Sorry for such a long update! I will be working on updating all my stories this week, so hopefully I'll be able to. Thanks for reading and all your reviews! Hope y'all like it!

Chapter 12

Clarion carried Cailida on her hip down to the kitchen. The four month old was babbling happily as her mother hopped from stair to stair. It had been a month since the young baby had cured her mother and everyone had adjusted back to normal life. Clarion opened the door and twirled into the kitchen, causing her daughter to laugh joyously. Ree dipped her daughter and suddenly heard someone else laughing. She looked up to see Prilla laughing.

"Hi Queen Clarion!" She giggled. Clarion giggled as well and put Cailida in her highchair. Callie looked upset for a moment, but her mother gave her toy keys. Callie's toy keys were one of her favorite toys.

"Hello Prilla!" Clarion chuckled. "What are you doing here?" She asked, wondering what the fairy was doing in the Pixie Dust Tree.

"I told the maids I'd clean up the kitchen after lunch." Prilla put away the last plate as she spoke. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to make dinner for Lord Milori." Clarion smiled as she put on her apron. "He's been really stressed lately, so I thought dinner would cheer him up."

"Oh!" Prilla squealed. "That's so sweet!" Clarion chuckled as the childish fairy sat in front of her daughter. "Can I keep Princess Cailida company while you cook?"

"Of course you can. And, please, her name is Cailida or Callie." Clarion said with a light giggle as she pulled out noodles. "Anyway, I think she really likes you."

"Really?" Prilla looked up from the baby to her mother. Clarion nodded and smiled as Prilla grinned. Clarion went on to cook as Prilla played peak-a-boo with Callie. As the queen was stirring pasta, the young princess began to cry.

"Oh honey…" Clarion called to her daughter. Cailida looked towards her mother and began to suck at her hand. Clarion knew she was hungry, but couldn't leave the stove for fear the water would boil over.

"Queen Clarion, why is Callie crying?" Prilla asked. She looked very concerned and kept trying to cheer the small fairy up.

"It's time for her to eat." Clarion answered kindly. Then she got an idea. "Would you mind feeding her for me?" Clarion smiled as the mainland clapping fairy nodded feverously. "Ok, bring me a bottle from her diaper bag so I can heat it up real quick." Clarion looked at the pasta and slid it off the burner. She walked over to Prilla and took the bottle.

"What do I do?" Prilla asked. Clarion laughed lightly as she picked up her fussing daughter. Clarion led the Prilla to a chair and showed her how to hold the princess. Callie knew by now that she was going to be fed, so she was smiling happily in Prilla's lap.

"Just hold her bottle like this…" Clarion helped Prilla hold the bottle for a moment, but Prilla caught on quickly and didn't need much help. "Thank you so much for your help!" Clarion kissed her daughter's head as she walked back over to the stove. She finished cooking as her daughter ate. Clarion was setting a pot in the sink, when Prilla called for her.

"Queen Clarion, Callie is done eating. What do I do now?" She asked happily. Callie played with her pink hair, causing Prilla to laugh.

"She needs to be burped but I'll do that." Clarion walked over and saw a frown grow on Prilla's face.

"Why can't I do it?" Prilla asked. Clarion saw confusion in the fairy's face. Ree smiled warmly and took her daughter into her arms.

"Because, Prilla," She said soothingly. "Sometimes Callie spits up when you burp her." Just as Clarion said that, Callie burped. It was a small noise, but was followed by a louder noise. Clarion was holding Cailida over her shoulder and felt something warm sliding down her back.

"Like that?" Prilla asked as Clarion turned her back to her. Clarion nodded as Prilla giggled. The fairy watched as her queen sat the princess in her highchair and wiped her mouth with a cloth. "Queen Clarion, do you need help getting that stuff off your back?" Prilla asked with a wrinkled nose. The baby spit up was now all the way down Clarion's back. Clarion laughed a tiny bit.

