Pansy looked up at the people surrounding her, in both amusement and boredom. Hermione cleared her throat, before taking a step forward. Pansy raised an eyebrow.

"You did it, didn't you?"

"Darling, I've done more things then I can count." She smirked up at Hermione. "Anything specific that comes to mind?"

"Oi! Quit playing around, Parkinson!", Seamus glared down at her. "We know you're the cause of that bloody shamrock!"

Pansy laughs, as Draco paces back and forth. "Took you long enough, Sherlock. So, any ideas as to why, yet?"

Ron looked at Hermione, who looked at Seamus, who looked at Dean, who looked at Harry, who was currently watching his boyfriend's arse as Draco waked to and fro. Finally, the blond stopped, gasped inaudibly, and spun on his heal in order to properly glare at Pansy Parkinson.

"You. Evil. Bitch."

The Gryffindors gasp, and Pansy leans against the wall with stunning nonchalance, and grins at her friend.

"Flattery will get you nowhere." Draco growls.

"That Love-Me-Not was for me, wasn't it? You wanted me to realize I liked Potter."

"Correction." Pansy stretches, as if this an every day occurrence. And considering her House, it probably is.

"I wanted you to realize you were /in love/ with Potter. All you would talk about was 'Scarhead, Scarhead, Scarhead.' It was extremely annoying."

"Did you ever think", Draco hissed, his cheeks growing red, "That I talked about him out of hatred?"

"Oh, Darling, please.", Pansy rolls her eyes, and apparently that's explanation enough, because she moves right along.

"Anyway, after the enchantment, everyone started getting all upset and paranoid." Pansy gave a dreamy sigh. "It was marvelous. So, of course I continued the show with an Idiot-Irish 's Day jinx."

"And...and the posters?", Ron asked, uncertainly.

Pansy raised her eyebrows, finally surprised at something. "Oh, that? Nope, I was not involved in that shit. But, if you ever find out the genius behind it, give them my congratulations for a job well done. Insulting the Gryffindorks, and nailing the Slytherin House, all in one night?"

The girl shook her head in amazement. "Pure genius."

And with that, Pansy sashayed out of the Room of Requirement she had been dragged to-elegantly, of course.