Irene dragged her grey jumper over her head pulling it down to cover her white shirt and grey and blue tie knotted neatly. Looking in the mirror to make sure her grey skirt was comfortably in place, and her grey socks were pulled up to her knees, sliding into her black shoes she grabbed her backpack making sure it had her books in for the day grabbing her keys and running out the door. Irene walked down the many roads that led to her school taking as many short cuts as possible to make sure she wasn't late for school. Irene walked up towards the gates of her school; she looked up from the floor as she nearly collided with the chest of another pupil. Irene looked up and gasped quietly, every time she saw him he made her heart speed up and she would feel incredibly dizzy. The boy's hands still grasped her arms to keep her steady, looking down at her silently. As always Irene thought 'th…thank you, Sherlock isn't it?' The boy in front of her with the curls of ink stared down at her remaining silent.

Irene nodded looking back down at her shoes, the boy never spoke to anyone but the teachers, and then it was only to correct them. Irene really enjoyed listening to his baritone voice as it always sent tingles down her spine, nice tingles she always enjoyed the tingles. 'Yes' Irene's head snapped back up to look at Sherlock, 'Pardon?' Irene searched the boys eyes 'Yes my name is Sherlock' Irene grinned trying not to show the shiver that went involuntarily down her spine. 'I'm Irene' she said quietly 'I know' she frowned 'I'm in most your classes' he smiled down at her, Irene stared in fascination she had never seen a smile as perfect and captivating as the boys in front of her 'oh…' Sherlock laughed slightly at the bemused expression on Irene's face 'we both have Mrs Nesbitt for registration…'Sherlock looked down at his watch '…and were running late' he stepped around Irene but when he realized the young girl was standing still staring at the space he had just left, he frowned questioningly and gently grasped her wrist pulling her in the direction of the doors.

Irene followed silently letting him lead her through the maze of corridors till they eventually reached E104 their registration room but as she looked through the glass on the door she flinched slightly, she always hated registration Mrs Nesbitt was a push over the class could do anything they wanted for the forty minutes they were there for, she rarely took a register and never reprimanded anyone. Irene started to pull herself out of Sherlock's grasp stepping away from the door hoping to skip registration knowing it was a Friday they all had morning head assembly, and Mrs James never seemed to notice when people slipped quietly through the back fire doors and sat in the back rows. Sherlock frowned as he felt the young girl pull back frightfully, Sherlock turned to look at her 'please…I can't…I don't want to go in there' Sherlock frowned further, he understood how bad the class could get but….then he realised he rarely even saw Irene during registration. 'It's okay you don't have to go in there if you don't wish to.' The girl seemed to relax, Sherlock moved towards her slowly guiding her back down the corridor they just came down to a quiet stair well that was never used, sliding under the old stair case pulling Irene behind him moving over to sit on a pile of old gym clothes that had been abandoned there, tugging Irene's small body down with him.

Irene sighed with relief as she curled up on the clothes, closing her eyes bringing her hands up to cover her face. Sherlock stayed quiet next to her till the bell rang ten minutes later, calling all students to the assembly hall. Irene began to stand wearily, but Sherlock pulled her back down shaking his head. Irene sat back down making herself comfortable by pulling off her backpack turning to look at Sherlock, 'why are you helping me?' Sherlock stayed quiet for a while before answering 'I understand.' He knew he didn't have to explain any further to Irene because he saw the switch in her mind that told her that he knew, he had realized it all without needing to be told. She nodded curling further into herself. Sherlock saw this as a defensive move and hoped that he hadn't upset the young woman any further by letting her know that she hadn't hid it as well as she thought, but he wasn't everyone else, they all still believed her façade. After several minutes of silence Irene turned to Sherlock and thanked him. He smiled starting to stand, offering Irene his hand to pull her up. She smiled in thanks pulling her back onto her shoulder as they both began to walk up the two flights of stairs towards S209 where they both had Chemistry with Mrs Eyres.

Sherlock enjoyed Chemistry; it was the only lesson where he didn't contradict the teacher constantly. Irene moved closer to Sherlock timidly, not wanting for him to leave her side because of the fear of what would come but Irene always sat with her friend Mary every lesson, but Mary was as helpful with the situation as her other friends. Sherlock seemed to understand her and she wanted to stay with him for as long as possible. Irene turned to Sherlock as they reached the class room earlier than the other students as they were still sat in the assembly hall listening to Mrs James talk about the new success' of the football team or the hockey team or some other team Irene didn't really care to hear about. 'Sherlock…?' Sherlock turned to Irene who stood beside him leaning against the clinically white walls 'yes Irene?' 'can…can I sit with you in there…I mean you don't…it doesn't matter it was a stupid idea anyway.' Irene turned away slightly kicking herself for even opening her mouth to ask him, 'yes' Sherlock said looking down at his well shined shoes. 'What?' Irene turned back to look at him, 'yes you may sit with me.'