"It's fine. Is it sad to say I'm kind of used to baby spit up being all over me?" Clarion giggled. "Anyway, I have to go get this little one ready for dinner, so we will see you soon. Thank you again for the help." Clarion smiled at the mainland clapping fairy. Prilla floated up and ruffled Cailida's hair.

"It was no trouble, Queen Clarion!" She giggled. "Have fun at dinner!" She waved as the queen began to fly away.

"Say bye-bye to Prilla, Callie!" Clarion talked playfully to her daughter. Cailida waved her arm and babbled happily. Prilla waved back before flying off.

Clarion made it up to their room and ran a bath. She filled her regular sized bath tub up and placed the baby bath tub inside it, so she could bath her daughter at the same time. Clarion sat Cailida in the baby bath, and she began to splash the water almost instantly. Clarion laughed as she sank into the water next to Callie. Callie began to splash and giggled at her mother, begging Clarion to play with her. Clarion made faces at her daughter while she washed the baby spit up off her back. When she finished washing herself, she began to wash her daughter's tiny body. A few moments later, Clarion had finished washing her daughter and began to use her water talent. She made the water float above Callie's head and in beautiful swirls and patterns. The princess laughed and smiled brightly. The entire bath lasted no more than ten minutes, and Clarion spent another five minutes getting her daughter dried and dressed. Looking out the window, the queen saw they still had plenty of time before dinner. She decided a walk would do her and her daughter good.

While Clarion was out and about with Callie, Milori returned home. He paced back and forth in their bedroom. He kept an eye out for his wife; he didn't want her to see him stressed like this. The winter fairies would be leaving soon to deliver winter to the mainland, and he would have to go as well. Of course, Snowflake had offered to go by herself, so he could stay with his family, but Milori say he had to go. He couldn't ignore his duties.

But, then there was Clarion and his child. He really did not want to leave them, even if it was only for a week. His thoughts were interrupted by a sweet voice.

"What is daddy worried about, Callie?" Clarion asked her daughter playfully. Callie gurgled as her mother carried her closer to her father. "He seems stressed, doesn't he?" Milori shook his head. He should have known Clarion would find out. "Maybe some of your cuddles would make him feel better?" Callie smiled brightly as Clarion placed her in Milori's arms. Clarion saw her husband's worries wash away.

"Hello, my baby girl!" He cooed, kissing Callie's head. He reached out his hand, which Clarion took. He pulled her close and kissed her head as well. "Hello, my lovely wife."

"Hello to you too, my wonderful husband." Clarion giggled. Hearing her mother laugh, Callie laughed as well. Milori bounced his daughter and twirled her around. Clarion smiled at her little family before slipping off to get the dinner she had prepared.

"Callie, look at the truck!" Milori handed her a truck. Callie began to wave it around, making her dad smile. It slipped from her grasp and fell, landing near her feet. She busted out into tears. "Sweetheart..." Milori cooed, picking her up and holding her close. He rocked her back and forth, trying to calm her tears.

"Honey, it's ok. You just dropped your truck. It's not broken..." He told her softly. "Let's see those feet..." He brought her feet up to his lips, kissing them playfully. The tiny princess stopped crying and began to giggle. "That's my girl..." He kissed the top of her head and rocked her until she had drifted to sleep.

Clarion walked in to see her husband rocking their child, even though Callie was in deep slumber. The queen had a tray of food in her hands. Pasta, bread, and wine were sitting on plates.

"I brought dinner." She half whispered. Milori smiled and placed Cailida in her bassinet. He walked over and sat next to his wife.

"It looks delicious." He told her. She smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. They began to eat and talk.

"Honey..." Clarion started but trailed off.

"Yes, love?" He asked. She looked up to him with concern in her eyes.

"Why were you so stressed earlier?" She asked softly. Milori looked up from his plate and sighed.

"I have to go deliver winter." He told her quietly. Clarion leaned over and cupped his face, kissing his nose softly.

"I know, and you do need to go. Sweetheart, it's part of your duties as lord. I understand and Callie will too one day." Clarion stroked his jawline loving as she spoke. He kissed her with passion.

