the last chapter

this is the base-story for an alternative universe

i will write casefics based on the happenings of HABITAT & other stuff

i will continue with the main-plot in this universe at some point.

(: so follow me to keep track on it :)

WARNINGS: unrelated wincest & stuff, NO BETA

DISCLAIMER: not mine


previously on bruisedbloodybroken aka THE ROAD SO FAR:

Dean chuckled "You're gonna share your precious pancakes with me?"

"I'm sharing everything with you." Sam replied in a matter-of-fact-voice and grinned at the hunter in a naughty way.

Bobby and Jim joined them a couple of minutes later, eating slowly their bacon, ham and eggs and coffee, while Dean was feeding Sam, taking every other fork full of sweetness for himself. When they were done, Dean put the plate away and sat back beside Sam, putting an arm around him and Sam snuggled into the hunters shoulder.


Chapter 19 ~ Epilogue OR „As Time Goes By"

Christmas Eve, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

The world was still turnin' … putting the emphasis on still.

And everything had happened what Lucifer had told the hunter. Heaven had changed. Hell had changed. The world had changed … though she was still spinning around herself and the sun.

Hell had a new Queen.

Heaven had a new Leader.

And the world was about to go down . But not today, not right now.

Right now it was christmas. Right now there weren't angels, nor hunters, nor humans tainted with demon or angel-blood. Right now there were a hand full of friends, enjoying the time they were able to spend together. Right now they had each other.

Bobby's self-made eggnog – stretched with the strong stuff – colored Sams cheeks in a smooth reddish. He was a lightweight when it came to alcohol, but Dean wouldn't ever want to change it. Change anything about him and Sam as it was right now. Except the small things like the apocalypse …

They lingered on the couch with Bobby, eggnog on the table in front of them and the christmas-carol playing on TV. There were no decorations or a christmas-tree, but they had each other. Sam and Dean and Bobby and Castiel.

Castiel sat in the leather-chair, a cup of warm eggnog in one hand and the other one on his knee. Trying to understand how such an unimportant date was able to be so important to humanity – at least a part of humanity. But over all that: Castiel started to understand what family meant. Why humans were holding on events like christmas, easter and other days during the year. It was because they met each other again, no matter how far apart they lived.

Bobby stared at Dean who told him about their hunt they just had finished yesterday, gesturing with one hand into the empty air and the other one around Sams shoulder. Sam leaned casually against the green-eyed hunter, cupping his own mug of eggnog in his hands like he tried to warm his fingers up as stared at the tv.

This was Sams first real christmas … at least that he could remember and there was no way in hell he'd give this life up ever again. No one would ever be able to TAKE THIS from him, to take those memories from him, to take his FAMILY from him. - At least not today, not at this moment.

Later that night – Sam had fallen asleep and laid curled up on the wasted couch beside Dean. Castiel has been called by Balthazar because of an „angel-problem". Angels didn't quit working on christmas-eve … though he seemed sorry that he had to leave so soon.

„So he's doing good? - Nothin' since that day … you know ...", Bobby asked quietly and nodded towards Sam.

The younger hunter frowned. „No, nothing at all."

Bobby nodded and took a swig from the eggnog, as Dean shot a glance at Sam and bowed towards Bobby, fixing the older mans gaze. „You got them?", he whispered.

Bobby smiled and his eyes brightened. „Picked them up today."

Dean grinned widely. „You're awesome."

„Now?", the older hunter asked, and Dean gave him a short nod as respond.

The older hunter put his mug on the table and moved over to his desk, opening a drawer and detaching a small paper-bag before he went back to his seat. He laid the tiny bag in Deans open palm who stuffed it eagerly into one of the pockets of his jeans, shooting a glance at the still sleeping man beside him. Sam looked so damn peaceful and adorable when he was out for the count.

„And between you both? - Guess hunting together works well?" Bobby asked after a longer silence.

Dean smiled happily. „We're a hell of a team, Bobby. Couldn't be better." He looked at his friend, Deans emerald-green eyes bright and glistening. „We've each others back. I've never thought i'd be able to feel something like this. HAVE something LIKE THIS … with a guy."

Bobby leaned back with a wide grin. „Me neither, boy."

„Sam's the best that ever happened to me Bobby. Ever. - No matter what happens – whatever's going to happen in the future. I'm not gonna let him go. I'm not gonna lose him."

