Twilight sat in her room in her new home in Canterlot
It had been a short time since the new princess and her friends saved Celestia and Luna, along with the Tree of Harmony from Discords chaotic plants. Yet not before sacrificing the Elements of Harmony to do so.
"There has to be something about this," Twilight said going through her many books she got from her old, library tree home.
The new Princess was searching for any information that would help her find the six keys to unlock the box the Tree had given her after saving it.
"Why do we need to open the box so quickly?" Spike said carrying more books into her room
"This box could contain a new magical item to help protect Equestria," Twilight guessed "Right now we're totally defenseless should some new threat come along. What if Chrysalis returned? Or Sombra?"
Spike nearly wet himself when he thought of such wicked creatures wreaking havoc with no means of defeating them
"That's why we need to open this box as soon as possible," Twilight said "How can we hope to keep Equestria safe from harm?"
She went back into her books
Just then a flash of light shown in Twilight's room, and standing in the princesses room was none other than Discord. The draconequus master of chaos himself.
"AH!" Spike said now wetting himself for real
"Hi Twilight," he said
"Not now Discord," Twilight said "I'm trying to find information on the how to open this box,"
"But I wanted to tell you about my day," Discord said
"Later," Twilight shooing him off
"That girl and her books," Discord said
"Tell me about it," Spike said "I once became Apple Jacks servant cause she spent so much time buried in one,"
"Wow," Discord said "Now that's...Uh Spike,"
Discord pointed to the ground near Spike
"Huh!" Spike gasped embarrassed now realizing what he'd done
"Relax," Discord said snapping his figures and cleaning up his yellow mess
"Wow," Spike said
"All better," Discord said
"That was amazing," Spike said
"That was nothing," Discord said poofing up a tiny TV which highlighted his day "Today I scared off some Tmberwolves from Sweet Apple Acres, locked the Gates of Tartatoes while Fluttershy got Cerberus, took care of the weather since Dashy is sick, and..."
"Discord!" Twilight said "I'm trying to read. Can you please go talk somewhere else?"
"Fine," Discord said "Since your such a bookworm nerd
Discord poofed Twilight into a tiny, pink worm with nerdy taped glasses.
After a quick laugh he poofed her back and left
"Discord and his chaotic power," Twilight said rolling her eyes
It was at this moment the pony had an epiphany.
"Discord wait!" Twilight said
Discord poofed back
"What?" Discord asked
"Your power," Twilight said "It has no equal."
"Indeed it dose," Discord said making himself buff "I'm macho magical,"
"You can do things even high level unicorns can't do, you can raise the sun and moon even," Twilight said
"Yes I'm very talented," Discord said covered in medals and surrounded by trophies now
"Look what I'm saying," Twilight began "Is there a way you can teach me the power of chaos?"
"Say what!?" Discords eyes fell out of his head in surprise at what she said
"Please, is there?" Twilight said
Discord dressed up like a professor "And what should I consider enrolling you in the school of chaos?" Discord asked
Twilight told Discord what she told Spike before he came
"I see your point," Discord said "Yet why not let have me take care of all those disasters for you?"
"I'm a princess now," Twilight said "It's my duty to protect the ponies of Equestria, what if something happened to Celestia and Luna again?"
"You said duty," Discord giggled
"Can you teach me or not?" Twilight said
"Well I've never tried it before," Discord said
"So we got nothing to lose," Twilight said
Thus Discords school of Chaos was now open.
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