Three days passed. They finally were out of the influence of the blue sun.

Friendships were reestablished, injuries healed, head and body aches decreased, and Alpha's workload had vastly improved.

Professor Bergman told the command staff it would take some time to get significant information charted about their 'blue friend' but once he input his calculations, and Computer was compliant, the encounter could help in the future, perhaps aid the moon people in a way to prevent future malaise. Meanwhile, Victor said he was going to work on the preliminaries of a more powerful shield. They never knew if Alpha was going to come upon a sun that was even more threatening than what they had already confronted.

"Let's hope not." Koenig said and gazed, nearly apologetic, at Helena from across the round table in his office.

It was as he suspected. She did not remember compromising words or what she had done as she lapsed into sleep during the night of her injury. Now, healthy and without the sling, Helena was serious and professional as she read the medical and life support report for the week. Rightly, Dr. Russell seemed pleased that all was well.

The meeting broke up around lunchtime and Paul Morrow quickly moved to Sandra's side. They were both off duty. "I'm hungry. Would you like to join me in the cafeteria?" he asked her. Inside, Morrow was a mass of jelly. Now was as good a time as ever to make some kind of move.

"That is very kind, Paul." She smiled, "But I am actually meeting with Michael Ryan. We seldom get time off together and they are playing a movie he likes in the Recreation Center." She paused momentarily, noting Paul's disappointment. "We would love to have you join us."

"No." Morrow was quick, "You enjoy yourself and give Mike my best." He quickly removed himself from her presence before Sandra could see the deep disillusionment registering on his face. 'Pilots.' Morrow thought grimly. 'Why did they always get the best girls?'

Victor called to Helena, telling her that he and John were also off to the cafeteria. Would she like to join them?

"I'm afraid I have to return to Medical Center. I've been off for far too long and Bob is receiving a well-deserved rest. I'm pulling a double shift."

"You have to eat sometime." John said to her, an odd smile up turning his generous mouth. "I'll bring you something later and you can … eat it up." Amused, John turned and walked from the office conference room.

That was odd. Victor shrugged at the puzzled Helena and followed his friend.

The last of the command staff in his office, Helena dismissed John's strange comment as a manly quip she probably was not meant to understand. Straightening the papers in the file in her hand … 'Eat you up' … she was about to leave when a wave of understanding and mortification overcame her. 'Oh God, I did not …'

Helena thought she had dreamt it.

Dr. Russell spent the next few days avoiding her Commander. In time, she was sure, he would forget.

But he never did.


November 2013.