„Good." Bobby petted on his own knees and took a deep inhale, not aimed for a chick-flick.-session. „You boys are comin' for lunch tomorrow? Twelve thirty?"

Dean chuckled, understanding the wink. „If we're invited?"

„Idjit – you think i'm gonna cook for myself like this?", he replied – eyebrows furrowing – and pointed with his thumb over his shoulder at the messed up kitchen and five prepared pie-plates on the counter.

Dean smiled as he followed Bobby's gesture with a gaze. „Cherry?"

„Do i look like a housewife?" The older hunter gave back in a grumpy tone. „Of course i did …", he added silently.

The younger one chuckled, every now and then looking at Sam. „You're gettin' old. - It's late. - I think we should head back to the cabin."

„You could stay here … if you both want?", Bobby offered with a hopeful smile on his lips.

Dean shot him a cheeky grin. „If you'd like to listen to all the small sweet noises Sam's makes when-", but he didn't come further as he got stopped by Bobby's hand in the air. „Ok, OK – stop right there. I don't wanna know."

The younger hunter cocked both eyebrows and an i-told-you-so-expression on his face spread across it. „Thougth so." He cleared his throat and looked back at Sam, who was curled up in a tight ball beside him on the couch. - Some things hadn't changed … he still used to curl up from time to time wherever they sat or laid. But it was getting better – it took time to heal and Sam did good.

Sammy?", Dean said, softly touching the younger mans flank and letting his fingers run down to his hips. „C'mon, it's time."

Sam stirred with a low moan. „Don't", he whimpered.

„Sammy, it's time to go home.", he tried again and frowned.

„No, please.", came a pained reply, of whom the hunter knew wasn't meant as a reply to his words … nightmares.

Bobby watched Deans features in concern. „Still nightmares?"

„Sometimes … but not that often anymore … and not that intensive ...", he answered with a deep sigh as he shook his head. „Get up, kiddo.", he said more firmly and tightened his grip on Sams hip.

The younger mans eyes snapped open, his look far away from reality. It took him some time to realize where he was … and when it was. „'fell asleep.", he muttered and struggled to sit up. Sam rubbed his eyes and over his face. „Gonna go home?" Sleepy hazel-eyes met emerald-eyes.

Dean nodded, as he recognized the usual signs after one of these nightmares. The haunted look, the slight shivering, Sams pale face.

„Catch up with you tomorrow, Bobby … and thanks" Sam smiled. „Thank for tonight."

„Hey, that's what i'm here for. - Though i've to mention that your behaviour isn't the best … you slept most of the time, boy.", he said, trying to sound serious but failed miserably. „So – lunch tomorrow, twelve thirty, on the tick."

Dean and Sam said good night to Bobby and headed into the backyard on the small path that would led them to the cabin. Dean had an arm on Sams lower back, guiding his way. „You alright?"

Sam nodded, his look still absent. Dean stopped and took a step before Sam, facing him and cupping his face gently to catch his gaze. Sams eyes looked hollow, tired and full of something Dean wasn't able to put his finger on. But it was always that way after the nightmares and he was already used to it.

„I'm here Dean. Don't worry." Sam smiled sleepy, his voice still hoarse.

The hunter smiled and placed a kiss on Sams tender lips. „Sure?", he asked gently.

Sam smiled and replied with another kiss. „Yeah."

Dean took his hand for the last couple of yards towards the cabin and lead him inside, thru the living-room and into the bedroom, never turning on a light. He guided Sam to their bed, letting him sit on the edge of the end of their bed and kneeled down in front of him between his legs, as he wrapped his arms around the younger male. The hunter laid his ear on Sams chest and listened for while to the calm beating of his strong heart and the comfortable warmth radiating from his loves body. Sam closed his eyes as he put a hand on the hunters back and buried the fingers of his other one in Deans hair, holding him close.

„It's not that bad anymore.", Sam whispered and kissed his hair.

„I know.", Dean muttered and held him tighter. „I just wish i could take these memories from you."

Sam sighed deeply and put his hand on the hunter jaw, guiding his face up. He searched with his lips for Deans soft cushions and brushed over them. Teasing gently before he finally kissed him and their tongues met.

„You do.", Sam breathing.

