Hello all, I'M ALIVE! yes Hypn0s is back, after god knows how months of hiatus, yes i know you want to know why, thing is the reason is simpler, video games and the like, and a slight depression that i got over, and the fact that i know have to upgrade my old xbox to Xbox one because my favorite game now goes full on next gen, and having that moment of 'why now i play this if they aren't supporting it anymore' kind of thing, you know.

anyhow i'm back, and with a nice chapter, i have been aorund the site, reading some pretty good stories, seeing how some mangas of mine are over (Naruto) how others got more complicated (Bleach and Attack on Titan) and seeing how Doom didn't end up like Duke Nukem forever (thank you God) and the Overwatch hype which is well deserved.

so we are at Summer's doors, that means most of us are going to have a lot of time on our hands, either to work, play or write, so that means i'll try to deliver more consistent updates, as i struggled with a single thing, should i include a new character? number ten in fact, been toying for it for a while, in the end i decided i should, why? because YES DAMMIT!

in any case i leave you all with this chapter, read, enjoy and in the next days i'll rewrite the prologue to include character ten's name, it will be jsut mentioned, as the change will be small, only those who have read the prologue first will get it, so, try to get it.

now onto the show.


Five minutes before…

"Are you sure about this Sakura-nee?" Naruto wondered out loud, the petit girl glanced at her 'brother' seated on a comfortable floating chair and eating a blow of Ramen that Shinji had made, it was filled to the brim with vegetables, at first Naruto didn't want to eat it, but the smell alone had made Naruto to devour the first three blows, the fourth, the one on his hands was being devoured at a slower pace, he was actually enjoying the oddly sodium free ramen.

How Shinji did it was anyone's guess, he blew up the world without wanting it, if he wanted it he can make a chocolate only cake that has zero calories.

As for what Naruto mentioned…

"I am Naruto-kun, this needs to be done, they all need to know, the council, the W.I.T.C.H. your people, everyone, this is no longer a single affair" Sakura spoke.

"It stopped being a 'simple affair' the moment you performed a lobotomy on Iconoclast" Shepard said with a small smile, leaning on a wall near the Communicator.

The whole group was in the Quantum Communicator once more, this time there were chairs, and Alkar was present this time, no more prominent was that Sparks was handling a number of data, data regarding the Obsidians and the Anti-indoctrination nanites and how to make them, the only place that would benefit of this would be Shepard's galaxy, since they had the tech to make the nanites to begin with and where in the foremost danger to the Obsidian genocidal assault.

"Technically it wasn't a lobotomy, she didn't pull a chunk of it's brain" Danny picked in, Sakura actually rolled her eyes and pouted.

"Yeah, she just turned half its skull into a pancake" Will summarized, now there Sakura pouted more, looking more like a blowfish without poisonous quills.

"Still" Shinji finally said, looking somewhat nervous, "Do we REALLY have to call everyone?" he asked, Mikasa at his side simply placed a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner.

"Don't like it either, Eren…hurt me that day, but they need to know, they have to know, if anything else just to spite them, they will learn, and they will hate it" Mikasa hissed.

"(sigh) at least they go last" Shinji muttered, referring to his and Mikasa's worlds, who had received them with less than cold shoulders and more with rockets to the face.

"Regardless of any of that, we have to do this, despite what we might feel for the others on the other end" Sakura said, directing her gaze to Shinji and Mikasa, both slightly huffed at that, but said nothing, to be fair right now they would gladly punch anyone of their worlds, in the face, repeatedly, just to get their rage and discomfort for all the deal clear.

"I know what you guys feel okay, my government isn't exactly a fan of mine now, Naruto-Kun and I have long standing bounties on our heads" Sakura clarified.

"Kill on sight" Naruto stated with a small smile, "Not bad I admit, a Bingo Book entrance, on another world, I love my job" then he returned to his ramen, the rest gave Naruto a raised eyebrow look, was he for real?

"In ANY case" Sakura continued, "Right now we have to do this, the more allies we have on the other end the better, remember that our worlds now fall under the Covenant of Blood, that means the moment this all ends they get to join the Federation, no ifs no buts" she reminded.

"Who there it's going to complain?" Ichigo stated, "Super-advanced health, cutting edge technology of all kind, who it's going to say no to that?" the Shinigami wondered.

"Uh…Mikasa's world, who apparently is filled with assholes" Naruto pointed out, Mikasa sighed, because he was right, they had pretty much told her that the time between the creation of the walls to the Colossal Titan arrival, there should be more efficient ways to kill titans, to hinder them in such a way to reduce loss of manpower and increase Titan death toll.

The only thing that they could get off over a hundred years of peace apparently was a steam powered parkour gear and a pair of machetes, heck their guns still work on an outdated process of loading bullet AND gunpowder at the same time.

"I know for a fact the Wizard world it's not going to like this, there is magic here, thank Merlin, I'm afraid that when that actually happens they will try to get their grubby paws all over it and try to enforce their laws instead that the Federation's" Harry pointed out, "Not to say what the Queen will do, remember how we arrived here, Titans trying to eat us as snacks and a full out zombie outbreak, but with steroid filled zombies, we have to do this carefully" he added.

"He's right" Shepard stated, de-crossing his arms, "First thing we have to do if fully warm our governments, Spark's data will wake the Council, with them on our side I can guarantee we will have less problems when the time of arrival comes, Aria will joins us, just to keep Omega as an independent power, but we'll deal with that later, Harry can easily talk his way into his government, you said this Dumbledore fellow is a big figure in your world" Harry nodded.

"Head of The Wizenmagot and other tittles, he is smart, he will see our way" Harry assured, "Who I don't trust is Fudge, bloody bastard is quick to kiss your arse if it takes to keep your mouth shut, and send a team of Dementors to silence you if you talk too much" the wizard stated.

"Then show him what you have faced these days, politicians have the habit of barking too much, show him your bite will silence him if it annoys you" Shepard stated to Harry.

"My people it's not truly united, my country wants me dead, but the rest of the world wants to build me a statue of gold, I saved lives that day, chances are that my country either doesn't accept me at all if I become Queen or they simply bow down, but won't forgive, an insult in the way I delivered that day it's not easily forgettable" Sakura added her two cents.

"Not much on my end, Phobos is an asshole, and Elyon, god I want to punch her teeth off, but we need her, she is the heir of Meridian, we can get the support of the resistance, and you can count my girls in as well, now if we could just get the wool off Elyon's eyes she would see the ass her brother is" Will complained.

"Then no time like the present" Sparks spoke, "Your Quantum Orb has currently registered over a dozen of familiar bio-signatures, with three unknowns, so far nothing noteworthy to say beyond that, same location, a little late that the last call" Sparks stated.

Will rubbed her jaw in contemplation, she knew that by default, Naruto's world was the only one fully supporting them, Tsunade (the blonde with the huge rack) had pretty much said to Naruto before the attack of Iconoclast that they had several Jounnin (high class ninjas) and Chunnin (medium class ninjas) on stand-by and prepared for anything, it would take time to talk to the other Kages (the leaders of his world) but it wouldn't take long to convince them, everyone there knew about Naruto, everyone there knew about what a Rayearth meant, both as a person and as a symbol, they would help, or they would be unprepared for what would come ahead.

She could talk to Caleb, get the resistance on their side, it would take a lot of talk to thought, Phobos was a very tangible menace there, the Reapers weren't until they appeared in mass, and if they played their cards right, they could easily delay the Invasion to Shepard's galaxy a little further, the squids seemed to hate the knights and Crystalia more than they loved their precious cycle, as the attack of Iconoclast showed, they could lure them out, sure traveling on the dark of space non-stop on a homicidal plan takes time, time that Shepard's galaxy can use to prepare, if the Reapers hate them that much that is.

"I don't know you guys, but making the calls now is a good idea" Will mussed, "Unless there is another homicidal dreadnought approaching" she added, looking at Sparks, after all everyone believed that Iconoclast had been killed during the closing days of the Obsidian Wars, everyone on Targos was on high alert, didn't want to have another repeat of what happened three days ago.

"Nope, Iconoclast had a hole blown into during the war, so everyone believed it was dead, the other Obsidians got more than one hole shot into them, trust me on this, Iconoclast was the only one…but might not be the last" she added.

"And that means?" Shepard asked.

"…There are wavelength records that indicate that Iconoclast transmitted something…very far, a message or an image we don't know, Sakura clubbed Iconoclast skull flat, recovering data of it has been a chore, we have something, but I got assured that we will have the full info in half an hour, and hour tops" Sparks assured, Naruto simply grinded and bumped his elbow to Sakura, who actually pouted at that.

"Not too happy of actually doing that now eh Sakura-nee?"

"Don't start Naruto-Kun"

Everyone ignored the pair of 'siblings' and focused on the matter at hand, "…Let's get this over with" Shinji suddenly said, looking rather grim suddenly, everyone there looked at him oddly for that, "Look I don't want to talk with my…them" Shinji said bitterly, "But we have to, let's talk to the Council, give them the evidence and then I get to say my piece to…them, there, simple, then we can leave and start working on what really matters, stopping the Queen and getting Sakura-san to the throne" Shinji stated.

"He is right, with her on the throne all will be well" Mikasa stated, Sakura actually gulped, suddenly realizing how big her role was now, she was nervous, and with good reason.

"Yeah, and make your calls people, if you feel like it we'll link it to mine, hopefully things won't get complicated" Shepard commented as the group went to their positions and make their calls.

A minute later Shepard wanted to slam his head to the floor, or Naruto's forehead, whichever was hard enough to crack it.

The reason, they decided to make the calls, at the same time, suffice to say that the shouts that came, all round them, at the same time, made him want to pull a gun and-

"Oh fuck it"


"WOULD YOU STOP SHOOTING INSIDE!?" Sparks and Will exclaimed at the same time, one because one of the shots might end up ricocheting to the ground, damaging the holo-emitters in there, the other because it simply annoyed her, she heard enough while being at his side during the fight three days ago.

"Well, what do you expect, everyone was talking at the same time" Shepard defended himself, on the sidelines Will noted how the massive Krogan, Grunt she remembered, chuckled at that remark.

"…I suddenly have the urge to punch you…so bad" she stated with a twitch on her eye, and then took a deep breath as Sakura simply placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled to her.

"Let it go, the Turian Councilor doesn't seem to mind" Sakura stated, looking at the pristine dress Turian, compared to Garrus, who had an armor dotted with burn holes and one of his 'cheeks' sported a patch that barely covered the burn marks there, the Turian Councilor however was completely immaculate, no spots on his 'skin' besides the paint, which she assumed were some sort of clan markings, and the expensive clothes separated him from Garrus more rugged looks.

"He doesn't mind because we're not close to you guys" Garrus reminded with a small grin, or the equivalent of a Turian grin.

Sakura simply shook her head, she was kinda glad that Harry's orb was finally moved to a smaller place, the thing was that such smaller place was jam-packed with people, she noted how many of them had red robes, there were few yellow and blue robes, with just three green robes, and the teachers, if what Harry had told her was right, she noted two people that were different, the girl with the light blue clothes, rather pretty, and then the guy, massive for a person of his age, and with clothes that looked out of a military school but in red.

"Well…showtime" Sakura really wanted to have some support from Gaia, but ever since their face-off with the titans, she hasn't heard nothing from the Guardian of Earth, then again Naruto, Danny or Ichigo haven't heard of their own Guardians either, and Ichigo is patronage by one of the most talkative of them all.

"Excuse me Garrus-san, but we have important matters we need to attend to, and everyone must hear this" Sakura stated, slightly puffing her chest out and standing a little straighter than before, something the councilors, if not every adult noted as well.

