This story was requested GoldenKitty. I hope you like. Anyway, the only thing I own in this story is the word order. Warring: if you don't like yaoi and stuff like that don't read.

An orange haired teen with orange trigger striped cat ears and a matching tail was walking down the street, all the fellow neko staring at him as if there was something wrong. His head was down hiding his honey brown eyes from everyone. Only one pair of teal eyes didn't look at him with disgust but rather want and lust. He walked down getting more glares as he moved. Everyone hated him for something he couldn't even control. He was a very rare breed of neko, a Bengal Tiger which rarely shows up. Everyone wants him to keep the breed going just one problem he had no interest in women. Because of this the elders of the village keep trying to turn him straight and until he is no one wanted anything to do with him, not even his family. After he came out as gay his father, being a doctor, had kicked him out making him live on his own and get a job. That hurt him the most it would have been fine if he wasn't a rare breed, others were allowed to be gay but because he was so rare he was shunned.

He walked up the start up the stairs to his apartment the one with the teal eyes right behind him. "Are you going to tell me what you want or just keep following me?" He said, while turning around to face the person. He saw a tall man with an eye patch and a big grin on his face. His hair was spiked but unlike the other you could see that he gelled it up.

"Could tell I was following you Ichi," He said then licked his lips.

"What do you want Kenpachi?" Ichigo asked glaring at the much larger man.

"Like I said last time I saw you," He said wrapping his arms around his waist pulling into his large chest. Ichigo started trying to push the other away only to get pulled back. "You're going to mine and I don't care if you like it." Without a thought, the tiger starting fighting to get out of the arms of the man holding him.

"I told you know how many times do I have to tell you I don't want to be your mate! Why don't you just find someone else?" He said while he fought more. All the while the blue eyes watched getting more pissed off. Without a thought, he stepped out from where he was hiding and grabbed onto the others shoulder making him to face him.

"Why don't you just walk away?" He said squeezing his hand inflecting pain on the larger man. Kenpachi then let go of Ichigo and turned to the person who got in his way. His face went slightly pale seeing the sky blue hair and blue eyes with teal marks under them. This could only belong to one person in the village. His name was Grimmjow and he was the best hunter in the entire village. He also just happened to be a rare breed just like Ichigo, a blue panther.

"Fine, I'll see you later strawberry." He said then left, leaving the tiger with the panther.

"Thanks for saving me," Ichigo said blushing lightly. However before he could say any more he was put over the panther's shoulder. "Wait what are you doing?" He said while trying to break free from the others hold. He then started walking, dragging Ichigo alone with him. Ichigo tried to scream only to have a hand over his mouth. As Grimmjow walked, he stayed away from the main streets, staying on the back alleys. It was getting late and most people where at home but he didn't want to risk anyone seeing them over. Soon he was in the forest outside the village and put his tiger on the cold floor. "What are you planning?" He said backing up until he hit a tree. The tree shook a little bit droping some leaves but was big enough to stop him from moving.

"I'm going to make you my mate before anyone else can even think about taking you." He said as he got down to the others eye=level, ripping off his shirt.

"No… Stop,"

"Hey at least I'm not Kenpachi, besides you're going to need someone to protect you." He said looking into the others eyes. "Think about if you're my mate no one will mess with you ever again and you'll be able to live without all those assholes messing with you." Ichigo though for a moment, blushing the whole time doing so.

"Fine, just be careful," The tiger said as he gave a small nod watching the other grin. Ichigo then watched as his soon-to-be mate took off his shirt and placed it on the ground, moving the tiger so his back was laying on it. He blushed more as his pants where pulled off leaving his naked as the day he was born for all to see. Grimmjow just crashed their lips together while Ichigo wrapped his arms around his neck pull him closer. When he felt his bottom lip being licked he opened his mouth letting the others tongue inside. He then pulled away once the needs for air came so Grimmjow pulled away, letting his beta breathe. A the other was catching his breath he started kissing his chest and neck sucking on the suck leaving as many marks as he could so others would know he was taken and to stay away.

"Do you have any idea how sexy you look right now?" He asked while he worked his way down. Once he reached the others penis he stopped giving it a long lick then taking the head in his mouth. While he was doing that he pulled out a bottle from his back pocket and poured some the gel on his fingers before rubbing the others hole hearing him moan more. The panther pushed two inside stretching the unused hole then started thrusting them lightly. All that could be hear throughout the forest was Ichigo's loud moaning and panting, which only turned the other on more. It was a good thing he took the other here otherwise someone would have come and see what was wrong only to find them going at it and get both of them in trouble. The elders of the village gave word to the whole village saying that Ichigo is not allowed to be with anyone who is male, in hopes that he will just give up and have children with some women. It would be even worse, since Grimmjow is a rare breed as well. making it so he won't have any children to carry on his breed.

