope. Snake took a good aim at the soldier's head and shot the tranquiliser. As soon as it hit the soldier, he fell. Snake continued to look at the facility's surrounding. There was two guards, each one the facility's sides. Snake, once again shot them in the head, and both fell to the ground. But Snake hadn't took a Pantazemin so he failed one of the shots. It hit the ground. The guard saw the snow on the ground being hit by something so he looked at Snake and Raiden's direction. At that distance he didn't saw anything but the picked the Scope. Snake and Raiden quickly went back down, so the guard didn't saw anything. Some seconds after they returned up. The guard was back in his normal route. This time Snake didn't miss.

" It seems the path to the facility is clear. Let's go!" said Snake as he put down the sniper gun and got up from the ground.

Raiden nodded, and both headed stealthly towards the facility. No soldiers came near the facility and the path was safe. They arrived at the facility. Snake opened the door...

They were now in a hallway with a door on the front, and a room on the left side. Both flattened against the wall and walked slowly to were the room could be seen. Snake peeked. Nobody was there. Snake said to Raiden that the it was safe and both entered the room. It had two tables, a desk with several papers, and a computer on a corner of a wall. Snake contacted Otacon

Snake: " Otacon, we're inside. There's a room were, and there's a computer as well as some documents."

Otacon: " I suggest you try the computer. You might find some valuable info there."

The codec call ended.

" Jack, stay at the room's entrance and keep a sharp eye for guards. I'll dig around the computer."

Raiden nodded in approval and went to the room's entrance, looking at where they came from, and at the other door.

Snake had turned on the computer and was looking around for some files. There were several, but a lot of them were just worker's report, until he found one interesting subject: " L-Virus". He opened the document. In the document this was written:

" To the Patriots:

The development of the L-Virus in Russia, has been completed. Soon it will be transported here... It's ironic! They don't even know it's gonna be used against themselfs! Idiots! Reports say the Virus was succesfully tested. As soon the Virus made contact with the persons skin and breathing, it quickly died. The results are satisfying. We won't allow them to grow bigger then us!

Doctor Head "

Snake was shocked. A Virus to be used against Russia? But why? And the Patriots were involved. Snake contacted Otacon throught the codec. Raiden was still looking for incoming guards.

Snake: " Otacon! I found something! A document from a Doctor Head."

Snake read the document to Otacon, and he was shocked also.

Otacon: " A Virus developded by the Russias to attack Russia? And they don't know about it? They must have been told of a false motive. They tested it on a human being. And the Patriots... But that last sentence intrigues me. Grow bigger then us? What can the Russians be doing to grow past us?"

Snake: " Don't know. But whatever it is, it's menacing the Patriots. I didn't found anything else here. We're gonna keep looking for more, in this facility's other rooms.

Snake ended the codec call and told everything about the document to Raiden. He was, also, shocked. He felt this was gonna be something big... Something very big... But as they thought about it, they didn't even notice a man approached the room's entrance. It was Ocelot.

" Hello fellows" he greeted as Snake and Raiden looked at him shocked and surprised.

" You had to be involved! What are you going to do with that virus?" Snake shouted full of hatred

" I see you've been digging around Snake. You have nothing to do with what we're going to use that Virus from."

" Why are you gonna attack Russia?" asked Raiden

Ocelot let loose a laugh.

" What exactly do you find so funny?" asked Snake

" Charades usually are humurous. Hahahaha."

" What do you mean?"

" You'll find out soon enough Snake." right after Ocelot replied, he received a call on his radio.

" Sir! The hostage tried to escape again! But we got her."

Ocelot was angry.

" That bitch! Torture her. But don't kill her."

Snake was so angry he pulled his USP and fired. The bullets went flying past Ocelot, like something drove them away from their destination. The gizmo Fortune had.

" HAHAHA. Se you later fools! I'm going to take care of Meryl!"

And then he disappeared throught the door they entered.

Meryl was the hostage...