Sakura slightly noted how a heavily tattooed woman walk by, she slightly blushed, more for the fact the woman was using straps as a shirt to cover her breasts…honestly Shepard needed better friends, friends that had a better dress code to begin with.

Shaking her head, she began, not in the way anyone expected, "Sparks-san, bring the Reapers data, the last battle above the desolated planet, correlate with data Shepard brought of the one named Sovereign and the proto-reaper, also bring data of Iconoclast remains" Sakura wasn't going to mince her blows now, they needed help, all they could get, and they would get it, whenever they liked it or not.

Five minutes later…

The face of the councilors, of the four, included that with the faces of the adults, of everyone present reflected the same, fear, shock, and understanding.

"We can't win this" the Asari, Tevos whispered in fear, her eyes wide and showing the same emotion than everyone had, the power of the Reapers, of what they had done, the proto-reaper and its creation, the Collectors and what they used to be, Harbinger, Iconoclast, Sovereign…now it was finally bare to them.

"You're wrong councilor" Shepard interfered, "We delayed the cycle, we already killed two, well three with the Derelict Reaper, but we have fought them, defied them, three days ago I saw a reaper cry in pain and die, they are not gods, they can actually bleed, if it bleeds, it dies" Shepard remarked.

"Commander, you have the Rayearths at your side, obviously they are more than a match to the Reapers…we don't have that luxury" Varlen stated.

"Giving up so easily" Danny shot back, looking at the Salarian dead in the eyes, "For a species who wins wars before they start it's kinda unbecoming" the Halfa added, "The Reapers attack with the element of surprise and by adding their spies, the indoctrinated into the ranks of the survivors, deny them that and they only thing they have is brute force, their armors are strong, I'll give you that, but it can be broken, they are not invincible, the Rayearths aren't either" Danny said with a sigh.

"In the history of Crystalia the knights have come and gone…some live, some die, the last Rayearth of fire basically went supernova to take down five armies and half a city nearby, the first Rayearth of wind died facing the Dark Lord, the fifth Rayearth of Water died when a lance went through his skull, but not before decapitating ten generals and drowning the rest one hundred commanders with their own blood, as in forcing their blood up to their heads, they are the strongest mortals, but like the Reapers, they are like the rest, flawed, mortal" Sparks stated, "I won't lie to you councilors, the Obsidians, the Reapers…the Crystalians hates them, they killed three pre-space faring species, they were on the medieval ages for pillars sakes, they put my species to the sword, our planet is nothing else than three chunks of rock floating around, I assure you people, you are not alone on this war, but you will if we don't get Tania out of the throne" Sparks stated.

"Yeah…that concerns me most" Dumbledore mumbled out loud, "You wish to start a rebellion, but is this 'Tania' as evil to warrant such acts?" concerned over the affair of Wizards, but not muggles, Harry had to bit the sarcastic remark over the headmaster choice of words.

"Oh make no mistake headmaster, she is bad, I made some research" Harry heard Hermione actually gasp in shock, never expecting him to do this, alone, "And it's bad, Crystalia alone has under its command fifty fleets, the first ten have three Super-Dreadnoughts, called God-killers because they were deployed first during the Giant of Light wars, five dreadnoughts, two carriers, one medical ship, ten frigates and thirty ships from stealth class ships to support class…five of those fleets are gone, missing with all hands" Harry stated, he noted how the Turian councilor actually stiffened at that.

"According to the stories leaked, the fleet-masters were openly opposing Tania's 'downgrade' of the crystalian culture, the crews of each ship loyal to them and the cause of her eldest daughter, who fled after it was discovered she supported the rebellion, do I need to say more?" he asked to the holograms of the headmasters and his teachers, each one of them had grave looks on their faces.

"Now the Federation has different problems, with twenty-five galaxies that means that their fleets are massive…according to some info I found…of the fifty thousand fleets under the federation command, three hundred have gone missing…not long before being asked by Tania herself for a 'favor' now you're seeing a pattern, or do I need to say more?"

"No Potter" Snape drawled, pale as humanly possible, "You have made your point" even if Snape hated Harry, which he did, he couldn't deny the facts in front of them, this woman had seen over three hundred and five fleets worth of men, weapons and resources to their deaths, the question was how of course.

"This 'downgrade' you spoke, what does it means? For her to do all that? Must be something big" Cornelia stepped in, Will knew for a fact that Cornelia could and would take her spot as leader of W.I.T.C.H. in the case she couldn't, and it was showing now.

"Hmmm" Naruto mulled that question, "Very simple, she wants to bring all the advances, technology and power they have gathered…back to the stone age" Naruto replied, "Now no king or queen would do this, unless they are crazy, in that case they pretty much burn shit up, but this? Nah, Tania is deliberately weakening her kingdom and allies, paving the way, I have seen this, on a smaller scale, spies kill some guards, place some bombs on the wall, falsify security reports, replace this and that, and at a given time boom, an attack, and everyone dies" Naruto ended.

"Not to mention what she did to the Rayearths proper" Shepard added.

"Four death squads send to kill us even before we were full aware of our powers, Danny's death squad never made it, replaced by some freaky creatures, Ichigo's death squad died in front of him, Sakura's death squad was mauled by her, and took their shit, and mine's I convince them to work for me, under the unspoken threat of getting their hearts ripped out by me and shoved up their throats" Naruto finalized.

"Is everything you do must end with someone getting ripped apart?" Shinji asked with some incredulity.

"Heh, pretty much" was Naruto's less than eloquent but obvious answer, which disturbed everyone, near him and on the other end of the universe…unless you're a Krogan, which in that case, Grunt found a kindred spirit, which was scary altogether.

"On the matter at hand" Shepard instantly intervened, before Naruto decided to retell the story of how he massacred an entire slaver guild and shipped their skinned skulls to their families, just because they kidnapped one of his friends, just for a person, he bathed in the blood of a hundred men and women, and stripped their heads of flesh.

"I need a vacation" was all he thought as he focused on the councilors, "As you can see, and from the data you got, the Reapers, or Obsidians as they are known here, attacked the Crystalian Federation, who ran in direct conflict with 'their cycle' whatever that means it's beyond me, only that they do not tolerate other civilization that run more advanced technologies" Shepard began.

"Because in these reports, kinetic attacks, unless of a magnitude unseen, can penetrate their armors, but their armor against energy based weapons like laser and plasma is…non-existent" Varlen began.

"Of course" Mordin added, "Different development, different paths, Reapers predetermine our technological evolution using Mass effect as the most viable technology, it is there, easy to find, clever" the aged Salarian finished.

"Not enough, if you and the Protheans found about them it means they have begun to grow complacent, they can't conceive defeat as an option, after so much many years and victories has helped to build their arrogance to apocalyptic levels" Danny added, "With the technology you guys have, based on technology the Reapers have leaked, you can't win, you need to develop something new, stagnation is what the Reapers want, so when they come it's an easy conquest" the halfa Rayearth added.

It was scary for everyone on Shepard's galaxy when one kid on his teens could dissect the Reapers plans in such a simplified way that even a fool could get it, to dissect their technological level as well was daunting, even more considering that when you think it, the Reapers have played to get the advantage all along.

"Enough" Anderson stated, looking at his Omni-Tool, and the sudden amount of data that began to pour into it, he noted that his fellow councilors where getting the same data, and not only him, but the rest of Shepard's crew, including the Geth and Traynor, where getting the data, surely as fallback if anything went wrong, or needed to spread the information further.

"This data will do, I see something called…Nanite solution, what is that?" Anderson called out, there Danny smiled.

"Let me answer that one councilor, I have more personal experience with nanites, I have a full batch in me now, kinda messed with my powers, but on the bright side I have regeneration, as for the solution, it was developed during the Obsidian Wars by a team of Fairans that were more than eager to gut the Obsidians apart for the destruction of Stagas-5, their home, being the tech-savy species they are, they developed a nanite infusion based on Reaper Tech and their indoctrination fields as they are called, in short the Reapers use white noise, a crapload of exotic energies and super-subsonic resonance to affect their targets, brainwashing them in a subconscious level, every part of their bodies has the ability to indoctrinate a person" Danny began.

"We know that, several of the pieces of Sovereign were placed on stasis fields and only scientists using mech interfaces can work on them" Spartarus answered.

"Cool, the thing is this nanite solution allows the user to actually…hear in a nutshell the whispers of the Reapers, the subconscious brainwashing becomes a conscious noise that can be ignored, tuned down, like when your mom scold you, you tune it out" Danny explained, "This solution is injected near the neck, to be precise, on the base of the head connected to the spine, for greater effect, the nanites bond immediately to the nervous system of the subject, allowing the understanding of white noise and subconscious methods of brainwashing the Reapers use, that's the civilian one" that brought the attention of everyone on the other ends of the universe.

"Civilian? Dear you…you have the military grade?" Maddie asked, really concerned by what Danny said.

"Yeah Danny's Kaa-san, in fact most of what we have now is military grade, Taichou's weapons were upgraded up to military standards here, so where his shields and armor, we all have military class Omni-Tools, with so many options to hurt baddies, I can incinerate someone now, suck it Sasuke!" Naruto boasted loudly while making an obscene hip-thrust.

On his home, Hinata nearly fainted in delight.

"Our clothes are in fact military grade mimetic armors, battle clothes" Danny said, activating his Omni-Tool and activating the function of his battle clothes, instantly his standard attire changed to an actual armor, or to be precise, Shepard's armor, up to his size.

To say that everyone was mesmerized by that was an understatement.

"Military grade Ionized polymer shields for everyone, can take a pounding like nothing I have ever seen, I dare say I can take a blast of the CAIN and walk out of it fine" Shepard exclaimed, now that shocked those who knew what the CAIN was.

"Mikasa's parkour gear got a full overhaul, instead of steam it now uses something called Solenoid engine, it powers a pair of anti-gravity thrusters that allow her to move fast, add that the new grapple and cables that can cut through anything stupid enough to get snagged into them and her HF-machetes, Titans of any kind don't stand a chance, especially with the added speed and her combat experience" Will spoke for Mikasa, being more aware of what now Mikasa had now, "Our clothes, in the case lose their shields are in fact bullet-proof, and the nanites we have now allow us to have an actual HUD in our eyes, map and everything, but only Shinji has that active, since he had to go look for his purple doomsday ride" Shinji gave Will a look of utter despite.

"Will you cut it out with the color woman? It came in stock! If it was for me it would be painted black with yellow and it would never get washed of the blood of the angels I killed, so the rest know how many I got, and I got many!" Shinji exclaimed crossly.

"Also Shinji's EVA, the big purple Cyborg it's getting an upgrade" Ichigo simply stated, his sisters, Kon, his mother, his father, Urahara, Orihime, Chad, Ishida and Rukia all sighed, trust Ichigo to be simple in his explanations.

"Wait a fucking minute" Jack suddenly stated, entering the picture, "How the hell you 'upgrade' something that can negate the Reapers freaking shots! We saw how it took the full brunt and it's shields didn't give in!" she snapped.

"You saw?" the group exclaimed at the same time, it would be Sparks who broke of the shock of that first, "Shinji explained to me that Unit-01 it's actually the Test-Type of the EVA series, Unit-00 was the prototype and Unit-02 was the first production model, according to him 00 tended to act berserk whenever it could, let it be in activation or battle, 01 has its own problems, a list of software and Hardware glitches that could cover this entire room, mostly focused on loss of control, structural weakness on 80% of the cyborg, outdated armor plates, lack of actual weapons besides its size and the knife, an auto-pilot that is set on kill, maul, dismember, brutalize and desecrate, and not exactly in that order, and an inactive Solenoid organ, limiting it's deployment to five minutes, we bypassed that last one with a fission cell that gave it a two-hour operation range, but we are looking for a longer time, for what it's coming they will need it" Sparks said grimly.