Soon Ichigo was moving his hips into Grimmjow's fingers telling him that he was ready for something a lot bigger. The fingers where pulled out and the panther pulled off his pants showing Ichigo a rather long, thick and hard piece that was ready to enter him. Grimmjow then grabbed the bottle again and poured some on his hand which he used to rub all over his cock. "Get on your hands and knees," He demanded watching his soon-to-be-mate moved, his ass in the air, facing Grimmjow making him drool a bit. He lined himself up then pushed all the way in with one hard thrust, hearing the tiger scream in pleasure and pain. He waited as long as he could for Ichigo to adjust. The tightness around him proved to be too much so he started moving lightly rocking his hips back in forth.

"So good," Ichigo moaned out while his mate started speeding up each thrust hitting his prostate. Soon both could feel their release coming, Grimmjow then wrapped his teeth around the back of his mates neck. He bit down leaving his mark that would never leave the other proving that he was his mate and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Once you had a mate you stayed with them until you or the other died. Soon nether one could take it anymore and then Ichigo cummed all over Grimmjow's shirt and Grimmjow filling the body below him. After the panther caught his breath he pulled out seeing that his mate has passed out. A small smile formed on his face and he got the Tiger dressed and picked him up. He then started walking to the villige entrance only to be stopped by the guards who just happen to keep the village safe along with making sure people do what the elders of the village say.

"Do you realize how much trouble you're in Grimmjow?" Once asked wearing full armor making it so you can tell none of them apart.

"Yep but I think it was worth it," He said then started walking again. "Oh, have fun explaining why you didn't stop me." He said grinning while he took his new mate to his house that they were going to be sharing.


Grimmjow and Ichigo have been together for about a week now. The elders had tried to punish Grimmjow only to have his whole fan club threaten to leave the village and they could not afford to have half the girls in the village leave and if they did anything to Ichigo, Grimmjow would take his mate and leave and his fan club would leave as well. At the moment, Grimmjow was petting his mates back who at the moment was throwing up. For some reason the tiger wasn't able to hold anything he ate down. "Ichigo, you have to go see the doctor, I'll even go with you to make sure everything is alright."

"No I'm not going there; I'll be fine after I take some medication." Ichigo said as he wiped his mouth clean.

"We tried that remember, you couldn't keep it down long enough for it to kick in. I'm taking you to the doctor whether you like it or not." He said as he picked his tiger up and left the house while his mate was kicking and screaming the whole time. As they walked people passed them by, not sure if they should help or just keep walking, acting like nothing was going on. Soon they were at the door of the only doctor's place in the village. Grimmjow opened the door to see a tall black haired man seeing in a chair wearing a doctors coat.

"Can I help you two with something," He asked not able to see the person over Grimmjow's shoulders. The panther then placed his mate down onto the bed.

"He's been throwing up for the last few days." Grimmjow said watching the doctor's eyes go wide. He got up as fast as he could, getting the things he would need for a checkup. After that he moved over to the tiger.

"If you hadn't been feeling well, why didn't you just come in son?" He asked with sadness in his voice. Grimmjow's eyes went slightly wide after hearing that but he still stayed close to his mate.

"I didn't think I was welcome," He said as a hand was placed to his tummy. He then took out his stethoscope to his son's stomach hearing a small heartbeat inside.

"I need to do a quick test then I'll know what's wrong." He said as he pulled out a syringe and draws some blood. "This will only take a few minutes. "He said while he left the room.

"I'm sorry if you just would have told me then I wouldn't have forced to come here." Grimmjow said as he wrapped his arms around his mate pulling his close. At that moment Ichigo's dad came back into the room.

"Oh Ichigo, I'm so happy for you." He yelled pulling his son into a bone crushing hug. "I can't wait to see my grandchild." He said making the mates jaw's drop.

"Wait what do you mean Grandchild," Grimmjow asked.

"Well you guys did do it during mating season what do you think would happen." The doctor said letting go of his son who looked like he was about to pass out.

The end

Ichigo- why I'm I pregnant *pissed off*

Manda- Cause I decided you would be.

Grimmjow- But Ichi I think you'll make a great mommy. *Rubs Ichigo's tummy.* Besides, it was a lot of fun making it.

Ichigo- I can't believe you two. *stomps off* *Grimmjow runs after him*

Manda- Anyway I hope you like the story please review and favorite oh and thank GoldenKitty.