Thank you so much to everyone who has favourited, followed and reviewed this. I really appreciate that you took the time to do that. This isn't exactly how I envisioned this part would go, but it's how it turned out. I'm still very rusty after my long break from writing. I had to cut a lot of scenes that I liked because they distracted from the original plot. I did consider continuing this and writing 7 parts, but I think this is the right place to end it, so this will be the last chapter. But that leaves me more time to work on some of my other ideas for Densi fics.

Reviews would be much appreciated and would make my horrible, horrible, horrible, truly awful day a bit better.

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS LA or any of the characters.

It was midnight when he got the call.

"She's on her way back, Mr Deeks."

Deeks was instantly awake, all of his previous tiredness after being awoken gone. He had asked, actually begged would be a better word, Hetty to let him know as soon as she heard any news about Kensi. Now here she was ringing him in the middle of the night to tell him Kensi was coming home.

"The plane will arrive at 0700. I trust you'll want to be there," Hetty continued. Deeks was already out of bed and haphazardly throwing on the first items of clothing he could find, only half listening as Hetty kept talking.

"Bring her home, Mr Deeks. I have a feeling that she is going to need someone when she returns."

Deeks nodded, though he knew Hetty couldn't see him. It wouldn't surprise him if she could though. She seemed to see, hear and know everything. It was only when Deeks was grabbing his keys that he realised that it was not going to take him seven hours to get to the airport. He couldn't go back to bed now, sleep would be impossible now that he knew Kensi was getting closer and closer to him with every passing second.

He looked down to see Monty sitting there looking up expectantly at him.

"You want to go for a drive, Buddy?" he asked the dog. Monty cocked his head to the side, seeming to be unsure if this was what he wanted.

"You want to go see Kensi?" Deeks asked again. Monty's ears instantly pricked up as his tail began to wag.

"Okay, Buddy, let's go."

Monty jumped up and followed Deeks out the door into the darkness. They drove around aimlessly for a while until Deeks found himself at the beach. He got out of the car, letting Monty out as he did so. Monty immediately ran down to the water, barking at the small waves that gently rolled into shore. Deeks sat down on the sand, watching as Monty ran back and forth being chased by the waves. He sat there as time passed, watching the sunrise as he thought of Kensi. He'd thought about her a lot while she was gone, but that was nothing new. He wondered if she'd thought about him too. He hoped she had.

As the sun rose, the first few people began to appear on the beach that had previously been desolate apart from Deeks and his dog. Monty had tired of the water a few hours ago and had come to sleep in the sand next to his owner. Deeks couldn't sleep though. As the first early surfers took to the water, Deeks realised that Kensi's favourite bakery would be opening soon. Deeks decided that he would stop off there before picking up Kensi. He had plenty of time to spare anyway and he knew she would be missing her favourite sugary treats.



Deeks sat in his car at the air strip. Kensi would be back with him in seven minutes. He sat there with seven donuts, her favourites of course. Admittedly there were originally a dozen, but one had fallen on the ground, Monty had eaten three and... okay Monty had eaten two, as had Deeks. But when Kensi enquired about the missing donuts that was not what he was going to tell her. She wouldn't shoot a dog over missing food, but he wasn't quite so sure that the same courtesy would be extended to him.

It had been seven weeks and seven days, but she was coming home. He waited, counting down the last seven minutes until she returned. He had been waiting for this moment since he had found out she was leaving. Seven times he had asked Hetty for news on Kensi, that is before she had told him to stop asking; she said would tell him when there was news, and she had. Seven times he had looked at her desk and though of her, before Sam had threatened to make him work on the floor around the corner if he didn't stop looking like a lost puppy. Seven times Callen and Sam had reassured him, telling him that Kensi would be back soon, and seven times he had not believed them. Seven times he had let his mind drift to that place where there was only her and nothing else, any more than that was too painful for him.

Seven times he checked the clock. Each time it seemed to move slower.








Seven o'clock came and with it came the sight of a plane touching down.

Deeks waited impatiently, tapping his fingers on the side of the car. Monty sat inside the car – his favourite radio station on, of course - his tail hitting the seat as it wagged. He was standing in the same spot where she had left him. He knew she would find him.

Then there she was, walking out of the plane across the tarmac towards him. He couldn't help it; he smiled. There was just something about her that made him ridiculously happy. She had the ability to bring a smile to his face, even in the darkest of times. Now here she was in front of him after so long apart. There was no stopping the grin that spread across his face.

She held her head high and her stride was calm and measured, but Deeks could tell there was something different about her. As she got closer, he could see that her face looked hardened and stoic. She showed no signs of weakness. She looked older and exhausted, but she always looked perfect to him.

She stepped around the side of the building to where he was standing, out of sight of the others. As she did so, her expression started to crack, the hardships of the last two months becoming evident on her face. Deeks didn't say anything. Instead he just opened his arms and watched as she walked right into them. It meant a lot to him that she trusted him to see her like this. Not so long ago she would have hidden these feelings from him too, but now she was letting him in. He pulled her close to him, holding her tightly and gently resting his head atop hers. He was greeted with the sweet smell of sunshine and gunpowder that he had missed so much. Her head lay on his chest, one hand holding a fistful of his t-shirt, as if holding onto him would stop them from being separated again.

Always the tough 'Badass Blye', Kensi didn't cry, though Deeks wouldn't blame her if she had. He had no idea what she had been through on this assignment, but he could bet that it wasn't pleasant. He hoped that she trusted him enough to talk to him about it when she was ready. He was sure she would need someone, and now she had such a person.

Kensi pulled back slightly from his embrace before pressing her lips to his, pouring eight weeks worth of desire into the kiss. Deeks responded eagerly after having been deprived of her for so long. The Kensi in his dreams was nowhere near as good as the real thing. Kensi eventually broke the kiss, slightly breathless and flushed, before she said the words Deeks had waited so long to hear.

"Take me home, Deeks. I believe we have a conversation that's long overdue."