"Yeah…a rebellion against the Queen" Snape stated with a stoic look.

"What's happening it's just a symptom, it's like when Voldemort rose to power, first it began as isolated attacks and incidents, it soon escalated to hit-an-run attacks by his followers on semi-important people, next thing you know Diagon Alley it's burning and muggles, half-bloods and 'blood traitors' are dropping like flies and the Aurors are given authorization to use the Unforgivables to repel the Death Eaters, but outnumbered four to one and with such attacks before stretching them thin it was just a matter of time before he attacked the Ministry of Magic…if he hadn't attacked my family first…and the rest its history" Harry grimly replied.

"You say the worse it's yet to come?" Miranda asked.

"I don't say it, the signs are there, you just need to put them together, the thing is we don't know why Tania would do this, she is risking outright revolt by Crystalia itself, the Rayearths are basically the angular stone on which the Federation was build" Harry began, "The history of every species on the Federation is directly crossed with the knights, Crystalia treats them as saint heroes of the old, their aids, the ones that join them in their crusade are as well received as they are, Mecro-fairans have joined every knight after the Obsidian Wars out of respect for what they did after Stagas-5, entire colonies fight slaver armadas chanting the names of knights and aids of ages long past, bloody hell we could start the rebellion now by just putting Sakura in front of a camera and announcing that the Guardians selected as the next in line for the crown!" Harry stated.

"But we can't do that, Tania still has a lot of military under her command, we need to undermine her, take her army for us, the people are already with us, now we have to make sure they are protected when we decide to storm her castle and drag her to justice, and a guillotine blade" Naruto said, "Bringing proof of her continued support to raider and slaver guilds, unconfirmed reports of her sending those fleets and everyone in them to deathtraps, her reasons for the downgrade will help us" he added.

"Then once I'm in control, you guys get the benefits, Shepard gets the fleet he needs to flatten the Reapers, Will, well she will get to her friends and the resistance she supports an armada to stop Phobos on his mad conquest, Harry will be supported by actual wizards of Crystalia in the hunt of any supported of Voldemort who escaped justice, Shinji and Mikasa…uh that's the hard one, but I can safely say it won't include orbital bombing, or Naruto" Sakura said cheerily, ignoring the 'HEY' of Naruto.

"I actually want Naruto, he is a certified Titan killer, and maybe Shinji on his machine…and perhaps a big sword for him to wield while at it" Mikasa stated.

"A sword? Girl get into the times" Danny said, "Get him a giant chainsaw and you're set" Jazz and Sam face-palmed at Danny's suggestion, not to mention Tevos eye twitch, this was the best hope of her galaxy and the known universe? They were doomed.

"Well, you seem to have everything planned out" Anderson said, noting how the rayearths actually sighed in some discomfort and frustration.

"Not everything" Ichigo began, focusing his gaze on his family, then turning to the alien councilors, "You're the last to warn about"

Shepard's ground team actually rose an eyebrow, warn about what?

"We have reasons to believe that Tania can and will send elements of her force to your galaxies, to recruit the worse and most dangerous individuals or organizations, pit them against us in hopes of getting anything, weapons, ships…money" Danny said, "She already showed she can do this, when we arrived we were welcomed by ten fifteen meter tall zombies, not to mention the ones on the streets…the titans belong to Mikasa's world, a pre-industrial world, no ships, the most advanced gear is a parkour harness powered by steam…see my point?"

The Turian, Spartarus was the first to nod "You think she will try to get elements of everywhere, just to stop you" Danny nodded, "Hmm…Mercenaries are easily swayed by the promise of weapons and credits" Spartarus began.

"The Krogan can easily be swayed with the promise of a good fight, and if Crystalia is that advanced, maybe the promise of a cure to the Genophage" Tevos continued, noted how Shepard and Grunt narrowed their eyes.

"That ain't happening, not with Wrex uniting the clans, he stared at a 'cure' once by Saren, and he will see the same with Tania's promises" Shepard assured.

"Then is…Cerberus" Varlen stated, focusing his gaze on Miranda and Jacob.

"Fuck I forgot about them…an entire galaxy filled with aliens, and nine planets with humans, not colonies, but worlds…they are going to lose their shit" Jack muttered out loud.

"Cerberus? You actually have a three-headed dog as guardian of something?" Harry wondered, clearly remembering his first encounter with Fluffy, Hagrid's pet Cerberus, and god knows why he called it Fluffy.

"No, Cerberus, as an organization, originally conceived as a para-military group focused on the protection of the Charon Relay and every single human, of every single threat, roughly born five to ten years after First Contact War with the Turians" Shepard began, "Don't let the name fool you, Cerberus might have born with good intentions, but they are anything but, Xenophobic in nature, make experiments that usually backfire spectacularly, examples, Subject Zero, Jack" Shepard pointed out at the heavily tattooed, bald woman, "They experimented on her, tortured since child, did fuck-up things to make her the strongest biotic ever know, how it backfired? She got out and killed everything on her path, at the age of ten, example two, me" Shepard said, that caught everyone off-guard.

"I died, you all know that, Miranda can give you a full rundown of how bad I was, but I was 'meat and tubes' two years, enough credits to build three Destiny Ascension class Dreadnoughts, and Sparks confirmed it, Reaper based Tech were put on me to bring me back, to fight the Collectors, how I backfired? I killed the Collectors, freed my crew, blew their base up, which the Illusive Man wanted, basically told him to screw himself up, stole the highly prototype ship armed to the teeth and capable of killing a Turian Dreadnought and gained the loyalty of every single person on board" Shepard concluded.

"…So…huh…they are…whoa they suck" was all Naruto could say, in all honestly Konohamaru could concoct something more complicated and don't fail at complete it.

"Yeah…but hey, if we are lucky they'll kill themselves, one less problem to worry about" Shepard countered happily.

"…You two are horrible people, how you got girlfriends is beyond me" Sakura snapped to the two males.

"Fiancée I must correct you, and last I checked she fell for my charms, my indomitable will and the fact I give two shits about what others think about me, which in turn motivated her to do her best and…stalk me…heh, we are ninjas, so that's kinda like courting, I think" Naruto muttered, looking at the hologram of Hinata, who actually had a raised eyebrow aimed at him.

"Besides you're the one to talk, you can actually hug your boyfriend to paste, you flattened a Reaper's skull" Sakura blushed at that.

"IT. WAS. AN. ACCIDENT. How I was supposed to know we needed something of Iconoclast's brain, surely it only has ways to kill, besides it's a robot, why it has a brain placed in such an obvious place?"

"First you never can't have many ways to kill things, it's very useful, and second how the hell I'm supposed to know'ttebayo! I didn't built them, have I do it they would be painted orange and wouldn't be homicidal pricks"

Everyone, no exception was paying attention to the conversation and how it derailed so fast.

"You know, he is right, you MUST have many ways to kill things" Grunt rumbled with a chuckle.

Everyone sighed, trust the big alien lizard to find sense on the words of a pint-sized vehicle of chaos and destruction.

"In any case" Varlen instantly spoke, while the rest paid aid attention, Sakura and Naruto kept arguing, but the Salarian in the room noted how the duo actually lowered their voices and they shifted their gazes to them, but still kept the façade of arguing, a way to lighten the somewhat grim mood they were now.

"I believe we are…warned of what to expect…expect the time of the Reapers arrival" the Salarian councilor said, looking at his contemporaries with some apprehension.

They were just given a bitter pill to swallow, a big one, there was no more denying it, the Reapers were real, and were coming.

"Honestly, we don't know, but we have a plan" Will spoke, drawing the attention to her.

"You do?" Tevos asked.

"We do?" Danny said, suddenly ducking at Will attempt to punch him, much to Sam's ire.

"Yeah, we do, or rather, I do, you see, it is obvious the Reapers hate the crystalians with a passion, even more than they love their 'cycle' thing, but they hate something even more…the rayearths" there it dawned to everyone.

"Your galaxy it's not ready for them, this one is, all we need to do is to draw them here, I know these mechanical nutjobs must number in the millions, so they will surely divide their forces, but they will send a sizable force, more than half of their forces here, against us, while sending a 'token' force on your galaxy, surely to weaken it until the main force arrives"

"Ah, a crazy plan, you draw a massive force, while we deal with a token force, instead of facing the full brunt of their attack" Anderson stated.

"Yeah, the trick it's going to be how to" Will confessed, there was a plan, but how in god's honest will you draw homicidal dreadnoughts to you?

"I…might have a solution…guys the info of Iconoclast's brain came in…" Sparks spoke, rather softly and solemn, looking at the gathered knights and their aids, "Congratulations…you are the first organics to be on the Obsidians shit list" and with that she activated her Light-Tool and brought the file she just received.

"Holy shit" Jack pretty much summarized the collective thought of everyone they saw the holographic images and pictures that Iconoclast had.

Images of Naruto chopping several husks with practical ease before gibiffing two with a single roundhouse kick.

Images of Ichigo actually breathing fire and incinerating a whole score of husks.

Of Danny grabbing two husks and freezing their heads before smashing them together before turning his head to a straggler, and that one actually contorting into a ball by an invisible force.

Of Sakura actually on a full blown rampage and hitting husks so hard they simply blew up into chunks of dried meat and metal.

Of Mikasa, of Harry, of Shepard, of Will and Unit-01, there were images of them all in full blown combat, also included the last image of Iconoclast had of Sakura, just before she flattened its head off.

The earlier assessment was right, that image could easily haunt anyone's nightmares, her enemies that is.

"The hell" Danny muttered, eyes slowly going wide at the implications, "That damn squid…the husks…they were linked directly to Iconoclast…that's how it adapted that fast to Naruto's clones, how it knew where Shepard was…the husks where it's eyes" Danny muttered angrily.

"Like my clones, when one it's dispelled I get everything they learned…he was preparing to fight the rayearths after the war with the crystalians" Naruto concluded, gone the easygoing and joking mood he had, replaced by a more tempered and analytic look.

"…no wonder it aimed at the commander during the fight…yet this one had to be…separated of the main Reaper force…Iconoclast didn't knew what Shepard has been doing against its kind" Shinji muttered, looking at Shepard.

"And if it knew, it means something worse…that they know that we know of their greatest defeat and fear…and will come to us" Ichigo concluded, looking at Will dead in the eyes, "Looks like your plan came together alone" he added as the veil guardian looked at her image Iconoclast got in some apprehension.

"…I need an armor…on my guardian form" she muttered, seeing the Point of View of one of the husks trying to claw her stomach out, only to miss by inches and Will to retaliate with a vicious straight that simply killed the feed and the creature she was facing that moment.

"We will work on that when you all arrive to Cape Point" Sparks said, looking at the feed with some concern, "I'm going to send this data to the OKF, two generals who fought in the Giant of Light wars are already wanting to hand Shinji medals for killing several of the Giant's generals, so overall we have a small, but solid support from two specialized fleets" Sparks stated.

"The what?" Shepard and Mikasa wondered at the same time.

"The Obsidian Kill Fleet, a fleet entirely composed of Dreadnoughts armed with state-of-the-art weaponry and shields, most Obsidians shoot molten metal, so our shields have to be updated to withstand both the constant stream of molten metal and the heat, same with the armors, like Danny said, the Obsidians armor is paper-thin against energy based weaponry, nuclear weapons work well, but we settle in using point focused laser and plasma based blast to pierce and melt their armors, to expose their fragile insides" Sparks explained to those in Citadel Space.

