hello guys...I hv edited the first chapter and will be doing the same to previous too...enjoy reading and keep reviewing

Disclaimer: I don't own twilight but I own this savior?


Chapter One:

Bella's POV:

I woke up to see myself surrounded by complete darkness. Ow... My head throbbed severely which rendered me incapable of making sense of anything at the moment. I groaned and tried to get up but it seemed impossible.

My arms and legs felt sore, it seemed as though I had been knocked out for a quite long time. I blinked multiple times as I tried to see exactly where was I. The sheets underneath me felt rough and scratchy, not the usual soft fabric of my bed.

Through half-lidded eyes, I saw clearly that this wasn't my room. The room I was in was long with a low roof and it was dark so I could make outlines of other objects in the room.

There were no windows. I could barely make out the dark shadow which must be a door but I couldn't muster enough strength to get up and see whether it was locked or not.

I sighed and groaned as I touched my head and tried to wonder what the hell had happened. Slowly I begin to remember what had happened that day.

Two days ago:

"Bella, come on you have to come to Paris with me. It will be so much fun. You can really use a vacation after the whole James fiasco." I winced as my roommate and friend Jessica casually mentioned my Ex.

"Jess, really! I don't feel like going anywhere least of all Paris aka the city of love" I tried to reason with her. "Thats exactly why I want you to go. We both need new men in our lives and Paris is the perfect place to look for them."

"I don't really want to be with someone right now Jess!" I all but shouted at her as I got up and began to pace in my room. Tears sprang in my eyes as I thought of James and the humiliation of discovering him in bed with another woman.

"Bella honey!, Jessica began emphatically, "you need to forget him. He's not worth crying over. I mean look at me, I have been with over 100 men over past 3 years of college and I don't remember names of even of half of those poor love-struck puppies.

I have told you like so many times you gotta live a little. Go out, have fun and start over the next day. That's why you absolutely have to come to Paris with me. We can meet new boys, break some hearts, go the beach, take our clothes off", she winked at me as I blushed as the thought of being in a bikini.

"Ok, I'll think about it", I grudgingly told her just to get her off my back but she knew me all too well. "I'm taking that as a yes". She grabbed her phone and begin to book a flight for next week as I stood there open-mouthed.

After she booked the tickets, she turned to me and said, "You'll thank me later. Besides its spring break. What are you gonna do anyway? Go back to forks?," her face scrunched up in disgust "or to Florida to listen to your Mom rant about how you'll never find anyone?"

"Ok", I sighed in defeat. "I guess you have a point". I sighed as I admitted defeat. "Yayy, we are going to Paris", she screamed and hugged me as I hugged her back as I couldn't help but smile. Maybe this trip would be good for me. Maybe I could finally come out of my shell and have 'fun'.


I was startled out of my thoughts as I heard the sound of a door opening. I pulled my legs closer to my torso wrapping my arms around myself trying to disappear. I felt myself shaking with fear of the unknown. Heavy footsteps came near me and stopped. I heard the sound of something being dropped to the floor in front of me I peaked my eyes.

"Eat", a heavy male voiced commanded. I raised my hand and saw the face of my captor as at least who I thought was my captor. He has a heavy beard and small beady eyes and a C-shaped scar around his left eye making him looking more sinister.

He continues to appraise, more like glaring at me for a few more seconds before he turned around and begins to walk back towards the door. "Wait", I gasped in raspy voice.

My throat hurt and I was parched. I felt pain in my legs and the heaviness trying to drag me down as I got up and tried to go after him.

I stumbled but continued anyway. I had to talk to him, get some answers, who knows this maybe my last chance to get away.

"Please wait." I tried to shout but he wouldn't stop. I heard the door being locked and I began to slam at it repeatedly. "No no no", I felt tears on cheeks as the heavy despair began weighing me down. I sank to the floor and leaned against the locked door, my only chance of freedom.

"Please who are you, why am I here? Please, let me go. Please!" I shouted as loud as I could to the locked door. I knew someone was there, guarding it.

"Please anyone please let me out"I continued to slam my hand on the door trying to get anyone's attention but as I sat there for who knows how long, bawling my eyes out, no one came.

After what seemed like hours, I walked back to what I presumed was the mattress where I woke up and saw what my captor had brought. It looked like a bowl of soup, a half a loaf of bread and a glass of water. I felt my stomach growling so I picked up the spoon and tasted the soup.

I blanched at its taste. 'Yuck', It didn't taste like soup at all, more like a bunch of spices thrown together in a bowl of water. Inside I began to eat the bread despite its sogginess. I chewed it down a few bites and drank it down with some water.

I lied back down, suddenly feeling very worn out. My eyes hurt from all the tears I had shed and yet I couldn't help it as the waterworks started again. 'Why is this happening to me?' I thought as tears ran down my face.

I began thinking about my mom and dad. They probably had no idea I was kidnapped. What if I never saw them again?

Feeling too tired to think of an escape plan, my eyes began to droop and I felt myself falling into the darkness.

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