"Guren Bakuenjin!" Natsu roared. He let loose a swirl of searing hot fire that sent Laxus flying. When Laxus landed, he didn't get up, and he was having a hard time breathing. Natsu had done it. He had beaten Laxus.

"Laxus was...defeated?" Freed had said in absolute shock. Laxus, an S-class mage, and one of Fairy Tail's strongest wizards, had lost to Natsu, Fairy Tail's infamous Fire Dragon Slayer. It was then, that Natsu let out a ferocious roar, as if to let everyone know of his victory. Levy just stared in shock and wonder. She knew Natsu was strong, but this strong? It was almost unbelievable. It was here that a slight blush appeared on Levy's face, as she couldn't seem to take her eyes off of Natsu's muscular body.

'Has he always been so strong? Has he always been this..handsome?' Levy thought to herself. It seemed that all the wounds from his battle caught up to Natsu, because he collapsed to the ground. He had never pushed himself so hard in a fight before. But there was no way he was going to let Laxus hurt his nakama and take Fairy Tail away from them. After all, it was their home to return to.

When Levy saw Natsu fall, she quickly made her way up to him, hoping along the way that he was okay. When she reached him, she noticed that he was covered in bruises and cuts, and he was breathing heavily. Levy couldn't help but watch the rise and fall of his chest, and noticed the most peaceful expression on his face. It was so different from his usual hyper and out going self, and personally, she didn't mind him the way he was right now. He was clearly knocked out, and Levy almost didn't want to wake him up. However, she quickly decided against it, figuring that Natsu might be seriously hurt. Natsu's health was the most important thing at the moment.

"Natsu., are you okay? Please, wake up." Levy prodded gently. Her calm voice betrayed how she actually felt. For some reason, her heart was beating a thousand miles per hour, and she was really nervous. She couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. Suddenly, Natsu stirred.

"Oi, Levy..just five more minutes okay?" Natsu said quietly. Levy smiled. He would never change, would he? Regardless, she was glad that he was okay. For some reason, the thought of him being hurt really bothered her. But she couldn't worry about that right now. Right now, she needed to get Natsu to the infirmary.

"C'mon Natsu, lets get you to Fairy Tail, you need some rest." Levy said. She helped him get up, and he put his arm over her shoulder for support so he could walk. Natsu was still breathing hard, and he could barely walk, but the joy he was feeling right now kept him going. After all, Fairy Tail was still their home, and he protected his nakama. Tomorrow, was looking like a great day. And with the Fantasia parade just a few days away, things could only get better. Even if some of those things were things that Natsu never saw coming.

Hey guys! I'm back from the dead! So actually, I was reading a bunch of fanfiction and decided that there wasn't enough Natsu X Levy, so I decided to right some. But of course, there's gonna be more then that, so don't worry if you're not a fan of the pairing. Also, my other story, The Huntress and The Dragon will be updated by next Friday. I've been suffering from major writers block and I've been super busy with moving, school, drama, and a bunch of other things. But I am actually really happy that people still read that story. We're up to over 4, 500 views on that one, and honestly, I hope this one gets just as much, if not more. I'll try to update every week when possible, and don't worry about this chapter being so short, the other chapters will be longer as well. Same with my other story. Thanks for your support, I'll see you real soon!