"Well, that's informative" Tevos muttered, somewhat nervously, obviously not liking that somewhere there was a fleet composed entirely of dreadnoughts.

Spartarus was another story altogether, "Such fleet, it has seen engagement against the Reapers?"

"Oh yeah, it was born after the destruction of my home planet, Stragas-5, made of over fifty different races, all of them put two to three dreadnoughts and put as many weapons they could on them, the result was a solid victory against a formation of a hundred Obsidians, and not a single loss on our side, the Obsidians count on overwhelming firepower to win, so the OKF topped their firepower, this was notable at the end of the war, they were so effective that the motley fleet was officially recognized as the 1229th heavy fleet, and ever since they have trekked around federation space, taking Obsidian tech that survived them and destroying it, alongside hitting any pirate base or fleet that comes across them" Sparks explained.

"Okay, enough with that, Shinji-kun, Mikasa-san, are you both ready?" Sakura asked, looking at the two mentioned people, Mikasa had a grim resolute on her face, while Shinji looked…depressed, grimly depressed, but as resolved as Mikasa.

"I still say it's a bad idea, Mikasa's people are too way behind, I dare say that the most primitive and barbaric unit Shepard has ever encountered can conquer them in a week" Danny muttered, crossing his arms with a frown, "Besides they made their point quite clear, if they want to be titan chomp, then let them, we offered them basically a way to be free, and they spat at us" he added, his eyes glowing green neon as he frowned at Sakura.

"Mikasa's people are not the problem, Shinji's people tried to kill him, that means they knew we were fighting Iconoclast, surely saw and heard us" Harry stated, looking at his people on the other end of the line, all actually had their mouths open, well all but Snape, he seemed to have his face carved in granite, there was no way to remove that serious look in it.

"The MAGI" Shinji began quietly, gaining the attention of everyone, and that meant everyone, "It…was a super-computer back in my time with NERV, I don't know much about it, but what I got was that it was three super-computers, networked together and tied to a personality each, according to Asuka, the one in Tokyo-3 was the original, created by Akagi-sensei mother, three aspects of her personality where used for each computer, her persona as a woman, a mother and a scientist, I think that they might have used the MAGI against my EVA, as it was used before to coordinate attacks during the Angel attacks…and the first time they used the atmo increase on my plug" Shinji spoke.

"Yeah…why they tried that again?" Ichigo asked, actually wondering why they tried to do that the first time.

"Uh…I kinda wanted to kill my father for activating the auto-pilot in my EVA, you know…the one with the 'set to kill, maim, slaughter and brutalize' mode, and in the way I kinda tried to break the base down…stomped the top of the Geofront until they increased the atmo pressure" Shinji confessed.

Silence prevailed on the room.

"I say it once and I say it again…your dad's an asshole" this was the only time Tevos was going to agree with Naruto's crass words.

Sakura was the first to shake her head and stupor on that info, "On the matter at hand…there are other reasons we have to contact them, besides rubbing our success and Shinji's continued survival in their faces" Sakura drawled on.

"Yeah…a warning" Shepard stated, it was more than enough for everyone on the room to get it.

"…Either they stay out of your way, or there will be consequences" Yan Lin stated, her aged faced framed in a frown, "That's a dangerous line you're treating right there" she added.

"We know" Will all but snapped to the W.I.T.C.H. mentor, "You don't think we talked this over, the consequences of this, we are going to basically tell a king and a bitch to either get the hell out of our business or what we did to Iconoclast and it's husks it's going to happen to them and anyone associated to them!" Will snapped angrily, only to recede and huff when Shinji placed a hand on her shoulder.

"…My world was destroyed…my fault…I tried to save a life…but it was only a game" Shinji began, "My father hates God because he believes it took my mother away, so he wants to kill God and become one, so he can be with mother…I was just a pawn, the pawn that burned the world, and they don't care, I'm just an easy way to get even with my father…" Shinji looked at the floor, clenching his fists.

"When I tried to save Rei…the clone, from the Giant Of light, Zeruel, I entered both their minds, plans, memories…everything was bared to me, that's how I realized that I can't return to my world…I am basically a walking Armageddon trigger, the moment I enter an EVA in my world, and my synch rate goes beyond the 400% I will cause the end of the world, I will liquefy every single living being on the planet, return them to the primordial form, the soup of life, I will become God and decide what to do" Shinji ended, that sobered everyone up rather fast.

"Well…fuck" Jack eloquently said, looking everywhere but at Shinji.

Hey it's now every day you find out a traumatized doormat can actually liquefy you if he loses it.

"That's…genocide" Theresa Cook muttered, "Your father…wants to murder the world"

"No" it was Danny who spoke, "He already did it, there was an event called Second Impact, it awoke the Giants of Light, their leaders in such a way that…it damaged the ecosystem, the waters of the world are red, the underwater fauna is dead, that world was living on borrowed time by the time Shinji tried to save that girl…now it's just a corpse, nothing can't live there" Danny added.

"So…a warning…and a statement to appease them…you can't return…out of fear or whatever loyalty you have to them…yet you will fight…you could have made a fine Turian, you know your duties and follow them to the end, the bitter if you must" it would be the first time Shepard heard Spartarus actually praise a human, at all, and it kinda irked him.

"Okay, so Shinji's an actual Armageddon key, what's Mikasa's excuse? Her bloodline is destined to end all Titans and all who opposes her" It was the first time Traynor spoke, it was kinda more of a whisper, since she was basically surrounded with badasses, and on the other end there were kids that could grind you to dust if given the chance.

"Pft, I wish, her king's an asshole, basically the Rayearths are not welcomed in his little kingdom, and anyone associated with them are enemies of mankind and shit and I wanted to punch the lights out of him and shove his head on someone's ass" Naruto explained.

"As a matter of fact that could have happened if the king had been physically present, this is the kid who headbutted someone's head onto a solid steel floor" Harry began, looking at Hermione and Ron, who looked if they were actually wondering why he got in such crazy adventures, with even crazier people.

"There's another reason with them…a pre-industrial world knew how to activate a Quantum orb, you guys did it with tech" Sparks pointed at Shepard's people, "You did it with magic" Hay Lin actually blushed at that, "Mikasa's world lacks both, we think that besides getting some titan shifters here to try and kill the Rayearths, which failed spectacularly by the way, we think they left some elements of Queen Tania behind, already getting a foothold there and denying us some titan killers and a shifter like Eren Yaeger, who is the only shifter on Mikasa's corps" Sparks finalized.

"By the way don't take this wrong Mikasa-san, but I will beat Eren up, and Levi too, and that girl Armin just because" Sakura spoke to Mikasa, who actually looked at Sakura with some shock, but for different reasons.

"…Armin is a boy"

"…He is?" Naruto, Sakura, Will and Harry spoke at the same time, all the while Shepard activated his Light-Tool and smirked.

"I told you kids, don't bet against me, pay up" the kids promptly activated their tools and did as told, all the while they grumbled with pouts on their faces.

"I could swear Armin is a girl, I mean the hips" Naruto began.

"The face was girl alright, the voice didn't help either" Will continued.

"The hands were so…girly, the hair was too, so bright" Sakura muttered.

"…that figure it's of a girl, I call shite on you Mikasa" Harry stated.

"Grew up with him and Eren, childhood friends, shared baths…he's a boy alright…not that I can blame you…everyone thought he was a girl at one point, even Eren parents thought the same" Mikasa said, actually looking at Shepard and subtly saying with her eyes 'I want my cut'

Ichigo actually coughed on his fist, breaking that moment, "Yeah…the king having crystalians allied to the queen is a danger we can't ignore at all, so we are not so subtly tell him to not mess with us, unless he wants something far worse than a titan on him" Ichigo stated.

"Okay, so we make sure nothing crosses your side, and you make sure nothing gets to ours, sounds fair enough" Ron said, Harry was glad Ron wasn't losing it like last time, then against Harry was going onto the literal hell, Ron wouldn't get jealous for this…right?

"Yeah, that's pretty much it, the group will leave in two hours, there is a scientific vessel that had a charted flight to Crystalia, more specifically Cape Cove, story has it that it has been the starting point of every single knight in their crusades, so it's an important cultural place, but Tania, Raiders and pirates have run down the place in the last twenty years, the metropolis has been reduced to less than a town with two hundred people, and losing more every day, but it still is an important space-port" Sparks reminded, "So don't be surprised when you get there"

"Besides Cape Cove is actually ignored by Tania's forces, despite it's cultural impact and obvious evidence that the knights always, without delay, arrive there" Danny stated, "It's the perfect spot to start our little coup, not to mention how far of Terras is, basically on the other end of the planet, we got to squeeze every advantage we can get, we won't have Unit-01 for the time, that allow Shinji to basically filter that LCL stuff out of his system and actually age at a normal rate, we hope by the time we get it we will have evidence and a solid platform to stand on against Tania" Danny added.

Valren seemed to be concerned by something, Danny supposed, "And how you plan to get the evidence, that will mean-"

"I am half-ghost, I can go intangible and invisible, Naruto is trained onto stealth despite the way he dresses" Naruto actually looked offended by that, "Shepard said he's N7, that means wet works, infiltration must not be an issue for him, Sakura has two cards on her arsenal that can disable security personnel without breaking any bones, at any time we can ask a mecro-fairan to assist us with the hack, or Will can help us, her powers seem to be evolving weirdly, like she gets more attuned to machines, I seen her basically making her Light-tool do crazy things, and with her powers no less, if things go south well…we do have a death god around" was all Danny offered to Valren who seemed satisfied by the answer.

"I am still adamant about you all doing…this" Dumbledore spoke, Harry actually rolled his eyes and sighed, loudly.

"Headmaster, there. Is. No. choice. I think we went through this, if Shepard had his way half of us would we shipped back to our worlds, but I know there is a reason we are all here, this is no single causality, or you really thing the pilot of a doomsday weapon, a girl that hunts naked giant zombies, a girl that has the power over the very essence of the life in the universe and a kid who survived the magical equivalent of a rocket to the face at the age of one, would be all gathered, alongside the bloody Rayearth knights, out of a single cosmic fluke?" Harry snapped rather annoyed.

"The reality here is that I'm here, you're not, we're about to face giant homicidal squids, giant naked regenerating zombies, alien raiders, alien pirates, a deranged queen and pretty much every single enemy these guys have and Tania can scrap at us, that includes that tart of Katsuragi and her little entourage of arseholes, Levi's little band of idiots and if I heard wrong, Naruto's being hunted by S-class ninjas, S-class means Voldemort…multiplied by ten, and wielding two wands, the least you can do there is make sure that they. Don't. Get. Here. The faster we do this the faster we get back, now stop moaning that we shouldn't be doing this" Harry snapped, rather agitated, and that a second after he realized that he pretty much snapped at the headmaster of his school, the only man Voldemort has ever feared.

Instead of rage or indignation, Harry got a weary sigh of the headmaster, and the incredulous looks of everyone else, including Snape, who seemed to be fighting to either award or take points of Gryffindor.

"I know Harry, but Crouch Jr. attempt and this…the tales about the exploits of the knights are many, their aids too, they do no shy of battle, they stare at godlings and spat in their faces…you see this Harry, unlike the knights, you won't have many benefits in terms of protection"

"You're talking to the guy who used a sword to kill a snake as big as the Great Hall and survived the poison that corrodes the bloody floor not to mention fought a hundred soul sucking floating deranged Dementors, for my part I'll be fine, as for the god part, well we have Shinji, he apparently had a job to kill god like beings before breakfast, so we are covered there" Harry assured, "We'll make it back, all of us, this isn't new for most of us, well the galaxy travel part it is, but the rest, the fight, no, we are survivors, all of us, I can see it, they can see it, we got something to return to" Harry added, giving a meaningful look to his friends.

