Skye and Ward were walking back to their bunks after working out in the cargo bay. Skye stretched her arms above her head with a long yawn. "These work outs wear me down."

"Well, if it means anything, you're getting better." Ward said, looking at her with a smile. Skye raised her eyebrows in shock.

"Whoa! That was a compliment. Man, I wish I had gotten that on camera." Skye joked, elbowing the serious agent playfully in the ribs. He nudged her right back.

"Well don't get use to it, Rookie." he shot back. Skye smiled, glad that Grant was starting to open up to her a bit. A sudden yell of pain echoed through the hall, making both of their heads snap towards the sound.

"That sounded like Fitz." Skye said softly, a dread gripping her heart. Ward had a look of panic on his face as another shout rang out. They both took off running to the sound. They ran past Fitz's bunk and saw a lonely looking Simmons standing in front of it. She also had a look of panic on her face as she ran after the other two agents.

They turned a corner and were horrified to see Fitz unconscious on the ground with a man standing above him, a knife in his hand. Simmons, who had to be held back by Skye cried out, "Leo!"

The intruder turned to face them, making them all gasp in shock. The intruder had Ward's face but it wasn't Ward. The real Ward charged at the intruder, grabbing his wrist and twisted it back. The intruder cried out in pain and dropped the knife. Ward and the intruder began to fight, hand to hand. Ward got the intruder in a head lock. Looking back at the girls, Ward called out, "Get May and Coulson!"

Skye nodded and began pulling a struggling Simmons back to the cockpit. Jemma shook her head. "No, we've got to get Fitz!"

"Ward will take care of him. We have to get the others." Skye urged, yanking her by the arm, leaving the two Wards to their battle. Ward kept his arm locked tight around the intruder's neck, cutting off circulation and oxygen to the brain. Soon the intruder fell still as he slipped into unconsciousness. Ward let out a shaking breath and pulled the intruder over to a utility closet. He threw him in, not trying to be gentle, and locked him in.

"Fitz?" Ward called quietly, walking back over to kneel by the still unconscious man. Ward was sick when he saw the bruises already forming on Fitz's face. His lip was busted and his nose bleed. What really worried him was the odd angle at which his left leg was bent. Ward suddenly felt like going back and beating the ever-loving crap out of the imposter. "God. Fitz, wake up!"

"Quit yelling." his voice was small as he woke, making Ward laugh with relief. His joy, however was short lived when Fitz saw who it was. His face became twisted with fear as he tried to scramble away. I cried out in pain when he disturbed his broken leg.

"Fitz! Fitz, calm down. It me; the real me. I've got the imposter locked in the closet. You're safe now." Ward comforted, holding his hands in front of him. Fitz seemed to calm down a bit.

"My leg hurts." he groaned, squeezing his eyes closed against the pain. Ward swallowed and nodded.

"Its probably broken. I'll have to set it." he told Fitz solemnly. Fitz looked distraught but nodded in understanding.

"Do it." he said shakily. Ward gently took the scientists leg and began to count.

"One, two-" he quickly snapped the bone back in place. Fitz let out a strangled cry.

"What the hell happened to three?" he asked incredulously. Ward shrugged.

"I was never good at math." he joked, making Fitz smile slightly. "You're lucky it was a clean break."

"Yea, I'm bloody lucky." he grumbled, laying back down. Ward chuckled and smacked his good leg.

"Hey, chicks dig casts. It tells girls that you're masculine."

"Yea right. Wait, they do?" Fitz asked with a somewhat hopeful look in his eyes. They heard a shuffle down the hall as the others rushed to join them.

"Where's the intruder?" Coulson asked with his gun raised and ready. Ward pointed at the utility closet and smiled.

"I locked him in there." he told them. May rolled her eyes and went to open the door. Skye peeked inside behind her and gave Ward a weird look.

"Her. You locked her in here." she said as May dragged out an unconscious woman. She couldn't have been older than sixteen. Her bleach blonde hair was in long dreads. Her face was pale and ashen. The man clothes she was wearing hung off of her small frame. Ward looked horrified.

"I beat up a teenage girl." he said slowly. Fitz looked equally horrified.

"I got beat up by a teenage girl." he looked down in shame. Simmons ran past the others to kneel next to Fitz. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tight.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" she cried. Fitz groaned when Jemma squeezed him too tight.

"Only if you get the bloody popcorn next time." he smiled against her hair. She laughed and wiped the happy tears from her eyes. She punched him playfully on the shoulder; also in a fresh bruise. Fitz groaned and fell back. "Argh."

"Oh my God, I'm sorry!" Jemma cried. Coulson spoke up.

"Okay lets get this young lady in the interrogation room and Fitz down to the infirmary." he ordered gently, helping Ward get Fitz to his feet.

"I don't think a cast is worth this." Fitz hissed in pain. Ward could only roll his eyes.

Hope you liked it! please review and Follow! Love you guys!