
Chapter 9: Answers

Marie now 21 weeks pregnant, sat in her living room waiting for the door to knock. Jubes was already in the apartment, playing video games with the boys while Marie waited for Johnny (who was taking her out for dinner) and she was getting worried. He was 2 hours late.

"Do yah think he's comin'?" Marie asked from her place on the couch. "He is two hours late…"

Jubes didn't even look up from the game on the screen- the boys and Jubes were playing Mario Kart on the Wii. Marie found it highly annoying that she was freaking out and her best friend could barely glance over at her. Sometimes it was annoying being best friends with a person like Jubilee.

"Did ya say something, Rogue?" Jubes called over her shoulder, not looking away from the screen. Marie looked over and spotted her sons playing their favorite characters and Jubes owning the game as Princess Peach.

She may be kinda stupid because she always is taken away, but being able to drive a go-kart and do it in heels and a drink is freaking badass. Marie could still Jubes' voice telling her sons when they had asked why Jubes picked Peach.

Jacob was playing as Yoshi while James played as Mario.

"No," Marie sighed knowing that her friend would be ignoring her for the rest of the night. She stood up with some trouble, being 21 weeks had its drawbacks. "I'm going to go for a walk. Be good,"

"Okay mommy!" came a call from both boys.

Marie rolled her eyes and left the room. She waddled out of the room, her mind swimming with thoughts. First thing that went to the front of her brain was the fact that Marie was expecting a girl. It was weird, thinking she was carrying a girl.

Logan had always shown an interest in having a daughter but only to have a daddy's girl. Other than that, Logan had no interest in dealing with boys going after his baby girl.

She sighed as she thought of the feral mutant.

Logan had shown some interest in the baby and the boys, but hadn't outright said he wanted to be anything more in their kids' lives. Marie knew she had to sit that man down and talk to him. Their boys asked about him all the time and Marie knew at some point, her baby girl would question about her dad as well.

Marie wandered into the living room and sat down in front of the TV. She now also had to decide on a name. Usually Logan enjoyed coming up with the craziest names so that Marie would like the simple ones. It had been an accident that Marie had stumbled upon the name Jacob.

While reading the Twilight series (something she regrets greatly but she felt like was a rite of passage), she had come across the werewolf teen boy Jacob Black. She found it amusing to think of how similar Logan and Jacob (Black) were. They were both very wolfish. So as a joke, she had suggested the name and Logan had taken an instant liking to it.

The name James just made sense to Marie though she would never fully understand. Something was calling to her when she named her eldest. Logan seemed to like it and it worked. Her boys; James and Jacob. Besides, Marie liked names that started with the letter J.

"Something wrong, Marie?"

She looked up not expecting the feral mutant on her mind to come walking into the room. Much less he had caught her by surprise and had sat down beside her without her knowledge. "What do you want?" She sighed.

"You looked lonely," Logan replied gruffly.

It seemed so long ago since he had been her Logan. This man was not her Logan or her Wolverine.

"Johnny stood me up," She said sadly. Wait…why was she telling Logan this? He didn't care. He only cared about getting laid by Jean. Her thoughts swirled and caused her to scowl. He raised a hairy eyebrow at her. "WHAT?"

Logan smirked, "Whatcha scowling at me for, darlin'?"

"For knocking me up, making me fall in love with ya and then not sticking around as our family aged. What the hell was the past few years then Logan? Why did you cheat on me?" Marie seriously wanted to know and understand. Yes, she was pissed. But she was sick of fighting too. She had her daughter to worry about.

Logan though, looked stunned. He couldn't form words. His mouth opened and closed a few times, before Marie sighed loudly.

"I need to know and understand, please. You owe me this."

He knew he owed her. He owed her so much. He had caused the woman he loved beyond thought so much pain. He had cheated on her; multiply times, in their apartment and their bed, and Logan felt terrible. "At first…it was because I missed connecting and being with you."

"So you slept with Jean!?" Marie asked outraged.

Logan sighed. "Darlin', if I'm gonna talk to you about it, you've gotta keep the snapping under control."

"Fine…" Marie huffed.

He continued. "At first, it was just scratching an itch. You were pregnant with Jacob and I felt forgotten. You had no sex-drive whatsoever and I needed something. Usually my hand was fine but I lost myself in Jean." He explained. Marie looked very offended and hurt but she didn't say anything. "And when it happened again, I was shocked. It was supposed to only be a onetime thing."

Marie turned to look down at her belly. "Did you fall in love with her again?"

"Honestly?" Logan sighed gently, "I don't think I ever stopped loving her. But I wasn't in love with her, because I'm in love with you darlin'."

"Why didn't you leave me?" Marie asked, turning to look at her ex-husband.

Logan knew she was going to ask that but it still hurt to hear it come from her lips. She sounded very defeated. "She wasn't you, Marie. For so long I thought she was the one I wanted and then…and then I saw you that night and we had sex." He scratched the back of his neck. "Seeing you in such a natural state was amazing and I fell in love with you in that tiny apartment. Jean isn't natural."

So many questions swirled inside of her head. She shifted and ran a hand through her hair. "So why did you string me along?"

"I didn't. I meant to put a stop to it but every time…something was pulling me to her."

Marie turned to stare at him for a long moment. "Logan, do you love her?"

There was a long pause between them. It felt awkward and Marie wished she had just stayed in the apartment to watch Mario Kart. At least then she could pretend to be interested. She could also take a nap.

"I don't know Marie," He scowled. "If I say I do, you'll be upset 'cause I'm only suppose to love you. But I say I don't, you'll be pissed because I cheated on you for no good reason."

Marie frowned. "Whatever Logan," She stood up with reddening eyes. She was fighting back tears and then, Marie felt something wet…before pain filled her. She grasped at her belly.

Logan smelt it first.


"My baby!"

"Oh god…"

Marie was losing her baby girl.


I sort of have an idea where I'd like for this to go. So there could be more regular updates to see this finished but again, who knows?

Next Chapter: Me or Her, Jean returns and Logan has a choice to make. Marie or Jean…

Please review! If anyone is still interested in seeing this through, let me know and I'll finish this for you ;)

Lots of love,
