DISCLAIMER: All things Potter belong to JK Rowling.

~ Turned ~

They could hear the Dark Lord shouting but they could not make out the words - not through the locked door and Greyback's screams, at least.

Even Bellatrix cringed when the sound changed from cries of pain to howls of madness.

"Ugh... What did Greyback do, anyway?"

The answer came from an unexpected source.

"He turned my sister into a werewolf."

"Alecto is a werewolf now? Greyback bit her?"

"No, they... mated during the full moon."

"And he bit her during-"

"No, there was no biting."

"Then how is she a werewolf? That doesn't make any-"

"She conceived, and since the fetus shares blood with mother, she also turned."


A/N: Reviews are love.