The older male smiled and moved his lips towards Sams adams apple, nuzzling, nipping and kissing, moving over Sams neck. Dean tugged on his shirt and pulled it off of Sam, tossing it aside. Low silent noises of pleasure leaving Sams lips and throat. The hunter chuckled as he pulled his own shirt off, crawling over him and tugging the younger male gently on the mattress.

„Back.", Dean ordered with a low growl, pushing him further up on the bed until both of them were on it completely.

Sam melted under Deans touch and kisses, forgetting about everything around them, just letting go. The hunter pressed his hips against Sams, earning a low moan of arousal for it and intensive soft kiss as respond. The younger man wrapped his arms around the Winchester and rolled on top of him, kissing him again, more intensive this time. But it didn't last long. Dean was the one who wanted to lead tonight, so Sam found himself underneath the hunter again in nothing more than a second. „Nope – let me, Sam.", Dean whispered, softly nibbling his earlobe.

And Sam let him. - He trusted Dean. He trusted this hunter with his life. He knew he'd never hurt him, never would punish him – not knowingly. So he let him unbuckle his jeans and stripping them off, letting him kiss and caress his body until Deans lips were swollen and numb, while the hunter tried to free himself from the remaining fabric that clenched on in sweaty skin. They moved together, kissed, teased until they became ONE – knowing that it was supposed to be that way, that this was their destiny, their life, their everything.

They fell asleep in each others arms. Sams head rested on Deans chest, one arm laid around his waist, while Dean had his arms wrapped protectively around the man on top of him. They stayed that way until the next morning, as the late winter-sun shone into the small bedroom.

Dean got woken by Sam as he rubbed his nose against the hunters chest, what caused a blissful smile on his lips.

„Good morning, Sammy." Dean whispered.

The younger male moaned tired and blinked his eyes open, grinning widely. „It's christmas.", he murmured.

„Think so.", Dean agreed and ran his fingers thru Sams soft hair.

Sam guided a hand down on Deans buttock, letting it rest there for a while and squeezed him gently. „Gonna make you breakfast", he said and with this he was out of bed in an instant. „You stay. - And don't look.", he warned with a serious expression on his face.

Dean waited until Sam had left and the door was shut. Then he jumped out of bed, examining the floor for his lost jeans from yesterday night. With a wide smile he grabbed them and stirred in the pockets until he found what he was looking for. The small paper-bag. He already heard clattering sound from the kitchen, as he went back to bed, hiding the bag under his pillow, right beside the knife.

Half an hour later Sam returned with a tablet in his hands. Two plates with scrambled eggs, bacon, coffee, orange juice and waffles. The young man walked over to the bed and placed the tablet in the middle of it, after Dean had slid back to the headboard.

The hunter wanted to grab one of the plates, but Sam patted his hand away. „I got something for you.", Sam whispered shy. „i mean … it's not a big deal … but i thought you might like it … Bobby helped me with it ..."

Deans eyes lit up. „Got something for you too."

Sam looked down, holding a small sachet in his hands. „Breakfast first?"

Dean shook his head and slid his hand under the pillow looking for the tiny bag he had hidden there before. As he found it, he handed it over to Sam and Sam gave his gift to the hunter.

Dean cocked his eyebrows and his eyes brightened in joy, as a golden amulet appeared under twelve layers of paper. A horned, pagan goddess on a leather string. Dean didn't waste time and had it around his neck in an instant. Sam watched him happily. „You like it?"

„Holy shit, Sammy. - I love it!", he answered enthusiastic and nearly skipped the plate as he got on his knees and bowed over to give him an intense kiss. „Now you – open it."

Sam nodded and did as he was told. - Two Dog Tags … one with Sams name, date of birth, address, blood type, and a cell-phone-number. And one with Deans name, address, date of birth, blood type and another cell-phone-number. He grinned widely.

„If we ever get separated on a hunt … or god knows what … we'll find each other again.", Dean explained, as Sam handed one of the dog tags over to him.

Sam smiled from ear to ear and slipped the necklace over his head. „That's awesome, Dean." He grinned and picked up a piece of bacon, holding it towards Dean. „Breakfast now?"

~ FIN ~

if you liked this story, then PLEASE leave me some bacon, huuu? I'd like to know if you like this „alternative universe AU thing" … it's my motivation for carrying on & making stories up for it :)

... in love bruisedbloodybroken