Zane X Vampire!Reader for NinjagoZ
Y/n is your name
Y/e is your eye color
Y/h is your hair color
R/g/p is red, gold, or purple. Take your pick!

Her feet fly across the ground, running and running. The forest is just up ahead, (y/n) thought, darting from alley to alley. A group of three vampire hunters were right behind her, racing after her with wooden stakes and silver daggers. A dark cape tracing after her in the wind, her (y/e) eyes glanced behind her. She knew this won't end without death getting a icy grip upon someone.

Unfortunately for the hunters after (y/n), she's immortal.

In a spilt second, time seems to slow down as (y/n) does a backflip and charge at the hunters. One moment they're five feet apart, the next she has a hand on a hunter's neck and it's snapped in half. The limp man drops, and the two - who were still running - turn on their heels to see a extremely ticked off vampire.

"Let's play, boys..." (Y/n) hissed, pulling off a cartwheel before kicking someone in the face. Another moment, and she has a dagger in hand plunging into a heart. Only one left, a fair fight...if both sides were human. A swift kick to the ribs causes the last hunter to go down, and before she can even think...(y/n) has her fangs buried into the hunter's neck. She drains him dry, the fight leaving her hungry. Eyes closed in content, (y/n) lets the body drop before standing up as straight as possible. Her eyes open, now revealing they have gone from (y/e) to (r/g/p). Smiling to where her ivory fangs poke out ever so slightly, (y/n) races into the woods. A nice moonlit evening at the hot springs sounded as good as sweet apple pie.

Watching the past events, Zane had noticed how the girl with multicolored eyes had fought and annihilated three men twice her size. Clearly, she wasn't human...and Zane wanted to know more. Silently, he started to follow her. Occasionally using the large, pine trees of the forest to hide when the girl would turn to look behind her. Zane also noted how her skin was paler then most, and how her (y/h) seemed a Whether it was darker or lighter, or was it just the moon? Zane snaps out of his thoughts when a shout comes from below.

"Ok. That's it! Who's following me?!" (Y/n) calls out, eyes darting around. Most wouldn't be able to see much - moon or no moon - but her (r/g/p) eyes caught all. Especially when a certain ninja of ice leapt down from a tree. A ninja! He must've seen her with the hunters! Worse, (y/n) had heard how the white ninja was not human, but in fact a robot. Nindroid, as his nickname went. She scowls, quickly running off...but her sharp hearing could pick up the ninja's soft footsteps falling in place right after her.

As a spilt decision, (y/n) swiftly turns around...only to trip on a tree root. Zane trips after her, as fate would have it. (Y/n) sits up sharply, instantly noticing that her and Zane were rather where a decent conversation could be held, in the least.

" you were following me why...?" (Y/n) starts out, a bit sarcastically. A part of her hoped it wasn't from the hunters.
"I saw those men bothering you. You took them down with barely any challenge. Most would have had a slight struggle, yet you didn't. Why is that?" Zane asks, frowning in a curious way. (Y/n) inwardly winces. Great. Thanks a lot, vampire hunters!

"The day I tell you will be the day I die. And believe me, that's gonna be a LONG time from now." (Y/n) says, her head tilting like a confused puppy's when Zane smiles.

"Well, it's a good thing I have quite a while to wait. Isn't it?"