Strong Isn't Invincible

By: Liv-x-Case-Benson & dcmasters

Chapter One: Lean On Me

Catherine had been at work for the past six hours and she felt horrible. In the last day she'd gone from fine to a temperature and a cough. She had chills, but still insisted she was fine and had gone to work. Now, as she worked a crime scene, she was partly regretting that decision.

Sara, having noticed her friend's generally determined demeanor taper off, walked over to her. Nothing usually stopped her from being thorough, but she looked dead on her feet, white as a ghost and the cough could be heard even in a crowded, noisy area. But she knew Catherine wouldn't just leave. Never. "Cath, hey, you ok?"

Catherine nodded. "Fine," she smiled, before another hacking cough was released.

Sara rested a hand on her shoulder. "Cath," she sighed, "you look terrible. Look at me."

Catherine turned to look at the younger woman, blinking hard to focus her eyes.

Sara assessed her quickly. Her face was whiter than moments before, eyes unfocused, cheeks flushed and she was struggling to take a calm breath without it turning into a nagging cough. Carefully, Sara rested her hand on Catherine's forehead, shocked to find her burning up. "You shouldn't be here."

"I'm fine!" Catherine still insisted, though feeling irritable and exhausted. Another coughing fit plagued her and she practically fell into Sara's arms as her body refused to support her.

Sara held her up. "No, you need to be home."

Catherine sighed, nodding weakly unable to argue.

Sara nodded, helping her over to the car, before walking over to talk to Greg. "I'm going to drive Catherine home. She's not feeling well. I'll be back."

"Thank god. I offered several times and she refused. Nearly bit my head off the last time," Greg said.

Sara nodded. "I'll try to be quick."

"Any problems, call."

Sara nodded, getting in the driver's side. "Lets get you home, ok?"

Catherine rested her head back simply nodding. As she began another coughing fit.

Sara stopped quickly at the store, grabbing something to help Catherine sleep, decreasing her coughing and fever, before continuing to her house.

"Lindsay"s at school..." Catherine said as they arrived at her place.

Sara nodded, killing the engine and helping her out and into the house. "How about a hot shower then sipping into bed with something to help you sleep?"

Catherine nodded to exhausted to argue as they made their way inside. "You don't have to stay..."

Sara shook her head, leading her into the bathroom and starting the water. "It'll help you relax and fall asleep," she said.

"If I can stand that long," Catherine sighed.

'Might be an hour,' Sara text Greg. "I'll help you," she said, leaning Catherine against the counter, slowly helping her from her clothes before shedding her own.

Catherine stepped into the shower slowly, her body shaking at the change of temperature.

Sara stepped in after her. "Too hot? Too cold?"

"I'm adjusting," Catherine replied, the steam causing her to cough again.

The brunette patted her back gently. "Easy. Just relax."

As she stopped coughing, Catherine rested against the younger woman, her eyes closed.

Sara sighed gently. "Better?" she asked, turning off the water and wrapping a towel around Catherine before wrapping one around herself.

Catherine pulled the towel tighter as she nodded. "It's so cold."

Sara stepped out, after pulling the door back, grabbing a plush robe and wrapping it around her friend. "Better?"

"Thanks," Catherine smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed, "Can you pick Lindsay up?"

The brunette nodded. "After I put you to bed and get something into you to- God, when did I become a mother?"

Catherine gave a small laugh as she moved to lay down, her head banging.

Sara pulled a pair of sweats from the closet as well as a short-sleeved shirt. "Can you change on your own?" she asked, cracking the seal on the medicine.

Catherine nodded, shedding her robe to dress, then quickly put the robe back on, getting under the covers as she watched Sara.

Sara turned back to her, handing her the medicine. "Here," she said, walking into the bathroom.

Catherine quickly took the medicine, shuddering a little at the taste. "Will you sit here for a bit?"

Sara nodded, walking back into the room with a cool cloth. "When does Lindsay get out of school?"

"Couple of hours," Catherine replied, her eyes closing.


"Yeah, thanks," Catherine mumbled.

Sara smiled a bit, resting the cloth on Catherine's forehead, sitting beside her on the bed. She'd gotten dressed when she wet the washcloth.

Catherine opened her eyes to look at Sara, a little delirious. "You didn't have to dress for me."

Sara just shook her head, knowing the fever was making her delirious, patting her hand. "It's ok."

"Why is it so cold?"

Sara pulled the heavy quilt from the foot of the bed up over Catherine. "Any better?"

"A little," she coughed. "Lay with me?"

Sara sighed. "I..I really shouldn't, but..." 'How long can you cover for me?' she asked Greg.

'About another hour.' he replied, with a sigh. It was going to take ages to process this scene now.

Sara sighed, tucking Catherine in. "I can't. I'm sorry, but I'll pick up Lindsay from school at three, ok?"

Catherine nodded, her hand brushing Sara's.

Smiling, she kissed it. "If you feel worse, you let me know," she said, setting Catherine's phone on her bedside table before leaving.

Author's Note: So, what do you think?