"Hell yeah, kicking ass, saving galaxies, pissing off royals and kicking their bloated asses, then return home, it can't get any simple than that" Naruto commented with a grin.

"I like that kid" Jack commented on the sidelines.

"Yeah" Sakura intervened, looking at Jack straight in the eyes and making the psycho biotic to actually look at another place, "like Naruto-kun said, but for now we have to make sure that Katsuragi-teme and Levi-teme know who they are truly dealing with, Sparks" she said, turning to the mecro-fairan, "Do you have the recordings?"

The mecro-fairan, in the honest opinion of everyone, looked gleeful, if a little green by some reason, as if remembering something…nasty, "Oh yeah, I even got footage of Naruto's little massacre at the titans days before, it's bloody, it's effective, it's going to give them nightmares, if his eating habits won't do it first"

"Hey Sparks bite my ass!"

"I love you too"

"Enough" Sakura stopped the two before they escalated the insults, which she knew it could escalated, Naruto could easily pass from calm, collected and professional to crazy in a second, same with Sparks, and insults would fly, with colorful interpretations.

She has been half-tempted to use The Bubbles to wash their mouths, but she is not cruel to do that to The Bubbles.

"That works, use them all, the fight of Unit-01 against the Gorilla Titan, Naruto-kun's massacre, how we trampled against both Titan and Reaper forces, I want you to show them all" she demanded, looking at the councilors, then at the assembled families, all had the same question-

"For what purpose?" but it was Irma, the redhead that could pose as Naruto's sister that asked it.

Sakura mulled the question for two seconds, then answered, it shocked her family to the core.

"To teach them fear and humility go hand in hand"

Two minutes later…

Misato's pace was brisk, angry even, no one dared to get in her way, as if anyone would or could, they knew of very few things that could demand such pace and glare on her face.

Two of them had the last name Ikari on them.

As she finally made it to the bridge, she noted that everyone was there, included the EVA pilots.

Asuka, Mari where given, both where present when he appeared for the first time in over fourteen years, Hikari, Kensuke and Touji because of their past history with him, then there was Maria, Mana and Mayumi, who knew shit about him, only the stories traded here and there.

Ritsuko as usual was present, so was Sakura, Touji's little sister, kinda ironic, since she grew up, Touji traded that for piloting an EVA, the repaired Unit-03.

Once inside, Misato had to take a deep breath, the holographic image of Shinji was there…

Alongside with the images of the Rayearth knights, all of them, and those who joined them in combat, mentally Misato gulped, individually they could kill her in so many ways that it scared her, together…

She let her eyes behind her shades hide the fear in her, one thing is facing Shinji, another entirely is facing eight or some hardened warriors that could kill everyone in the room, without mercy.

"Ikari" Misato instantly went into 'cold' mode, hoping to intimidate Shinji…it worked as much as spitting at a flaming house to douse it off.

"Admiral" Misato blinked, the frosty way he answered, made her realize that whatever relations Shinji had here, didn't matter to him, might as well to him WILLE being angels themselves.

"There's someone who wants a word with you" with that he moved away, allowing the girl in the sailor fuku to walk in front of him, she looked cute…until they crossed eyes, Misato gulped, the golden eye gaze of the girl was making her sweat.

"Admiral, I am Sakura Kinomoto and I'll be blunt with you"the girl began, her gold eyes burrowing not only on her, but one everyone on the bridge, Misato idly noted that the knights also had intimidating gazes, red, blue and green, glaring at them.

"Your attacks on Shinji-kun are both unwanted and unwelcomed, try them one more time and I'll personally reduce your organization to rubble and destroy your EVA's just like I did with Iconoclast, dammed what you're fighting against picks you after that" Sakura snapped, it was perhaps the most violent thing Sakura Kinomoto had ever said to anyone, and Misato had been the one to warrant that rage.

But Misato wasn't one to be intimidated so easily, "You really think too much of you if you think you can intimidate me, I survived Armageddon twice, in ground zero, what you can do to me doesn't scare me" she snapped.

"Good for you" It was the blond who spoke, the ninja if she remembers well, "But you'll see that we don't give a rat's ass about you, the thing is that you are shit without anyone to support you" The blond spoke with such casualness that made Misato's hair stand on its tips, "For example, that woman with the overcoat and dude's haircut…how much you could get done around there once I remove her heart and make her eat it" Misato's spine suddenly grew cold, like if someone had dumbed cold water directly into her spinal cord, that kid…

"Or the girl with the beret, how many will follow you to their deaths after I skin her in front of them?" the girl in question paled to the point one might think her skin was snow.

"YOU BASTARD!" Touji screamed, it was as much he could get before the blond turned his gaze on him, and the once jock froze on his tracks.

"You are still green kid, you haven't danced with Death on the pale moonlight yet, I have, several times, what you face there is just a pathetic excuse of a man waiting for a knife on his throat and drag it up to his stomach" the blond gritted, looking calm and deadly, for a kid he looked dangerous.

"Shinji-kun told us about his father, about the war, the angels, what he believes is the endgame, I'll sweeten the deal" Sakura spoke, "Shinji-kun has agreed not to take a step into your world, as long as he is with us, there is no danger for an impact to occur, he will stay on Crystalia, away of you or anyone who wants to start an impact, he and his EVA, you can tell Gendo Ikari-teme that he can start forgetting about killing God, because he is just one man, one pathetic, sad little man" Sakura spoke firmly, "Do it, end your war and try to live your lives, he'll do the same" Sakura added as she turned around, ready to end the transmission.

Misato had never been so shocked on what she had been told, a life of lies and plots uncovered made her dull to that, but this…this girl, this kid! It pretty much told them that this would happen or else, thing was that part of her knew she could do what she told them to destroy WILLE; the Wunder and the EVA's in the same way she dispatched Iconoclast, that massive black cuttlefish machine, there was little doubt that the only thing that stopped her of carrying out her menace was the means to reach them.

"I haven't come this far to allow a petulant child stand between me and my goal" everyone froze, tensed, and in Shinji's case, growled like a caged animal, the voice was too familiar for those who worked under him for a time, the cold tone, the 'You are beneath me' voice.

"Gendo" Misato was surprised by the way Shinji growled the name of his own father, but considering half the shit the man put him through, Misato didn't put it as a far cry that Shinji might kill the man at any moment given.

"Why you keep making things difficult? You have a job, I expect you to carry it out" Misato gritted her teeth, not only did he hacked their comms, but the bridge display, showing his face, aged, with that blasted visor replacing his glasses, but he still looked like Gendo Ikari, the smug bastard.

"Why don't you just leave me alone? I made things very clear to them" Shinji declared, it didn't take a genius to who 'them' he referred to, "First dead that return there, you would only use me! You bastard!" Shinji snapped, his holographic face showed at full clarity his rage at his own father.

"Oh my god" Mari muttered, Misato knew why she muttered this, Shinji had finally broken himself of the chains of Gendo's manipulation, a little late and after all the damage was done, but better late than ever she guessed, now to see how Gendo would take this.

The man didn't disappoint them, "You are just a child, a being with a singular purpose, you will achieve it, you have no other purpose in life but Instrumentality" the man was as cold and detached as usual, even to his own blood, Misato noted how Sakura, their Sakura that is brought her hand to her mouth, now realizing that the stories she had heard about Gendo Ikari were true, he didn't care for no one but him and his wife.

"Let me quote a new friend I made" Shinji snapped back, actually walking and passing Misato and standing, or rather, floating in front of Gendo's projection on the bridge screen, "Fuck you and your scenario, I am not a TOY!" he bellowed, "You will die without her you hear me, she no longer lives in the EVA! The machine is now mine and mine alone to control! The power to kill gods is at my beck and call and I will use it for that! Kill gods! Dark, mechanical gods!" what Shinji said wasn't lost to Ritsuko, who knew the EVA's better than anyone else.

"You can't mean…you…you tamed the beast" Ritsuko breathed, bringing Shinji's attention to her.

"No" Shinji shook his head, lowered, then raised, Ritsuko's heart spiked a beat when she saw red eyes, "I! AM! THE BEAST!"

The silence that fell was akin to sepulchral, his declaration was too much, at least for Ritsuko, "You…Shinji…what has been done to you?" she gasped, to her mind, to the work she had done, she truly knew what had transpired in those fourteen years inside Unit-01.

Shinji remained bitterly silent at Ritsuko's questioning.

"You" Gendo began, "Who has tasted godhood, who has stared at the works of gods, you are the key for complementation, you will not deny me for what I have worked for, and if I have to put you down like the rabid beast you are, then so be it, but you will fulfil the reason of your existence, the reason you were born" Gendo added.

No one expected what came next, or rather who.

"So…it was true, he is an Armageddon key" the flanged voice confused everyone on the bridge of the Wunder, Gendo didn't show it, but he was confused as well, his confusion became shock, as everyone else as an alien, an actual alien, dressed nicely stepped out of freaking nowhere, or better yet, materialized, there Misato realized something, their little conversation had been staged.

Sakura seemed to smirk at this, and actually chuckled at Misato, "What? You really thought we would do this on our own? The Reapers are dangerous opponents, we need allies, lots of them" she added.

Misato recovered fast, seeing an opening for her to get what she wanted, to prevent a disaster, "Allies…we saw what an EVA can do against a Reaper, their AT-Fields are more than a match against their weapons…give us Shinji and you will have eight EVA's ready for combat, with eight pilots with fourteen years of combat experience, that compared to a single EVA and a chronically scared pilot that's a good deal" Sakura actually looked at the tall man, Shepard, who had a sneer on his face.

"Katsuragi…go fuck yourself" Shepard snapped, everyone in the bridge blinked, did he just-

"I rather have him watching my back, knowing that he just gave up the chance to return to his home, that eight idiots that would shoot me at your command" He added, "As for you Gendo…pray we never meet, I will have the particular joy of breaking every bone in your body…and then I will hand my shotgun to Shinji to finish you off" Gendo seemed not to like that, or found it amusing by some reason if the small quick on his lips was of any indication.

"The child? Killing me? Hardly, he lacks the spine for it, no, he is just a tool, one I expect in my presence-"


The chamber remained silent for five seconds, Misato eyes were wide behind her shades, Ritsuko had taken several steps back, and Asuka and Mari stared in utter fear and disgust, disgust at everyone in the bridge.

"What have we done?" Asuka muttered, looking at the projection of Shinji, left arm raised, a strange purple gloving gauntlet raised at Gendo's image on the bridge screen, who was silent, behind the screen, surely where Shinji was, a scorch mark, made by a ball of fire, or plasma, fired by Shinji by so said gauntlet, at Gendo's image, who was now less than happy, and more than murderous by this defiance.

"Do you think this is still funny, father? WELL?" there was no doubt how things would turn out in the future if those two encountered, "I am not a tool, a toy or something you can bargain with" Shinji declared, "My name is Shinji Ikari! And you will pay for everything you have done to me! To the people! To the world! Murderer!" Shinji screamed, lowering his arms and taking some steps back, then turning around.

"But if you want so badly to get me, any of you, then come on, try it…write your wills and make your body bags, you'll see your guts first before you see me die" Shinji snapped, a sneer stamped on his face, but Misato could see it in his eyes, the determination, the zeal, he would go to any lengths to do as told if they dared.

To him, everyone on the world was his enemy, and they would die if they dared to attack him or his new friends.