"I don't know how I ended up with all this." He whispered.

"All what?" She raised an eyebrow. He chuckled and pulled her into his lap.

"A loving and understanding wife, and a beautiful daughter; that's what." Clarion turned a light red as he kissed her again. She rested in her lover's arms as the sun sank below the horizon. As they held each other close, a small cry was heard.

"There's your beautiful daughter now!" Clarion chuckled as she went to get Cailida. She held her daughter as they finished dinner. Milori chuckled as he went to put the plates away. "What's so funny?" Clarion asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Callie likes sleeping on you more than her own crib." He chuckled. Clarion laughed as well and walked into the nursery. She put her daughter to bed before joining her husband. The two royals cuddled closely as they drifted to their dreams.

"Momma! Momma!" Cailida cheered. She ran into her mother's arms after a long day apart. Clarion had been doing paper work all day, so she sent Cailida with Milori for the day. Her daughter liked frosting things anyway.

"My darling!" Clarion sang. She picked up her four year old and twirled her around. Beautiful laughter filled the air.

"Clarion," Milori's voice came. "Honey, I have to go back to work for a little. Will my girls be okay?"

"Yep." She giggled, walking to him with Cailida in her arms. "I'll see you at dinner."

"I'll be there." He told her, pulling her closer. He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss. "I love you."

"I love you more." Clarion replied, smiling playfully.

"I love him most!" Cailida giggled. Both her parents turned and began to giggle with her.

"Well," Milori gave his daughter a kiss and then his wife. "I love both my girls to the moon and back." Milori gave his daughter another hug, and with a kiss to Clarion's lips, he was gone.

"So, my princess, how was your day?" Clarion gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't call me 'princess', momma!" Cailida groaned. Clarion chuckled and floated into her daughter's room.

"Alright...alright...princess..." Clarion tried to hold back her laughter as her daughter groaned loudly. Clarion sat her daughter down and asked her what she wanted to do.

"Dress up!" Cailida cheered. She ran to pick out an outfit. Clarion waited for her daughter to return, but began to become dizzy. "Mommy, what about this one?" Cailida came running back into the room as Clarion fell to the ground. She hit the ground hard. "Mommy?!" Cailida shrieked. She flew to her mother and began to shake her mother's arms. Tears began to fall from her eyes when she wasn't getting a respond. "Mommy!" She screamed over and over.

Milori returned an hour or so later and saw his daughter in a pile of tears on top of Clarion.

"Callie, Clarion, what game are you two playing?" He chuckled, not knowing what happened. Cailida's head shot up.

"Daddy!" She screamed, tears still falling.

"Sweetheart, what is it?" Milori rushed to her side.

"Mommy won't wake up!" Cailida sobbed. Milori's heart raced as he held Clarion in his arms. He checked for a pulse but there was none.

Clarion sat bolt upright in bed. She had sweat all over her body and tears in her eyes. After a few moments she realized it was a dream, and that she had awoken her lover.

"Clarion, dear, what's wrong?" Milori held her close.

"I had a dream I died suddenly." She whispered. Milori rubbed her back soothingly.

"Darling, it was only a dream. You're perfectly healthy and so is the rest of our family. We have nothing to worry about." He gently kissed her and felt tears falling on to the bed. "Sweetheart, Clarion, please don't cry."

"I can't help it!" She sniffled. "It was terrible. I wouldn't wake up and Cailida kept crying." Milori suddenly got up and walked into the nursery. Clarion stopped crying as she became confused. Moments later Milori returned with their little girl, who was making cooing noises.

"Callie, tell your mommy everything will be ok." He sat next to Clarion and placed their daughter in her arms. Callie looked up and smiled at her mother. Clarion wiped her eyes as she giggled.

"Everything is going to be ok." Clarion cooed to her daughter. She then looked up to her husband. "Everything is going to be ok." Milori nodded and kissed her gently once more.