Ahhh! Finally! I've been fighting a major writer's block with this story lately, but I've managed to finish this chapter and hopefully everyone will enjoy it. I'd love to hear your reviews they help keep me motivated.

Oh and as a side note, it's been quite a while since I've read Mockingjay so some of the events might be slightly out of order, my apologies. Anyways, on with the story.

One more thing, if you are a Gale fan, please note that there is some Gale bashing in this chapter, not heavy, but it's there. You have been warned.

You're Mine
Chapter 7- Always

Katniss' first few nights in the hospital of District 13 are a drug induced haze, but on the third night she wakes up gasping for air, her morphling supply finally run dry. Her eyes dart around the room, sensing another person's presence.

Haymitch is standing in the corner, facing the wall with a blank stare. The pain reflected in his eyes mirrors her own. And even though she's desperately angry with him, she needs him.

Silently she slips out of bed and pads across the floor, stopping in front of him. When she reaches up and turns his face towards her, there are tears on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Katniss, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault."

Without thinking she wraps her arms around his middle. They cling tightly to each other, needing some reassurance that all is not lost.

Somehow his presence is soothing, and although it doesn't take the pain away it reminds Katniss that she has to continue to survive.

Days and weeks pass in a blur of nightmares and pain. Every moment Katniss is without Johanna part of her dies inside.

Her worry for her best friend and her lover drive her to the brink of insanity. Many days she finds herself curled up in a closet, tears streaming down her face.

When Peeta comes on the television a few weeks later and calls for a cease fire, her heart nearly stops. She can't understand what he's doing, but somehow she knows it's Snow's doing.

Seeing him brings on another wave of misery as she imagines what her loved ones are probably enduring, although at least she knows for certain that Peeta is alive. In the back of her mind a tiny voice nags at her, at the thought that Johanna may not be.

That night she doubles up on morphling doses, just needing to escape the pain of it all.

Katniss tries everything to distract herself, and when she finally agrees to be their Mockingjay, she does it for Jo. Because she has to do something, has to fight, has to save her, and Peeta too. Of course she only consents once she's made sure that Peeta, Johanna and Annie will be pardoned.

It's takes every ounce of energy she has left to shoot their propos, but she's never been good in front of the cameras, especially when she's so distracted with thoughts of what her loved ones are suffering.

When Haymitch finally suggests that she go to District 8, she readily agrees, glad to be doing something, glad for the distraction.

The mission turns out to be both a success and a failure, and that's the best they can hope for.

After Katniss and Gale return he is more persistent than ever, trying everything he can to win her attention. It annoys her to say the least.

He tries everything he can think of to win her attention, but nothing does the trick and he can't understand why. In his mind, Katniss belongs to him and no one else, so why can't she just forget about Peeta and move on, he'll end up dead anyways. Little does he know that Peeta isn't he one who holds her heart.

In the passing weeks his attitude and constant presence only increases her hostility and indifference towards him, because she's sick of his games, she's played enough games to last her a lifetime.

On a particularity bad day he tries to get her to kiss him, her instincts kick in immediately. Gale walks away muttering angrily as he tries to stop the flow of blood from his nose.

The next time Peeta comes on the TV he looks worn down, thin and pale. Katniss' heart aches at the sight of him. When he warns of the bombings she feels a rush of overwhelming emotions. She's distracted until she sees him throw to the floor and beaten before the screen goes dark.

An agonized scream leaves her throat and her body collapses to the floor. Images of Peeta and Johanna being beaten and tortured fill her mind and what's left of her sanity crumbles.

Gale tries to help her up, but before he can manage Haymitch is cursing at him, and scooping her up in his strong arms.

"In case you haven't noticed, she doesn't want your help." The sarcastic tone of his voice is biting and sharp, and through the haze Katniss smiles up at him.

Somehow he manages to carry her down into the bunkers, just in time. As Peeta's predicted hovercrafts swoop in and bomb the upper underground levels of district 13. And again she's indebted to him, because he's saved her life again, although she almost wishes that he hadn't.

That night in the bunker Prim holds her close and kisses her forehead, how odd it is to have Prim taking care of her, and not the other way around.

But she's just so broken, she clings to her sister sobbing against her shoulder, and although she aches for Peeta, it's Johanna she's desperate for. The broken cries of her lover's name fall from her lips, over and over as Prim rocks her gently.

When the sobs finally subside Prim kisses her forehead again.

"You love her don't you?"

Katniss turns her head and looks up at her sister and in the dim light she realizes just how much Prim has grown.

She spends the rest of the night sharing their love story with Prim. And it's the first time since leaving the arena that she feels a tiny semblance of peace.

On the second night in the bunker she slips out from under her sister's protective embrace and seeks out Finnick, because for some reason she's just realized that if anyone will understand how she's feeling, it's him.