"Also, Katsuragi, Ikari, I want you to see something, with some…new friends we made just minutes ago" Sakura the knight stated, looking around she nodded, Misato instantly tensed when new holographic figures appeared around them, the bridge was crowed as it was, the new arrivals made her tense.

Especially since half of them wore the same outfit that one of Shinji's group, Mikasa, wore as well, emblem at all.

"Let me introduce you all to the people of Earth-7, or Terrene as it is called now, pre-industrial technology, total human population, 806598, all in one spot" Misato looked shocked at this, "And slowly decreasing thanks to their predators, Titans, which bring us to our last part, Sparks, the images"

The images soon replaced the holographic bodies of the group, and Misato suddenly felt ill.

There was so much blood, body parts simply rained and splattered on the floor and walls of high-tech buildings, creatures that defied logic died by the hundred, and in the epicenter of this madness, of this massacre…the knights and their aids.

It was full five minutes before the images of the massacre, including parts of the fight against the Reaper's ground soldiers passed before Sakura and her companions, and the people of Terrene appeared again, the Terrenians looked…ill.

"If you won't take our words, then take this as an example, we did this, just hours after meeting, we took an army that has the Terrenians in constant fear and panic, we killed them all, we killed a self-imposed god as well, in less than a week of meeting each other…don't assume your organization and EVA's hold a candle against us" Sakura reminded, then turned to Gendo, "As for you…monster…try anything…anything at all…and we will destroy everything you own" Sakura stated simply, Misato didn't need to turn to see Gendo's covered eyes narrowed at the Rayearth of Earth.

"Remember this, this is what you guys pushed away by pride and anger, we will talk at a later occasion" Sakura stated, looking at Misato straight in the eyes, then fixing her gaze to the others, "Councilors, everyone, we don't delay you anymore, we have a ship to catch, work to do, tyrants to overthrown, we will update you all with what comes ahead once we settle in" Sakura stated, looking at the group with her, the nodding, "Everyone, let's go" she said as the group slowly began to march away.

"This isn't over" Gendo promised, his visor like gaze now focused on the parting group, "No matter where you go, what you do or with you are around, I will find you, and I will destroy you all, I will not be denied" he promised, Misato simply stared as how the leader of NERV had a stare-off with the knights and their aids, each one of them having serious looks on their faces, it was startling to see that kids had intimidating looks that could make full grown me quake on their boots.

"You can try, father" Shinji hissed, "And you can fail, as always" he added as he walked away, not even sparing glances to his former comrades.

"So…that's it huh? You against us" Asuka suddenly blurted out, "Out of simple vengeance, how childish" she added.

"Of course it is childish you baka" Shinji snapped, looking at her straight in the eye, "I never got to grow up" he added with malice, "The price of piloting EVA I suppose, give up your youth, your childhood, your freedom, get to kill gods and play with the chains around your neck, that's why I am here and none of you are, I broke the chains, I am free, I am never going to be chained again…better off dead and free than alive and enslaved" and with that he walked away, and like that the signal died out, cutting them of any other reaction of anyone, even Gendo's, who looked livid.

"I want his face out of my consoles" Misato snapped frosty, looking a little too angry to even acknowledge that they had walked up into another battle against another enemy, one that seemed to be too much for them, even with the obvious advantage of eight giant cyborgs, it might not matter when your enemy can kill things bigger than an EVA, and with ease as well.

And Shinji…

"I hope you're happy" a part of her spoke acidly, "He was a son to us and you betray him, like if he was a thing, now he's a monster of your creation, of your doing" it spoke again, she clenched her fists hard, "You broke Asuka's and Mari's hearts with this, and I hope you're ready for the consequences of your actions, you monster"

Misato didn't spare a glance to Asuka as she walked away, she was glad her shades hid her eyes, otherwise everyone would see eyes going red from irritation and anger, anger at herself for what she did, and how ready she was to cry for what she had done.

Fourteen years weren't enough to make her a monster, like everyone believed.

The meeting had gone horribly bad to abysmally worse the moment they began, it had been obvious that the Rayearths and their aids had a goal in mind and anyone standing in their way would get crushed.

They had come with the goal of intimidation, but had been intimidated instead, Levi's usual glare had been ineffective against a group that could wipe glares with glowing eyes and an unsettling aura, it didn't help either that all their bravado was backed with actions.

Massacring Titans in the way they did was a dream for many legionaries, but to them it had been a nightmare, considering that they had done this with such ease made them even more frightening than any Titan know, even the colossal would have problems against the purple behemoth that tore that massive hairy titan apart.

That massacre, alongside what they had done to…the black machine showed how powerful they were, and how unwise was to label them as enemies, yet that was what their king proclaimed, even after seeing what had happened and how easily they disposed their opponents, he remained set on his order, the knights and everyone associated with them where enemies of humanity.

Yet no one commented that he and his council and personal guards had the same pale skin coloration and slow cold sweat upon seeing what the chosen knights had done, and what they had declared.

Eren slowly placed a hand on his face, sweeping any stray sweat left, he had seen what they had done, titans, no matter the size or classification were insignificant against them, just like one of them said, and they have fought far worse things, even gods, and killed them.

How they were supposed to even win? Right now he was regretting helping Erwin with his plan, he guessed everyone was, seeing Mikasa glare at them, at her friends like that made him regret a lot of things.

At least she hasn't tossed the scarf he gave her, if she had he would knew there and there that everything was done, and nothing could fix things ever again.

"Bloody hell they left like bosses" Ron muttered to Hermione, the girl in question nodded at this, then slapped Ron in the leg, making him cry in pain.

"Ron don't curse" she snapped, looking rather edgy by some reason.

"'Mione are you really worried what's going to happen to them, to Harry?" Ron asked, Hermione noted with some satisfaction that there wasn't a tone of jealousy in his voice, more like…annoyance, "Harry is with the Rayearth knights, they can hold their own, they took that reaper thing, Iconoclast was it?" she nodded at his question, sighing, "They'll be fine, Harry's survived worse, and it seems they did too" he muttered the last part, placing his hand on top of Hermione's, who clenched his in comfort.

"I know, but…they just declared war on two worlds" she exclaimed.

"Two worlds that can't hope to reach them Granger" the very snide and acidic voice of Draco stated behind them, Hermione had to bit the sharp remark she had planned, "Think about it, those two worlds have their own problems to begin with, and they dared to add more with beings that can crush them without trying, they are currently running with their heads off, thinking they will be destroyed in short notice, never realizing that it was all part of the plan, keep them occupied with more problems, problems they can't solve…cunning" Draco breathed with a snort.

"Pity Potter chose Gryffindor, yet I think we can make a Slytherin out of him, if what he did and said was of any indication" he added with a smirk, it seemed that Harry's comments on both houses strength and weakness had sunk more on Draco that anyone's else.

Ron and Hermione shared a glance, Harry didn't look good on green to begin with, and besides he did killed the sigil of the house of snakes, a giant snake and defied someone who called itself the heir of Slytherin, but then again Harry can talk to snakes and apparently on a mistake he created the fourth unforgivable, a solidified version of the Avada Kedabra.

Right now everyone was still reeling on what was happening, of what the tomorrow might bring, as right now, hiding the wizard world was a small and rather pathetic attempt when you realize you're no longer alone in the universe.

And so said universe it's on the brink of destruction.

Taranee played with the fire, dancing a single mote of flame between her fingertips, it relaxed her, Yan Lin had taught her and the girls this method of relaxation when Will was still around, it was also a way to train, to control their powers on a smaller scale.

Any idiot can set rooms ablaze, the real power comes from control, control your power, control the field, control the enemy, and control yourself, the four basic rules that had been imparted among the Guardians of the Veil.

Yan Lin had been the one to taught them that, she said it was a great way to lose stress, but right now she needed more than dance flames on her fingertips to release her stress, she needed to punch something.

"Play with fire, you get burned" her mother muttered from behind her, it had been half an hour since the group had split form the Silver Dragon after the last transmission, and to be fair her mother had taken the revelation of all that has happened better than the rest, in all honesty after seeing what Will had gotten herself into she was kinda glad it was Will and not her there, to begin with she would be nigh useless without her guardian form.

"Say that to the guy who breathes fire mom" Taranee answered, looking at the wall of her room, and at the picture of her friends, all smiling, not a care in the world, Elyon was there too, so her need to punch something became a need to punch someone.

"He apparently also shoots it from his hands" her mother answered.

"Yes, also he has a cleaver for a sword…why I can't have a cleaver for a weapon, heck I settle for a hammer" she muttered, "…Will's out there, risking her life against things we can only imagine in our deepest nightmares, and I'm complaining about not being armed" she added with a snort.

"…You got a tattoo" her mother was strict, there was no doubt of that, being a judge and a sticker to laws made her that, but sometimes, just sometimes she could be layback, it was rare, Taranee treasured those few times with care.

"In my guardian form, at least you won't end up shaving my skin for that…I feel so useless…my friend is in danger…and I can't do anything to help her" she muttered, grabbing the mote of flame in her hand and crushing it angrily.

"You can help, they told us, don't let any of your enemies there" Taranee snorted at that.

"Easier said than done, Elyon it's too powerful, even when we were together, sure we are holding up, but it's just a matter of time, we can't keep up this forever" Taranee stated, looking pensive for some seconds, then her eyes darted around.

"Unless…if he can do it so can I, we could do the same they can…elementals are born, not made, they are elementals, and so are we…yes, yes!" she cried with a smile.

"Yes what?" her mother asked.

"If they can do it so can we, we just need a way to channel our element to the next level, we train, we practice…and when Phobos and Elyon come…oh they are in for a surprise…we will hold the line"

Her mother remained blissfully silent, yet content by some reason.

Tevos browsed at the information given to her by the small Mecro-Fairan, Sparks, and every time she opened a new link regarding the capabilities of the Reapers, she grew more and more afraid.

Sovereign had been just the tip of the iceberg, their power had been catalogued, measured, numbered, there was simply no way to win against the full brunt of the Reaper's wrath, unless Will's plan comes around then they are doomed.

With a sigh Tevos vanishes the screen regarding the Reapers, now focusing more on the Rayearth knights throughout the ages, and she found herself amazed by it.

From simple drawings and poems from old eras to actual digital pictures and 3D render of the knights, Tevos began to see why they were so important to Crystalia, they were hope, their mere presence is hope, even against the worse times, they are the rock in which many lean on to support each other.

With a wave of her hand she switched to the images of the current knights, taken by Iconoclast before it died, her eyes scanned the images with critical precision, trying to find flaws in them, something that her time as a commando and then politician had only strengthen, finding flaws in people and exploiting them for her own benefit.

She found several, but whenever she liked it or not, these kids where the last hope against the Reapers and against anything else that might come ahead, like Tania.

A sudden beep on her desk makes her look up, her assistant paged her once all Asari Specters are called, she knows Spartarus and Valren are doing the same, they are about to face the greatest danger of…anything else, far surpassing the Rachni and the Krogan rebellions, they had to start fortifying for the upcoming storm, and if it comes full power or just a small breeze heralding it's true power was anyone's guess.

As the Specters pilled in her office, she stood up, bringing up the video feeds of the fight of Iconoclast against the knights and their aids.

"Specters, I want you to stare at these images, this might be us if they fail, Shepard was right, the Reapers are real…and they are coming"

"How's the training going?" Tsunade asked, her honey colored eyes glancing at the four Jounnin in front of her, only one of the four had none of the three required Gennin to train.

"Well enough, Hiashi decided to join in, he's a slave driver I'll tell you that, but if they want to be at Naruto's level, even glance it, they'll have to endure it" Kurenai stated, her crimson eyes glancing at her peers, challenging them to say something, anything.

