"It's time for your surprise, Kairi." Hikaru cooed when he pushed Kairi up the stairs away from the party, she was going slowly up the stairs due to the fact she was blindfolded with his tie.

"Hikaru, the party just started." Kairi said as she took each step as slowly as she could so she wouldn't trip. "And I know we're going up to the bedroom, we are not having sex."

Hikaru chuckled behind her and continued to push her up the stairs.

The fashion show was a huge success, they expected nothing less from Hikaru Hitachiin. He was known for being the youngest fashion designer in all of Japan and is well known in America. He claims that he gathers inspiration from his wife on things he would love to see her in. Though she admitted that she wouldn't wear half of the clothes he designs.

He invited his clients to his home for the after party, many of his models were invited as well and they were allowed to keep the dresses he stitched together. Kairi was eager to tell Hikaru her surprise but when she got a chance, he was taken away by famous directors and his most respectable clients. Kairi figured she would tell him later and talked with some of her friends she invited.

It wasn't until two hours in the party, Hikaru covered Kairi's eyes with his tie and kidnapped her. She had no idea what he had in store for her and she was worried.

"You're getting closer." Hikaru commented, he switched positions to in front of her, grabbing her arms to lead her into the bedroom where he finally removed her tie to let her see. She carefully rubbed her eyes, trying not to mess up her make-up and saw Hikaru stand in front of her closet door.

"Hikaru, what are you"-

"Surprise!" He opened her door and turned on the lights, she saw her clothes neatly hung on the rack and drawers neatly closed with her jewelry box on top. It was Kairi's personal closet that Hikaru was not allowed to touch, even though they both share a large ass walk-in closet. She didn't want to repeat the incident from high school to repeat when he stole her clothing and Hikaru only wanted Kairi to wear his family's design but she had to draw the line somewhere and made a collection of her own.

"My…closet?" She asked. "Hikaru, we talked about this. You're not allowed to touch this closet."

"Don't worry, I didn't touch it, I just hid your surprise in here."

"In here? In my closet?"

"Yeah, check it out." Hikaru moved to the side for Kairi to step forward and peered inside her closet. What could he possibly hide in there? Ridiculous as it was, Kairi began her search of whatever it was he hid. While she was distracted, Hikaru retreated to their walk in closet and opened the door to let his friends out.

Haruhi concealed her giggles as she helped lead out Tamaki, Honey, Mori, and Kyoya, watching Kairi looking into her drawers.

"Hikaru, just what am I suppose to be looking for?"

"Just keep digging, it's in there."

"I feel ridiculous." Kairi complained as she closed her drawers shut and looked behind her shirts, thinking he hid something on the wall. Haruhi came up behind and tickled her waist, making her shriek and turn around. Once her eyes saw Haruhi, she screamed with joy and hugged her. All the boys started laughing when they saw their female friends jump up and down and scream tears of joy.

"Oh my god! You're here!"

"Yes!" Haruhi agreed.

"You're hair is long!"

"Uh-huh!" She laughed.

"Oh my god, you're here!" Kairi embraced Haruhi again as they exchanged kisses on the cheek. Then Kairi turned her attention to the rest of her friends. She glomped each and every one of them and gave them all kisses but when she turned to her husband, he expected a hug and a kiss but he got a hit on his arm instead.

"Ow! What was that for!"

"Because you're such a douche! I was about to tear my closet apart!" She chuckled then gave in to give her husband a hug. Hikaru smiled and embraced his wife but it was soon broken off when Kairi went back to her long lost friends.

They went back to the party, Kairi had her arm hooked with Haruhi's and they chatted nonstop due to the fact that they haven't seen each other in years so they had a lot to catch up on. Hikaru was glad to see his old host club, he missed high school terribly. But they were here now and that's what mattered to him most.

"So tell me how is America? What's it like being the best lawyer in the country?" Kairi complimented her, making Haruhi blush.

"I'm not that good yet. I still have a lot to learn before I'm the best, but I got into this high rated law firm just last year. Everyone is really competitive but they're really nice once they've stopped working on a case."

"I can only imagine." Kairi giggled.

"How about you? How is your company doing now?"

"It's going fabulous. The crime rates have actually lowered since I took charge and just last month I've recruited some female members too."

"Female members? Isn't that dangerous?" Haurhi asked with concern.

Kairi laughed; "Dangerous for the men yeah. You should've seen the way they just threatened the male recruits when the girls got hit on. It was beautiful, I almost lost it."

"Seriously? Oh, I have to see that."

"Wish granted. I got it on my phone!" Kairi pulled out her phone and was about to pull up the video but they were interrupted by a ringing glass. Everyone turned their heads to Hikaru, who was the cause of the interruption by clinking a knife on a wine glass. They all quiet down and he got their undivided attention.

