Lucy sighed happily, as she typed the peried on her typewriter, signifying the end of her book, before she smiled.

She then felt warm arms wrap around her, and lips press against her shoulder softly

"So, you finally finished?~" The man behind her said, and Lucy grinned, looking up, to meet the black eyes of her lover.

"Yes, thanks to your help of course~" she said with a small smile, causing Natsu to smile back

"Awsome~ lemme see~" He said rather childishly

"Baka! You helped write it!" Lucy scolded, albeit smiling anyway

"Awww, killjoy" Natsu huffed, before letting go of her and standing up straight.

"C'mon, we need to pick up Nashi and Luke from Mira's~" Lucy said, while she stood.

Yes, that's right. Natsu and Lucy had two kids, which were twins, named Nashi and Luke, at age 5.

It had been five years since all of that happened, and Natsu and Lucy couldn't be happier, and Lucy had even decided to write a book about it too, with help from Natsu.

As for Lucy's dad, he passed away shortly after their kids were born. Lucy couldn't help but feel sad, but felt better when Natsu hugged her, and whispered; "at least he got to see our kids before he left..."

And the kids stayed with Mira A LOT, especially when they needed some "alone time"

As for the white haired beauty herself, she had gotten married to Laxus, and had a kid of their own. Same went for Gajeel and Levy, and Gray and Juvia.

Erza and Jellal had also gotten married and had a kid, named Simon.

Jellal had ended up stumbling into Fairy Tail, unannounced, shocking everyone, and causing Erza to beat him up pretty good, before making out with him. (Musta been the sexual tension from that span of 8 years)

Gray had found his brother, Lyon, but quickly pummeled him after he started flirting with Juvia (the main trigger as to why they're dating now), but Lyon eventually settled down too.

Makarov finally retired, where Laxus then took over, and everyone was pretty happy for him

And though having the children run around the guild was fun, he felt old whenever Mira said "remember when we used to be like that?~" which led to Nashi and Luke staying at her place again, and him to lock himself in his room with Lucy for the rest of the day

Though all and all, the guild still felt pretty normal, as everyone still took missions frequently, though Natsu did take pride in training his children too, even though Lucy said they were "too young", but what does she know?

Natsu smiled as Mira's door opened, and two children came running out, and tackling their parents happily

"Mommy! Daddy!" They shouted out, as they both death-gripped Natsu, who was on the floor.

Lucy kneeled by them, and the two squirts immediately got up, and hugged her, but more gently. Natsu grinned before wrapping his arms around all of them

"I love you all" he chuckled