*ATTENTION* Extremely important author's note at the bottom!



"Alright, class! So today we will be starting a new project that I think you guys will really like. Each of you will be assigned one pen pal from a school across the pen pal. Now, a pen pal is someone who you write to and exchange information with, as a way of learning about how other people live. As I come around, you will pull a folded pice of paper out of the bag. The paper contains the name of the person you'll be writing to," Mrs. Atkins explained to her fifth grade class.

Annabeth Chase looked around, watching as her classmates began whispering to each other excitedly. They were all wondering the same things. Who would they get? Boy or girl? How old? She raised her hand eagerly.

"Yes, Annabeth?" Mrs. Atkins asked kindly as she went around the room.

"Um, I was just wondering. Isn't this kind of unsafe? Like, what if when they get ahold of our address, they turn up at our house the next day or something? And how old are these kids, anyway?" she asked a bit nervously.

Mrs. Atkins smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Annabeth. These kids are all in the same class at a school in Long Island, New York. And they're all in the same grade as you - 5th. Also, we won't be using your address. The letters are going to be sent back and forth between the schools. But if, at any time, you begin to feel uncomfortable with this, it is okay to stop writing to your pen pal. I do want you to understand, though, that we would never put you or any student here in any kind of danger.

Annabeth nodded, biting her lip. She watched the students around her as they showed each other their slips of paper, while other students waited anxiously for their turn to pick a name.

"I got a girl named Thalia!" a girl exclaimed excitedly.

"Mine's a boy named Nico di Angelo," another student said.

Soon there were only two students ahead of her.

Then one.

And then Mrs. Atkins was standing right on front of her. "Okay, Miss Annabeth, it's your turn to pick a name!" she said enthusiasticly, shaking the bag and holding it out to her.

Annabeth took a deep breathe, and with her mind burning with curiousity, she let her hand latch onto a thin slip of paper. Taking it out, she stared at it wonderingly.

She was hesitant to open it. What if the person wouldn't like her? "Go on, it won't bite!" Mrs. Atkins teased, as if reading her mind. Annabeth waited until the teacher moved on to the next person, before unfolding it.

Two words were typed neatly on it:

Perseus Jackson

The first thing that came to her mind was, A boy. I will be writing to a boy. Great. And the second thing she thought was, What a very odd name. Was he into Greek Mythology? Or maybe his parents did? Or maybe they simply liked the name.

Finally, when the teacher was finished giving out all the names, she stood in front of her very excited class.

"Okay, now that you all have the name of the person you'll be writing to for the rest of the year, you may go ahead and start on your first letter!"

Annabeth raised her hand again. "How long does it have to be? And what do we put in it?"

"It can be as long as you want it to be, though it may be best to start out simple. You can say whatever you want. Be courteous, of course, and definitely don't give away personal information like you address or something. You don't have to say anything that you don't want to."

Annabeth nodded and took out a sheet of notebook paper. She stared at the blank page for a moment, not knowing what to write. Looking around her, she could see the other students chatting excitedly among themselves, already scribbling down a message to their pen pal.

She dreaded writing assignments because of her dyslexia, which made it very hard to write. But finally, she just sighed and picked up her pencil, putting it to the page as she started her first letter of many.

Hi, Perseus!

Um, do you mind if I call you Percy? 'Perseus' gets really mixed up with my dyslexia. Anywho, my name is Annabeth Chase. I'm in 5th grade. My teacher, Mrs. Atkins, said that we'll be writing to each other for the whole rest of the year so that we can learn about each other's lives. Sounds kinda creepy when you put it like that... My favorite thing to do is read books. I especially love books about architecture, because I really want to be an architect when I grow up. What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't really have any friends, so I don't know what it's like to have one. The people at school think I'm weird, because I'm quiet and I read a lot and I make all A's.

"Class, you guys should be finishing up now! It's almost time to go home!" Mrs. Atkins warned.

Mrs. Atkins said I have to finish up because class is almost over, so I guess I'd better wrap it up. I hope I get to hear from you soon.



Obviously that sucked and was extremely short. But I really wanted to give y'all something for Thanksgiving. Anywho, I've got some things I need to tell you.

First: I am so sorry. I don't even know what to say. I know I've been AWOL for a couple of MONTHS. *whimpers* I'm so sorry. I just have so much going on right now. But I'm not going to go into all that right now. If you really wanna know, you can PM me.

Second, I know I have no business starting a new story. But all I have to say on that is, I seriously considered quitting writing, so it's kind of a miracle I'm giving it another chance.

Third, I don't know what I want to do with this. So I need you guys to vote.

A) When Percy and Annabeth were assigned as pen pals in 5th grade, they never stopped writing to each other. Now, in high school, Annabeth is moving to New York with her abusize father. How will their friendship change? Will they grow farther apart or closer together? And will Percy find out Annabeth's biggest secret?

B) Percy and Annabeth have been pen pals since 5th grade and Annabeth moves to New York, but Percy doesn't realize she's his pen pal and vice versa yada yada I don't even know.

C) A series of letters they've written to each other over the years, but they never actually meet. You guys would have to give me ideas for each letter.

I don't even know. I literally just hate myself. I can't do anything right. I don't know guys. I'm trying. I really am. But I really need help from you guys, if it's not too much to ask. Help me with ideas, tell me things you want, don't want, etc. Honestly, the best way to contact me at the moment is on Instagram horsecrazygirl13. Just comment on a photo telling me you're from fanfic. And if you PM, comment on a photo and tell me to check my inbox, because I'm not on my computer much anymore, because it sucks at being a computer.

Look, if you guys hate this or something, I'll take it down tomorrow. Thank you for so much support. I love each and every one of you.