"Well my team has their dads, and their moms, helping as well…I am really considering driving my knifes to my ears if I hear Ino scream because Shikamaru's mom decided her ass was a perfect target for her frying pan to made contact with" Asuma stated in a bored tone, not that anyone could blame him now, he had Ino on his team, on loud scale, there was Naruto on the top, and Ino right behind him, Sakura closing the trio.

"My students burn with youth untold!" Gai stated with that 'super good guy' smile and tingle in his teeth, how he does that is beyond Tsunade's comprehension, or mental sanity, she has enough traumas to add one more.

"(Sigh) as usual he is making them consider suicide over training" Kakashi added, "To be fair he strapped rocks on their backs and made them crab walk around the village" Tsunade blinked once, twice, trice.

"Yeah…Gai, stop doing that, I need them fine not with back problems, Kakashi" she said, looking at the one-eyed Jounnin dead in the exposed eye.

"There is no trace of Akatsuki, Sasuke or Orochimaru, we failed in our task even before it was handed to us, Naruto's gonna have to deal with them the best way he can" Kakashi confessed.

For a second Tsunade considered punching Kakashi, she settled in glaring, "Right, Jiraiya is with him, pervert he might be he can deal with them easily" she said.

"He wasn't on the transmission" Kurenai provided, she, like Tsunade, felt the urge to murder Gendo and hug Shinji, poor kid looked like he needed one after all the shit he was put trough, it was a miracle he is not his world Orochimaru, weird fetishes non-withstanding.

But even that couldn't distract them of the obvious fact the super-pervert was not around, out there, there is a planet full of blue chicks, and he is not losing his shit for that, then that rings alarms in Tsunade's mind.

Naruto obviously didn't mind much that Jiraiya wasn't around, not because he doesn't worry, he does, but because the man can take care of himself, yeah he is a pervert like no other and get famous for his books, but he is a ninja with years of experience, he ain't a sannin just for shit and giggles, like everyone believes, sadly enough.

Besides this could work with them, Jiraiya is a spy master, let him loose and he is ought to make a spy network…or gamble and drink himself into a stupor while buried on a stripper's cleavage…or both.

"Jiraiya will keep his cool there, if Akatsuki, Orochimaru or Sasuke decide to attack they will have to fight four knights, not one, and whatever the rest can wipe against them, wildcards" Tsunade stated smugly.

The jouninn shared a glance with one another, everyone knew that Tsunade loved gambling, she sucked at it, didn't stop her of doing it.

"I feel like gambling today" she said with a smirk.

She wasn't the only being in the universe feeling like gambling on the current odds.

She was the only one who would end up winning however.

Transmitting data and information at light speed was something people consider impossible, first because light travels faster than data, second because data needs means to travel, a road if you will, to follow, an end to the road, third, how sturdy the road can be to accommodate the amount of data transferred.

Organics used beacons to allow data to be send from one point to the next, infrared, wireless, quantum, any kind of way to transfer large data packages, but every single one of them had to end at a beacon to be transferred to the next, and the next, until it reaches its destination.

This wasn't different, only that their beacons were more advanced, hidden, and only required two.

So no one blamed Harbinger to grow angry and stop their march to the Milky Way for their next harvest when the data package got shared among the collective.

They had no name, they simply are being far above the simplistic mind of organics, yet they couldn't overcome the rage they felt now.

The cycle was endangered once more, this time by their ancient enemies, really ancient when you think about it as they are the only society to ever survive them.

This would not stand, the knights were back, and had already destroyed another civilization with their stupidity, organics don't understand, they are doing them a favor.

Ascension to a higher plane of existence, yet they refuse, rather die than be ascended, but death is ascension, the crystalians would understand, the knights too.

Mind made up, a single token force was send to Milky Way galaxy, to weaken it, prepare it for the full brunt of their forces, while the rest marched to Crystalia, they would not make the same mistake twice, this time they would burn the place down.

The knights would die, and the cycle would continue, everywhere.

Will's plan had come about without her knowing it.

"Are you okay Shinji-kun?" it had been a question that burned on everyone's mind, but only Sakura had dared to ask it, not by fear of Shinji lashing out, but by fear of making Shinji have a relapse.

He was in a delicate state, one that could send him into a depression spiral that could end in suicide, he had been close, dangerously close, Shepard had been the one to point this out, as he had seen several soldiers under his command before the Normandy that had suffered the same symptoms as Shinji, and in some cases there was little to nothing to be done, already too late to help.

"I…am okay…I guess" was Shinji reply, his anger and bravado drained after confronting his father, which in the groups humble opinion, was going to die a horrible death by their hands, or who gets him first.

"You guess, never guess, yes or no?" Naruto asked bluntly, there Shinji sighed.

"…I can't go back, never, how would you feel if everyone you loved hates you and you can't return to your home, just because you might destroy it…I hate my father…mother…for using me, thinking that this is what I wanted, never wanted that…being alone…fourteen years of a gap in the mind makes you…rethink a lot of things" Shinji stated.

"Hopefully when this is all over you can find something good to do with your life, besides cooking" Shepard stated, then seemed to perk up, "Come to think of it, how would you feel in serving on my ship, I know Rupert will leave, Cerberus all the way that man, and you cook well, the guys onboard would kill for someone of your skill" Shepard added, much to Will's ire.

"Oh hell no! You ain't taking the only chance we will ever get of tasting his food just so you can hog him on your pretty ship!" Will reminded.

"Hey it's fair game!"

"Fair game my foot up your ass!"

Sakura rubbed her nose in annoyance, not believing what was happening, "Honestly guys" she moaned, and feeling how Naruto slapped her in the back and one armed hug her.

"Relax Sakura-nee, this is how we get around, besides it is good, planning ahead, or you really don't know what to do after?" the blond asked, making her frown.

"I don't know, I'm gonna become queen, then what?" she wondered, walking ahead with Naruto at her side, "I don't know how to rule, I don't even know how I will, will the people accept me? Will I be loved? What about my dad, my brother, Tomoyo-chan, Li-kun, my friends, what about them?" she asked, looking at Naruto straight in the eyes.

He simply smiled, "That's why we are doing this, life is an experience, we are going to learn lots and lots of things, about the universe around us, the people around us, about yourself, that's the fun part of everything, the surprise, it's from that you are going to learn how to be a queen" Naruto said as he squeezed her shoulder in a reassuring manner, "Have faith, and enjoy the adventure, it's not every day we get chances like this, just imagine" Naruto began, drawing closer and making her stare at the horizon, "Exotic lands"

"Countless new adventures" Ichigo suddenly butted in, making Sakura blink.

"Technology only you could dream off" Danny whispered.

"Beautiful sceneries you wish you had a hundred eyes to stare at" Harry muttered, a far look on his face.

"The fire oceans that never end, or the mountains that reach to the sky!" Mikasa added, longing very audible on her voice.

"The clothes, the fashion, the food!" Will said, suddenly grabbing Sakura by the hands and spinning her around, drawing a laugh of the mistress of the cards.

"A place to call home" Shinji breathed, closing his eyes and imagining it.

"The people" Shepard added, a small smile forming on his lips.

"We are making history Sakura-nee, but that doesn't mean we can't learn nothing while we are at it" Naruto said, seeing how Will and Sakura stopped spinning.

"Yeah…like in that movie" Sakura said, suddenly jumping to a rail and standing on it, then turning to the group, "Immortality at our grasp, take it! It's yours!" she said with a wide smile, one the group mimicked.

"Nice way to pump her" Sparks suddenly added, drawing the attention to her, "Just finalized the last of the paperwork, Unit-01 has already been loaded to another ship and it's already in route to some secret facilities for it's upgrade…one I will work on" that made everyone blink.

"You're…not coming with us?" Shinji asked with a small voice.

"Sorry man, but as of right now I'm the only living being, besides you that know Unit-01 well enough to work with it, so I'm being called to work on it" Sparks apologized, "Also I'm the only living thing here on Crystalia who knows the inner workings of the EVA, we have to isolate any backdoors those assholes might use once more" she added with some spite, "Now you guys go, your ship waits…the throne waits" and with that Sparks left them, floating away onto a crow of scientists that were rushing to a building adjacent to the docks where the cargo ship was docked.

The group remained there for a minute, looking at the retreating form of Sparks, disappearing among the mass of people, it was there that it hit home for most of them, seeing many aliens, of all shapes and forms walk around, not even sparing a glance to the newcomers, these people could have died if Iconoclast hadn't been stopped, or the Titans, it was there they realized of what they had done, the good they had done that day, and what they could do if they continued their fight together.

There they also realized that there would be sacrifices, wars usually did that, Tania had already showed how low she would go and how far she would reach to just stop them, not caring for the welfare of others.

They had now enemies here and there, NERV, WILLE, the royalty of Mikasa's world, but they had allies, they would endure, they had to, everything depended on their victory.

With a pat on her shoulder Shepard motioned Sakura onward, like a switch the group followed behind, onto the unknown.

Not far from them, several eyes followed them, ones in hopes of seeing the legendary Rayearth Knights and aids start their crusade and wish them the best, others expecting a time from them to lower their guard and finish them off.

"So…I always wondered…how the stars look up close?" Naruto wondered suddenly.

"Like a pearl against the sunlight, so much to see…so little time" Danny muttered, walking alongside, entering the docks.

"Hmm…poetic" Shepard added as the group entered the docks.

Ten minutes later…

Officially Crystalia had over twenty ship classifications, from shuttles to the Super-Dreadnoughts class, of those twenty, ten fitted in the military category, nine into the civilian category and one into the private sector.

The cargo ship, official designation Montha-class was of such kind, employed by the private company Alak-Hul, who specialized on hazardous transport, the Montha-class ships had the size of a dreadnought alongside the armor and shields, but lacked weapons of any kind, and had a monstrous engine that gave them cruiser ship speed, the crew was of fifty, which in a ship of the size of a dreadnought was less than skeleton crew size and more like abandoned, but since most of the ship's size was dedicated to transport, which just the engineer room, bridge and crew quarters having people, it was understandable.

The Montha-class ships also had one-of-a-kind crew, who at all times had to be armed, and wearing Marakov class armors with pressurized configurations, as usually they transported materials that weren't as solid was Iconoclast remains, yet where as dangerous as anything else they transported.

The crew of the ships are usually disciplined and ordered…

"Oh elders! Can I have your autograph?"

"Take a selfie with me!"

"Oh how adorable, I could smother you for being so adorable!"

If this one wasn't filled to the brim with fangirls.

Mikasa, Sakura and Will's combined eyes twitched, looking at the scene, just their luck that the ship they board has to be packed to the brim with girls who lost all semblance of professionalism the moment they lay eyes on the knights and aids, the male knights and aids that is.

In the defense of half of them, they were trying to dislodge the fangirls, or in the case of Naruto, jump to the ceiling and remain there, or in Danny's case, become intangible.

Shinji didn't had such a luck, somehow he got hugged by the captain of the ship…who had the biggest-

"Some guys are just lucky" Shepard muttered with a smirk to Harry, the boy-who-lived and had two girls latched to his arms nodded, albeit with a chuckle as they saw the Third child flail about, his head buried-

"…those are fake" Will muttered.

"Obviously" Sakura snapped.

"…cheap ways to attract guys" Mikasa hissed, the trio glaring at the captain and the slowly-

"Uh…I think you're suffocating him" Ichigo muttered with a blush, looking away at the scene, those were bigger than Matsumoto's.

