Okay, for all those who don't know, I have a cold. Normally, well for anyone else, this would only last a day and wouldn't be a big deal, blah blah. But for me, I actually slept last night, only waking up twice to turn my electric blanket back on (It's only ten degrees outside, 30 in my room) and then I fell back asleep. It wouldn't bug me as much if night when I couldn't sleep was when typed. Because I couldn't sleep. Yeah.
I'll shut up.
"Stay here." Dad said the first thing in the morning. I had just woken up and found my way back to the console room.
"What do you mean?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Dad was dressed and just about to leave.
"Kitchen's somewhere down that hall and you can hang out in the library or the entertainment room or something." He said and opened the door. "I'll be back soon."
"What?" I asked as he left and the door locked behind him. Great, I was stuck inside the weird magic blue police box. Again. And it was high up and on a cloud. There was no way I was going out, I was staying right there.
"Now what am I going to do?" I asked the empty air. I got some sort of indignified hum back, I don't exactly know how to describe it, it was just weird. I sighed and wandered down of the halls, looking for the kitchen to get something to eat.
"Where's the damn kitchen?!" I asked under my breath, frustrated. I had been wandering around the nearly endless halls for almost ten minutes, my stomach complaining. I have passed several doors, but none of them were the kitchen. I did, however, find the library. It was simply huge, several stories large with thousands of books!
I get the whole 'bigger on the inside' but that just seemed ridiculous.
After a while I did finally find the kitchen and I was surprised to see that it was relatively normal looking, plain even. Walking over to the fridge, I opened and saw that it was practically empty except for a gallon of milk and some pickles.
I closed the fridge doors and looked through the cupboards for cereal. Like the fridge, it was mostly empty but I did find a box of unopened cereal. It was some sugary brand that I have never particularly liked, but I was starving and about willing to eat anything but the pickles at this point.
I found a bowl and poured the cereal. I then went to the fridge and got the milk when it occurred to me that I should check the date. It said September 29th, 2012, but I realised that I was in a time machine and for all I knew, this milk could have been picked up a hundred or so years ago so I tentatively unscrewed the lid and lifted the jug up to my nose, taking a sniff.
It smelt relatively fresh, so I took an experimentally sip. It tasted okay, so I shrugged and used it. If I got sick from this, it would totally be Dad's fault.
After I finished eating I found my way back to the library where I settled down on one of the dusty old couches with a Agatha Christie novel.
Before I knew it, I had finished the novel and found that I was hungry. Again. It must have been a few hours after I had started the book, so I got up and began the search for the kitchen again. This time I found it in under five minutes, it had moved itself right next to the library.
My stomach growling pushed all thoughts away from how is this possible and I focused more on how hungry I was. I sighed and opened the fridge, hoping that something besides pickles had magically appeared.
"Um, okay." I said quietly to myself. The fridge was stuffed with food, everything from eggs to weird looking alien fruit, or vegetables, had appeared. Ever corner was stuffed and I took plenty of time looking through everything but making sure not to touch anything that looked alien.
Finally, I found an unopened package of turkey lunch meat, some American cheese and a can of root beer. I don't know how my favorite soft drink got in there, but I took it willingly.
I took everything to a nearby counter and searched for bread. There was a loaf of wheat bread right next to me, but I hate wheat bread, so I searched around for white.
"Well, fine then." I said with a bit of attitude when I couldn't find any, so I grudge fully opened the wheat and took of the crusts. If I was going to eat wheat, then I certainly wasn't going to eat the damn crusts.
Happy with my meal, I grabbed a small bag of potato chips and sat down at the table and ate. When I finished I chugged the last of my root beer and put everything away. Full, but bored, I started wondering about until I reached the console room.
"It's smaller on the outside." Someone from in the console room said. Wait, what? Who else was here?
Okay, there you go. Remember how I said the last chapter was difficult? Gah, gah, gah-y gah gah. I don't like write someone all alone. Thankfully this is over and we can get back to the actually story.