She finds him obsessively knotting a length of rope. They sit in silence for a long while, until she works up the nerve to ask him about Annie.

"Did you always love her?"

He shakes his head, but doesn't stop working on the rope.

"No, she sort of crept up on me, I didn't see it coming, but she's the best thing left in my life, the only reason I keep fighting."

Katniss just hums in approval.

After a few minutes Finnick looks up at her, his hands halting their movement.

"What about you, when did you know you were in love?"

She gives him a quizzical look, trying to figure out if he's joking or not. He doesn't seem to be. She takes a breath, not sure how to explain her situation with Peeta.

"Peeta and I…."

Before she can continue he interrupts her, giving her an incredulous look.

"Katniss, I wasn't talking about him and you know it."

Her eyes widen at his implication, but then she sighs, this is Finnick after all. He understands her.

"Am I that obvious?"

He grins at her.

"Maybe a little bit… But honestly, when you love someone, it's hard to hide it; I could feel the connection between the pair of you, from day one. Although in your defence I've known Johanna for several years now, and I could see the change in her. I'd never seen her so happy."

Katniss smiles at his words, letting memories of her lover wash over her.

"She kind of blindsided me you know. We were in the elevator after the victor's parade and she just striped down right there. I couldn't take my eyes off of her."

Finnick looks up at her and smirks, she blushes a deep crimson, but continues despite her embarrassment.

"I'd never been so attracted to anyone before, so that night I went to her room. At first I thought it was just going to be a fun one-time thing… but it was so much more than that. She was so loving and gentle with me since it was my first time. When we woke up the next morning together and she kissed me, I knew. I knew that I never wanted to wake up without her again."

Wordlessly Finnick passes her the length of rope.

"Don't give up hope yet Katniss, we'll get them back. But in the meantime you can try this, it really helps."

She gives him a small smile and takes the rope, slowly untying it and starting to work on a simple knot.

"What about you? Don't you need it?"

"It's okay. You keep it. I'll get another one when we aren't on lockdown anymore."

"Thanks Fin."

He leans in and gives her a hug.

As she tip-toes back to her bunker she catches Gale watching her with a surly expression. She wants to snort with laughter, with her spirits lifted slightly she turns and gives Finnick a huge grin over her shoulder, making a show of batting her eyelashes at him.

She can hear Gale's growl, and she just smirks before moving into her bunker.

When it's finally safe to return to the main part of District 13, Katniss is met with a huge surprise.

A rescue mission is being sent to retrieve Johanna, Peeta and Annie.

Her heart thuds in her chest as Haymitch tells her, a tidal wave of emotion rolls over her. When she finally comes to her senses again she's desperate to go, desperate to help.

That's when Haymitch drops the bomb.

They're already left.

It's overwhelming and she doesn't know what to do.

The next time she wakes up she's back in the hospital, under heavy sedation. Her brain is hazy and she can't quite think clearly.

It takes her several long minutes to remember why she's there, then it all comes flooding back to her.

Panic starts to flame up inside of her again, until she sees the rope Finnick gave her sat beside her bed.

She takes it and begins to work frantically on it. After a few hours of incessant knot tying she's interrupted by a voice.

"How are you doing?"

Katniss looks up and meets Finnick's green eyes.

She sighs and holds up the rope.

"Not good, but I'm trying to cope. What about you?"

He moves farther into the room and takes a seat in the chair beside her bed.

"I'm good… relieved actually."

When she gives him a questioning look he just gives her a small smile.

"Katniss, whatever happens on this mission at least we'll know. Either they'll make it back to us, or they will die. But either way at least Snow won't be able to hurt them anymore."

She lets the words wash over her, and what he says settles deep in her bones. It's strangely calming. Pondering for a while she comes to a decision.

"I think we should see if we can help."

He looks up at her and away from the rope in his hands.

"They're already gone, what else can we do?"

"I don't know exactly Fin, but let's ask Haymitch anyways, I don't like just sitting around and waiting."

He nods at her.

Hours later the pair of them are suited up and traipsing through the desolate remains of District 12 followed by the camera crew.

When the film starts rolling she tells about her family and her District, about Peeta giving her the bread, about her life after the games, about Johanna. Unsure if she's ready to let the world know about their love, she settles for the story of how they met, two fierce, hostile victors, who clashed horribly.

The story itself makes her laugh and cry, but when she finishes and Cressida calls 'cut' she finds peace.

Finnick's tales are much different than hers, full of secrets and lies about the capital and the president. Her charming stories are nothing compared to the complicated web he describes, and she knows that it's just the distraction that's needed to get the others out safely.

When they finally make it back to District 13 the entire district is buzzing, but they take no notice, both exhausted from the day.

Without talking to anyone else they make their way back to Katniss' hospital room. They lie together on the bed and instantly grab for their ropes, trying to distract themselves from reality.

