It's a me, Tallemy! Lately I kidna lost my will to write anything even if my imagination went wild simply from just thinking about my favourite ships. So here it. Tallemy's not so romantic, but supposed to be really romantic drabble festival. From today to the end of december I plan to upload one drabble a dayabout various pairings. This plan will probably fail around day 10, but who knows.

Reviews are always appreciated. So keep them coming if you liked a chapter or two! They're big motivational sources! ;w;


The streets were swarming with the undead, their painful moans filled the alleys and pursued the two survivors further, and further into the hearts of the city. They stood helplessly at the pillar of the city's only gas station.

"Let's go to the Clock tower. It should be a safest place right now." commanded Manabe Jinichirou as he leant against the cold wall. He only went out to get his books and Hell itself fell onto his head.

"Are you serious? No way. Absolutely, no way. According to our clues, we have to go to the hospital remember? We can get the Anti-Virus there, and perhaps they have some handgun ammo. Plus, don't forget the park. The second gemstone for the gate opening mechanism is hidden somewhere on B1F."

"Without herbs? Without ammo? There is no way I will go there. Minaho, that's the hive of the leech zombie. You've seen the damage rates of a leech zombie, right?! There is no way we can make it out alive, if that thing catches us."

They were so immersed in their little argument; so the boys didn't notice the canine like creatures crawling towards them, hidden in the shadows. When the zombie dobbermans completely surrounded them the fight ended before the boys could even aim at the undead monsters.

After a deadly shriek the familiar red Game Over sign appeared on the screen, while in the background they players could see their characters mauled by the dogs.

"I don't care if this is coop-mode. The next time you'll do this I'll leave you there." hissed Manabe angrily.

"But if we follow your plan we will never get the S-rank on that scenario." said Minaho, proudly striking his trademark move.

"Minaho, for god's sake. We were playing in easy mode there is no way to get an S-rank on ANY scenarios in easy mode, unless we hack the system."