Leyla rested a hand on Jane's face softly, attempting to calm the Midgardian as Thor and Loki fought against several of the Kursed. The ones who were supposed to be long-dead. "Jane, everything is going to be alright. Put your trust in Thor." she said softly, turning towards the two gods just as Loki was impaled. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in a silent scream.

Her body reacted on its own as she released Jane's arm, running towards Loki. "Loki!" she finally screamed. "Loki!" her voice cracked as she-

"Leyla." a soft voice made her shoot upright, panting. "Leyla." Loki's voice filled her ears and she turned to the left, staring at the man.
It was just a nightmare. He was alive. She wrapped her arms tightly around him, burying her face into his neck. She was trembling. It felt so real... I thought I had actually lost him...

"Why were you crying?" he whispered into her hair as he held her against him.

She had been crying? She pulled back, lifting a hand to her cheek, feeling the wetness. "I had a nightmare." she mumbled as Loki softly ran a hand through her hair. "You... You were killed." she whispered as she looked up at him, biting into her bottom lip. He looked over her face for a minute before pulling her against him once more.
"I am fine, Leyla." he promised her, holding her tightly.

She buried her face into his neck. "Leyla." he said softly and she looked up at him. He examined her face for a moment before touching her cheek. "Would you stay at my side no matter what?" he asked and she leaned back a bit more.
It was a bit of a loaded question, knowing Loki. Knowing what he had done... But she knew the answer. "No matter what, Loki." she whispered. She would chastise him, when she thought him wrong, but she knew she would be with him through anything. Stay at his side.

Leyla wasn't sure when she had fallen in love with the god of mischief, but she had. And she would follow him no matter what. Not that that was exactly an issue, he was a prisoner. "Are you certain?" he asked and she nodded.
"I have never been more certain of anything in my life." she murmured. He smiled slightly at her before pressing his lips against hers. She couldn't explain how he made her feel. She felt loved, she felt like no matter what happened in her life, as long as she was with him, she would be alright.
His hands moved to her hips, holding onto them firmly, her own hands moving to his chest. His heart beat was strong under her hand as she flattened it against his chest. He leaned back just slightly before looking into her eyes for what felt like forever. "Leyla. Allow me to claim you." he whispered.

It wasn't forceful. It wasn't an order. It was merely a request. She could tell him no. But she smiled, nodding just slightly. "I want to be only yours, my Prince." she whispered before he pressed his lips over her own again, wrapping an arm around her and gently laying her back onto the bed.

Between the sighs and the moans and grunts, the couple forgot about everything. The fact that Loki was a criminal, locked for the rest of his life within these four walls. That Asgard was on the brink of war. That the Queen had passed. That there as no logical way for the two to remain together.
There was nothing but Loki and Leyla and their love for each other.

"Leyla." Thor's voice made the younger woman turn. Her hair was still down, she had just walked out of the dungeons. It was late morning now, and she was surprised to see Thor standing before her. "I need your assistance." he said and she nodded slightly, urging him to continue.

She listened to his plan before biting at her lip and nodding. "I cannot promise I can keep him under any kind of control, Thor. I am merely a woman." she whispered.
He nodded. "But you are a woman Loki cares very dearly for." he said and she stared at Thor. How did he know that?

"I will help you, Thor." she paused, pursing her lips as she looked at her friend. "But please understand... Where he goes, after this, I will follow him." she said gently. Thor chuckled just slightly, ruffling her hair slightly.
"I know, Leyla." he said and the blond smiled before going to find Lady Sif, taking a few deep breaths as she adjusted her hair, covering a few small marks that Loki had left on her neck.

The short blond looked up at Sif silently as they walked, Jane trailing behind them. Her eyes moved forward again, a smile coming to her face when she saw Loki. Granted he was cuffed, but he looked good. He was out of that cell.
However, when he saw her, he frowned, turning to look at his brother. Thor turned slightly, saying something that Leyla couldn't hear. But once she was close enough, she moved to Loki's side, giving him a warm smile until Jane slapped him. She frowned a little, but said nothing... He deserved it after all "I like her." Loki told Thor and Leyla almost rolled her eyes until she heard the guards coming up the stairs. She looked up at Loki as his cuffed hand gently gripped the sleeve of her dress.

"I'll hold them off. Take her." Lady Sif motioned to Jane and Thor looked unsure for a second before turning and starting away from her. Leyla moved to follow when Sif paced her blade against Loki's neck. Leyla looked at Loki silently, waiting for Sif to let him go. "Betray him, and I'll kill you." she warned.
Loki leaned back slightly, away from the blade, chuckling. "It's good to see you, too Sif." he grinned at the woman as she moved her blade. Leyla took Loki by the cuffs, gently pulling him along.

"Ley." he looked at the blond as they caught up with Thor and Jane.
She turned to him, frowning. "You have never called me that before. Let's not start now." she said and he chuckled.
He motioned to where she was leading him from. "It's a bit painful." he said and Leyla yanked her hand back.
Her eyes went to his face, frowning. "I am very sorry, Loki." she said softly, feeling Jane staring at the pair.

She honestly couldn't care any less what the Midgardian thought at the moment. What anyone thought at the moment. He was out of his cell and had the chance to gain his freedom. That was more than Leyla could ever ask for. "Leyla." he whispered and she looked up at him. "You will join me, after we are finished?" he asked, watching her.

Her eyes went to his face and she gave him a grin. "Of course, my prince." she whispered as she walked at his side.

Soon, they were in front of one of the Kursed's ships, Volstagg standing in front of it, axe in hand. "I will give you as much time as I can." he said to Thor.
Thor shook the larger man's hand. "Thank you my friend." he said genuinely before making his way into the ship, Loki and Leyla behind him until Volstagg stopped Loki with a hand to the chest. Leyla huffed slightly, turning to look at the two.
"If you even think about betraying him-"
"You'll kill me?" Loki looked at him, an amused look across his handsome features. Evidently there will be a line." he said and Leyla almost laughed as he was released.

She turned forward again, entering the ship as Thor pushed around on all of the buttons.