"Another show was a huge success. I would like to thank my wonderful models and my grand assistants for their hard work today. I would also like to thank my muse, for inspiring me every day with her presence." He raised a glass at Kairi, who blushed and smiled at him.

"I would also like to thank my best friends from The Ouran High School Host Club. If Tamaki never persuaded me to join the club, I wouldn't be where I am now, I wouldn't have the greatest friends in the world and I wouldn't have met my beautiful wife. May our future shine bright and may we be together forever." Everyone clapped as his friends raised a glass of champagne to him in return and they drank as they hoped for the same future. Hikaru grabbed another wine glass and went to his wife to offer her the wine glass.

"No thank you love. I can't drink." Kairi rejected.

"Can't drink? Kairi, you love wine."

"I know but...I just can't drink for a while." She smiled. "Atleast until June."

"Are you on a diet or something?" Hikaru asked.


"Are you sick?"


Hikaru was confused, Kairi loved red wine but…she wouldn't drink? She's not on a diet, she's not sick. Why wouldn't she drink? He saw Haruhi eye's open wide as she gasped and covered her mouth.

"Oh my god Kairi!" She squealed with excitement. Hikaru was now getting pissed off. Haruhi figured it out already?! He was worse than Tamaki when Haruhi first joined the club. Kairi wasn't on a diet, nor was she sick yet she can't drink. What was wrong-

Wait a minute.

There was only one explanation, it had to be the only one.

"Are you…Are you really?" Hikaru asked but he couldn't say the word.

"Surprise." Kairi cooed, making Hikaru drop the wine glasses in his hand making them smash onto the ground.

"We're…We're having a baby?"

"Uh-huh." Kairi giggled, he stepped on the broken glass to embrace Kairi and give her a big kiss.

"Congratulations!" Haruhi clapped for her friend, their friends gathered round when Haruhi jumped with excitement. They easily guessed what happened and they congratulated the soon to be parents.

"We're having a baby!" Hiakru yelled the good news to the whole room, yelling like a child at Christmas. Kairi laughed at him as everyone clapped for the couple.

"Congratulations on the baby." Kyoya smiled as he came up to Kairi after Hikaru finally let her go to bid farewell to his guests.

"Oh Kyoya, thank you." Kairi smiled. "I actually just got my results this morning."

"Do you know what you want?" He asked curiously.

"I'm kinda hoping for a girl." She confessed. "Hikaru wouldn't care at all, he wanted a child since day one…which would explain why he's a sex obsessed moron."

"No, he is a sex obsessed moron in general, no other doubt about it."

"Oh of course you would know."Kairi smirked. "Since I know you two fucked before."

"It is high school, I wanted to experiment." Kyoya fixed his glasses making Kairi giggle.

"And actually there was something I've been meaning to ask you about my child."


"I want you to be the Godfather."


"I asked Haruhi and she agreed to be the Godmother. And I know Hikaru trusts you with all of his heart, as do I."

Kyoya smiled at the request and grabbed Kairi's hand to gently kiss it. "I would be most honored to be the Godfather. I will treat it as my own."

"Thank you Kyoya, it means the world to me."

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Hikaru had his head against Kairi's stomach, trying to see if he could hear the baby. Kairi couldn't stop laughing at his silliness; it was as if he was never taught how a baby could be developed. It was around 1am when they decided to go to bed, their friends stayed in the guests bedroom when Hikaru and Kairi invited them to stay for the week to play catch up.

"Love, it's too early to tell. We probably won't know until three months in."

"But that's too long!" He complained.

"Well that's too bad!" Kairi replied.

Hikaru pouted and pressed his ear against her stomach again, Kairi stroked her fingers through his hair. She just watched him drag his fingers on her skin but she was surprised as to what came next.

"Hey, this is your daddy speaking. I just wanted to say how happy I am that you'll be a part of this family. I'm going to warn you now that we…are not really normal. We're all crazy in our own way, I mean we were a host club for crying out loud…it's full of love and that's all it matters. You'll have Tamaki, Haruhi, Kyoya, Honey, Mori, and your mother and me. I don't know if you'll follow in our footsteps or follow your own path, but I want you to be exactly who you are. That's how this family became to be and that's how you became to be too."

Hikaru turned his head to see his wife and smiled. "And just in case you don't already know, mommy and daddy loves you so much."

Kairi smiled and cupped Hikaru's face to bring him towards her to give him a kiss. "How did I get such a great husband?"

"You joined a host club." He simply replied.

"And I would do it all over again and I wouldn't change a thing."



Thank you everyone who has followed and read this story to the end. It was an honor to make such a story from one of my favorite animes. From the chapters that never happened to the completely made up ones, I love this story and I love you for reading it! Please keep reading my stories and keep following me and you will not be disappointed.

Thank you very much!