I closed my eyes as the blinding light shook the earth. The transmutation circle glowed gold, lightning shooting into the sky. Everyone who stood around watched in terror and wonder, as I let the energy begin to dissolve my body. I turn to see Edward watching me with tears in his eyes. Both of us knew that this was the only way to bring Alphonse back from the gate. The only thing restraining Ed from trying to take my place was his teacher, holding her hard expression. Both of them knew the toll to use the gate. There was only one way to bring Al back. Eye for an eye, body for a body, soul for a soul. Equivalent exchange. I was willing to die, so that he may live.

"Oh so you have returned. Splendid!" the shadow of a man said, sitting on the ground before the gate. The gate itself showed the trees of life and understanding. The true natures of alchemy. "Are you here to retrieve the Elric boy's soul? What will you be binding it to?"

I shook my head in response "I'm here to give my whole being to let him return in full."

"Are you sure? You could just give an arm like the older Elric had. I'll even give you your leg back." The shadow rose to a standing position and pointed at me. "You even have it right now."

I looked down and stared at my left leg. Years ago it had been taken as a toll for trying to bring the dead back to life. But now it was mine again. All I could do was wonder… but no. I had come here for one reason and that's what I would do.

"No, I came for Alphonse Elric. I will be giving my life for his." I sat before the gate and waited the shadow to speak again.

"Well you will have to cross over then," he began by pointing at the gate "As you walk from this end he will walk from the other. It may seem like an eternity to you, but all of this is less than a moment in the real world."

"Where does it lead to?" I ask

"How would I know? I'm just the gate keeper."

I wait a long moment before rising. I walk to the gate and set a hand on the cold stone. "Then I guess I'll never have to see you again."

"You can hope. But I'm inside of you, and we're one and the same."

"Then I'll see you around. Tell Elric I said I'm sorry before he goes back down there."

Those were the last words I said in this world, and I stepped through the gate.