Sherlock and Irene's Chemistry class flew by pretty quickly, for Sherlock especially as he flew through the sheet on Polymers and Monomers eventually turning to watch Irene finish her own worksheet pointing out and explaining her mistakes to her. Irene would grumble at first before laughing quietly under her breath. The bell eventually rang which ended with Sherlock and Irene both parting ways, Sherlock had Music with Mr Charlesworth and Irene had Art and Design with Mrs Cook, Irene turned to Sherlock after they had left the room catching his arm, 'may…may we meet for lunch?' Irene winced stupid stupid stupid 'I don't tend to eat at lunch…' 'No, No of course. I'm sorry' Irene quickly turned walking in the direction of the open stair well leading to third floor, she could feel her heart beating out of her chest the way it always did when Sherlock was near her, her face was flushed as she repeated the 'rejection' in her head, each time she repeated it her heart ached a little more. Half way down the corridor she felt a tug on her arm turning her around, she wasn't in the mood for an argument with those stuck up cows in her year. The ones who always slated her, made her feel worthless, but the moment she turned to tell them where to go she met the blue eyes that were engraved into her mind. 'Sherlock?' he loosed his grip on her arm the minute he got her attention 'You could join me where we were this morning at lunch, if you like?' he spoke so quietly that Irene barely heard him. A smile lit up her face 'really?' he nodded quickly before walking away in the opposite direction, Irene watched him go a smile lit up her face before turning and hurrying towards the stairs leading to Art and Design.

Irene found that the classes she had before lunch dragged, Art and Design was boring as usual then she had Geography with Mrs Collier who she found even more boring than Mrs Cook. The woman never shut up, she didn't stop speaking about her life. She wasn't surprised that the whole class herself included were barely scraping passes; she couldn't help but wonder what Sherlock's grade was like. The minute the bell rang for the end of class Irene was the first out the door, having had her bag packed for the last thirty minutes; it wasn't like Mrs Collier would notice. Irene headed straight for the unused stair well her and Sherlock had hidden in that morning making sure no one was watching her she slid through the door, she wasn't surprised to find Sherlock already there. She stood awkwardly by the door for a few minutes watching him. 'You can sit down Ms Adler' Irene jumped walking over to sit next to him on the pile of old gym clothes, she was pretty sure no one knew these even existed anymore, plus the school badge looked really old and different on these. Irene sat in silence waiting for Sherlock to begin the conversation

After fifteen minutes Irene got bored of waiting and decided to speak, her nervousness taking over as she opened her mouth meaning her words came out whispered 'so how was class?' she kept her head bowed blushing slightly. Sherlock huffed looking up to start one of his long winded explanations which he usually gave his friend John, but stopped when he saw her rosy red cheeks. Sherlock frowned continuing to stare at Irene, his staring making Irene's blush increase. 'Why Miss Adler has your cheeks gone red?' This made Irene's blush increase further 'I…I haven't' Sherlock huffed again 'don't lie to me' Irene refused to look up from her hands 'I don't know' her whisper was even quieter than before. Sherlock started to think, there were only three reasons why Irene's cheeks could flush that colour. The cold was one answer but to Sherlock this old stair well felt pretty warm due to the old radiators behind the stack of old gym cloths, she was experiencing embarrassment which Sherlock thought wasn't right because there has been nothing for her to be embarrassed about, and the other reason which surely it can't be was she was experiencing some sort of sexual attraction. But seen as she hadn't been like this when she walked in and there was only him sat in here with her that was impossible.

Irene shyly looked up after a few minutes of silence, what was Sherlock thinking? Surely he couldn't figure her out, it wasn't possible. But what if all the things Anderson had said while in Religious Studies was true, what if Sherlock really could deduce people with one glance. If so then she may have lost any chance of ever becoming his friend, or more. Irene looked back down feeling her heart beat painfully in her chest; she couldn't lose his friendship after only gaining his attention for one day. He was already making an impact of the life of hell she lived at school, showing her ways of staying out of the bully's site. She couldn't go back to the horrid gests thrown at her across the canteen or her food tray being slammed out her hands or being tripped in the corridor. She just couldn't, without realising it a small burning hot tear slid down her cheek as she thought about what would happen when Sherlock shunned her too. It wouldn't…shouldn't make her feel as sad and alone as it did.

Sherlock looked up at Irene when the tear fell, this made him frown more. Why was the girl crying? There wasn't anything to be sad about; this was why humans confused him so much. Emotions ran wild within the normal human brain, none that he understood, let alone felt himself. Well until he met her today, he felt a small ache begin to form in his chest at the site of her crying. He felt his body automatically move closer to her before awkwardly placing his arms around her small body holding her gently. His mind was racing faster than before, shouting at him for the sentimentality of the situation.