Several minutes later Haymitch bursts through the door, a huge grin spreading across his now clean shaven face.

"They're back!"

His words settle in the silence of the room, both younger victors letting the words sink in.

Katniss is the first to respond, jumping up so fast that her head spins.

"Is Johanna okay? Where is she Haymitch?! What about Peeta? And Annie?"

Her words are frantic as she grab his shoulders and meets his gaze.

"They're both alive. Annie too. They been through a lot, been tortured as far as we can tell. I haven't seen them yet, but from what I've heard they're pretty beaten up."

Katniss instantly drops to her knees, sobbing hysterically. Finnick quickly tosses his rope aside and moves over to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

Tears are falling from his eyes too, but when he speaks, his voice is filled with joy.

"They're alive. We can see them again Katniss, even if they will need to heal, at least they are alive."

At this Katniss sniffles and wipes the tears from her eyes, a determined look on her face.

"You're right, and now we have to be strong… for them."

Finnick smiles at her then helps her to her feet; she wipes the remaining tears away and takes a deep breath.

"Where are they? I need to see her…"

Haymitch looks at the pair of them, sympathy in his grey eyes.

"They are being brought up to the hospital now, but you won't be able to see any of them until the doctors look them over."

Instantly Katniss begins to protest but Haymitch just holds up his hand to silence her.

"It's not my choice sweetheart, president's orders. Just try to get some rest, you can see her tomorrow okay?"

He moves in and hugs her.

Pulling back he looks up into Finnick's green eyes.

"It's going to be okay Fin. Just stay here with Katniss you need to rest too."

He nods once then Haymitch exits the room, leaving the two victors alone again.

They stand frozen, in silence for a long time, neither sure of what to do or say. Their lovers are safe, their friend is safe, but they are damaged and broken.

After a while the silence is broken by the sound of a piercing scream.

Both jump at the sudden noise, which seems to come from just outside the hospital compartment door.

Another scream, followed by someone shouting.

"Where is she!? I fucking need to see her you demented bastards, where is she!?"

The voice echoes through the room, and shakes Katniss to her core.

Without another thought she runs to the door, throws it open and moves into the hall.

A short way away she can see several doctors grouped around a wheeled hospital bed, trying to restrain a slim figure.

The girl's thrashing around, screaming and swearing, trying to fight off the doctors.

Her hair is short and spiky, her pale arms covered in cuts and bruises, her once muscular frame, skinny and sallow.

The sight sends a strange mixture of pain, anger and happiness through her.

Because as much as it hurts to see her lover in this terrible state, the girl is alive, and for right now, that is enough.

Before Katniss even realises what she's doing her feet are propelling her forward, a shout resonating from her lips.


The sound of her name catches the girl off guard; she stops struggling and looks around for the source of the noise.

When Johanna's eyes fall on Katniss the entire world melts away, her pain disappears, her heart pounds loudly against her ribs and her breath catches in her throat.

Around her the doctors stop trying to sedate her and instead stay frozen, watching as the scene unfolds before them.

Johanna seizes the opportunity to climb off of the bed. She's a little unsteady on her feet, but it doesn't matter. She uses every ounce of strength to move towards the girl running at her.

Their eyes stay locked for the few seconds it takes Katniss to close the distance between them. And when they finally meet Katniss throws her arms around Johanna's waist, just as the taller girl wraps her arms around her lover's neck, embracing tightly.

Tears fall from both of their eyes as they hold fast desperate to feel the other.

Johanna can't help but smile. Everything she's endured, all the pain and torture, listening to Peeta and Annie's screams. It was all worth it, because there isn't anything she wouldn't do for this girl.

As they embrace, Gale watches from a place just beyond, waiting for medical attention, anger and shock registering on his hard face.

Katniss pulls away and cups Johanna face with the gentlest of touches, carefully wiping her lover's tears. When she speaks her voice is hoarse.

"I'm so sorry, so sorry, I didn't mean, I didn't want…"

She's cut off however, when Johanna surges forward and captures her lips, burying her fingers in Katniss' long un-braided hair.

The doctors back off a little more, giving the lovers space, but Gale storms forwards, anger filling him up. He clenches his fists tightly together, Katniss is supposed to be his, and now he's watching her kiss someone else. It was bad enough when she chose Peeta over him, but now he finds out that it's this scrap of a girl Katniss has chosen. His rage boils over but just as he's about to attack Finnick's in front of him.

"Don't even think about it. Touch them and I will rip you to pieces with my bare hands."

Finnick grabs his arm and drags him towards an empty hospital room. Just as he's pulled away he sees the girls break apart.

With the softest voice he's ever heard Katniss use, she addresses the other girl.

"I love you Jo."

Then he hears Johanna reply as she strokes Katniss' face.

"I love you too baby. Always."