The captain in question was elf looking, from the waist up, from there the similarities ended, green, scale like skin and dread like hair that seemed to be actually artificial dotted her large head, three eyes that were actually composite eyes, like the one of a fly, had no nose, and breathed on what seemed to be gills that were on the side of her neck, her torso was broad, one could see tightly wrapped muscles, all in accordance to the heavily muscled arms and large, really large breasts she possessed, the legs…well she had four, four large, pointy, spider like legs, all attached to a bug like thorax, with a skirt that didn't seem like a skirt.

The woman in question looked at Ichigo, then at the slowly blue tinted Shinji, then actually yelped and released him.

"I am so sorry, I'm just…excited, we all are, transporting the Rayearth knights, and the remains of Iconoclast, it's infamy was well earned let me tell you, it is an honor" she said as she bowed, "I'm Kurita Kap'trica, the captain of the Saxon, on behalf of my crew, and my people, we thank you for what you have done so far" she added.

"Oh it's nothing Ma'am…just don't try to suffocate Shinji again!" Sakura snapped, there Kurita blushed.

"He-he, well, it is kinda a traditional greeting of my people" Kurita confessed.

"…smothering someone is a traditional way to greet people, in your species?" Kurita nodded at Sakura's question.

Everyone blinked, no exception, "We really need to get a read on the codex" Shepard muttered to Harry.

"Yeah, I don't know how I could I live if a tradition of another species includes full mouth kiss" Harry muttered.

"Well, there is a species who does that" Kurita said, motioning the group to follow her, making Harry actually gulp.

"Oh bollocks" Harry muttered as they followed Kurita into whenever she was going to.

"All right ladies shows over! Back to your stations! Mundana! Quatre check those stasis pods! The fact it's dead doesn't meant it doesn't like to twitch!" and like a switch flipped, the woman that was trying to smother Shinji with her bust and was overly friendly became a commanding force, barking commands loud enough to make those close enough to her have their ears ringing.

"She runs a tight crew" Danny muttered to Ichigo.

"I have to" Kurita said, looking over the hybrid and death god, "This kind of ship specializes on hazardous material transport, we all are armed, we have military training and have battle-clothes in the off-case we have an outbreak, in the ten years I have been on command of the Saxon I had only one outbreak, a zombie kind, good thing this were the fast but made of glass zombies, and of course we have automatic guns with armor piercing mods, bad thing for the cleaning crew, they spend a month cleaning the hall" Kurita said, much to the shock of Ichigo and Danny.

Soon they reached what seemed to be the bridge, Shepard noted that the bridge looked more like a Systems Alliance ship bridge than the one he was used to in the Normnady, for starters the captain seemed to have her own chair, which kinda offended him, as he didn't had one.

Yes he has an aquarium on his private quarters, and a private bathroom, so what if he wants a seat on the bridge as well, he died for hell's sake he at least deserves that.

The operators of the ship were flanking the captain's station, eight on each side, everyone noted that each seat was actually of the floating type, with a weapon of different kind attached to the back of the chairs, each operator, all female, were working on holographic consoles, with actual visors attached to their faces, molded to the unique features of their skulls, it was here that it sunk how varied the people of the federation were, and how many species were in it.

Then he noted the navigator's station, just like the one's of a standard Systems Alliance ship, it was connected to the rest of the bridge, unlike the one of the Normandy, but the holographic display around the pilot kinda shocked Shepard a little, there was simply so many panels and screens surrounding the pilot who worked on each screen with expertise, without looking.

Then there was the vista, a gran screen that showed the front of the ship and everything in front of them, which right now was the docking station's insides, metal walls and drones flying around.

"Well, here's where the magic happens, ladies we got a very important delivery, the remains of Iconoclast, that's right, THAT Iconoclast, piece of urta decided to come back and got killed by the knights and their aids, they are our second delivery, all to Crystalia, but one gets its ass melted down into a ship, yeah that's right Iconoclast's corpse its going to become a ship…right after they strip every bolt and nut of its ugly carcass, well uglier, the head got caved in"


Naruto sniggered at Sakura's outburst, who actually was glaring at the small blonde, Kurita simply sighed with a small smile.

"We are delivering the knights and the aids to space bridge Amalgama, Iconoclast remains will be directly relived to the Quatre Omega in orbit to Amalgama, basically we are going home girls, so strap in, short trip, no dilly-dalling!" and with that the bridge came to life, people working on the consoles with renewed vigor.

Shepard nodded with admiration at the diligence of the crew, "Reminds me of my crew" he mussed, earning the attention of the teens.

"You have a ship?" Sakura asked, seeing how a four armed woman worked on several consoles, at the same time, "I thought you were just a military man, you know, a squad and all that" she said.

Shepard simply chuckled, "Nope, marine, when the space becomes your playground and you have enough rep and rank, you get a ship, my case involved a crazy indoctrinated ultra-trained agent with a chip on his shoulder" he said, looking around, "This kinda feels…nice, not being in command for once, being a grunt, doing the work done, getting your hands dirty and your knees scrapped, I like it" Shepard said to Sakura.

"Also being bossed by a little girl?" Sakura asked innocently, there he snorted.

"The little girl can punch a Thresher Maw to death and she keeps company with a kid that can crack a Krogan's skull with his forehead" he snarked, then chuckled when he saw her pout, "But I don't mind, much" he added, "But if you need advice you can come ask me anytime, we're in this together now, dammed if I try to antagonize you just because you're little girl bossing around, I'm not that petty and I know you have what it takes to be a leader" he admitted, slowly turning to the front, "Besides, I doubt anyone here would accept me as leader just for age alone"

Sakura simply blinked at the commander, then turned to face the front as well, "…Thanks commander" she said simply, his answer was to place a hand on her shoulder.

"All right, all systems nominal, control just gave us the green to go, just waiting for you captain" one of the bridge crew members stated to Kurita who simply looked at her helmswoman, and nodded to her.

Then the ship began to move, but only Sakura felt it, how the material of the ship groaned upon movement, "Impressive, you would think the ship's not moving unless you are here" Shepard stated.

"Gravity tethers on the ship's floors, coupled with a mass creator on the engines allow us to replicate gravity to 1G and up to a 100 if we want to, useful to deal and suffocate attempts at the bridge by literally crushing attackers on the halls" Kurita stated.

Danny whistled at that, "That's some heavy tech, the material ain't nothing to sneer at either, and the individual halls must be made of super-dense material for not collapse on its own weight" he commented.

"Nope" Kurita said, "During an attack we can actually nullify gravity in a corridor, then while the enemy is floating we can create a gravitational field that doesn't touch the walls and floors, it's in that area in which the gravity increase happens, imagine, suddenly floating at zero G, then out of the blue a gravitational force of over a hundred pushes you down, to the cold, unforgiving floor, a feather at that increase of gravity falls like an anvil, a living being falls with sufficient force to become an actual red stain" Kurita regarded darkly.

The group actually cringed, especially Shepard, from time to time, when he was at his worse he would get nightmares, nightmares regarding his last moments in space before his inevitable dive to a planet with a methane atmosphere, and how he burned, burned everywhere…

Shaking those thoughts aside he focused to the present, looking how they exited the port, into the void of space…

First thing he noticed was that the void of space had traffic.

Like actual lines of traffic, and space-stations, lots of space-stations orbiting the moons visible and the Gas Giant.

"Well…there is space" Danny muttered, seeing the speeding lines of ships the sizes of semi-trucks speed off, and on the off-time ships half the size of Iconoclast move around, heck he even saw and actual flying saucer here and there.

"…Well…no traffic jam…are there bus stops or something" Sakura muttered cutely.

"Heh, yeah, a small asteroid with a seat and the words bus stop" Ichigo muttered to the card captor, "And they'll have a vending machine as well" he added with sarcasm.

"Really?" Naruto and Mikasa asked, oblivious to many things technological.

"No! Don't you guys get sarcasm?"

"Huh?" both turned their head at the same time, Sakura almost squealed by how cute they looked doing that at the same time, but held herself, it would be unbecoming of her to do that to her new friends…

"Oh how adorable they look, like a pair of puppies" Will commented.

"…What?" both Naruto and Mikasa said again at the same time, tilting their heads to the other side, at the same time, again.

"Don't tease them" Harry muttered to Will, "He is a trained killer and she kills zombies for a living you know" Will actually deflated at that, remembering that those two could actually do.

"Okay, traffic control gave us the green to go, transit route 3-Z, vectors 43 and RD" the pilot suddenly spoke up.

"Hmm, long route, but considering what we have as cargo" Kurita muttered, "Follow the route, standard speed course" and with that the ship moved, it might look slow to those inside, but the ship was moving fast, really fast.

"So" Shepard asked, "How long it will take to reach Crystalia" he wondered.

"At our current speed, ten minutes" Kurita stated, making Shepard and Danny blink.

"That's fast, FTL or warp?" Danny asked.

"A little bit of both, when it's local travel between planets we use FTL, turns trips of days or months into hours or minutes, for solar system to solar system travel we use warp travel, and galactic level we use the Black Gates" Kurita mentioned.

"Impressive, so warp…do you tear the time-space fabric to create wormholes and travel to point A and B while ignoring every single law of physics know?" now everyone was looking at Danny oddly, all but Kurita.

"Got it in one, safer thing we have encountered, there was once splitstream travel, but it was dangerous, pilots needed to be really trained to react within the splitstream, many ships that came in came out in pieces by the forces inside the splitstream" Kurita stated, the group there remained silent, seeing once in a while a planet or random asteroid or ship pass by.

It was Shinji who would break the silence, by turning around and walking to the door, "Where you're going Shinji-Kun?" Sakura asked.

Shinji turned to her mid-way, "I'm going to walk around, never seen a spaceship before, especially the cargo area" Shinji spoke softly, "Besides, we might not get too much of a chance later, you know, touring" Shinji stated with a small smile, walking away.

"Wait Shinji" Shepard said, making Shinji turn again, only to react immediately and grab what Shepard tossed at him, then looked rather spooked when he noticed he caught a gun, Shepard's Phalanx.

"If in case we get in a fight and you don't get anything to defend yourself" Shinji looked at the gun like if it was a monster, then steeled himself and nodded, walking away.

"…You think that was wise?" Ichigo called out, Shepard simply shrugged.

"An Omni-Blade it's as effective as long you can see the white of your target's eye, and the plasma blast and cryo blasts only help as much, having a gun helps, even if only to dissuade anyone from making anything stupid, it's a last resort" Shepard reminded Ichigo, "Honestly I hope he doesn't uses it, but better safe than sorry" he added with a frown, one Ichigo mimicked.

The cargo hull where they kept Iconoclast's remains was something that reminded Shinji of the holding bays of the EVA's.

Maybe that's why he felt so at peace here, it was a familiar place, a place he spend most of his time, besides his apartment and inside his EVA, yet…

"Now that's all in the past" he thought with a grimace, looking at the area, and focusing his gaze on Iconoclast's dead and flattened skull, "I have no place to call home, no planet to call my own, no friends…"

He shook his head at that thought, "No, I still…I HAVE friends, Naruto, Sakura, Ichigo, Mikasa, Danny, Harry, Shepard and Will…I'm not alone" he thought with a resolute face, "And they don't judge me or use me like…they did" bitterly Shinji shook his head, that part of his life was behind him, no more manipulation, no more shadow plays, it was gone, all of it…even the few happy times he had with them.

Heck he even didn't had a country anymore, as it seemed it belonged to…Gendo, who now lived on an inverted pyramid, being held by a single pillar, or tube, with Gendo Ikari you never knew what was in NERV's basement, or wanted to know.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Shinji decided that it was time to forget, they couldn't get to him, simple as that, the technology to achieve Faster Than Light speed was, not pun intended, lightyears ahead of any of the factions back on his planet, and in the state it was, he, and any other actor of the Angel Wars and the current war being waged would be long dead, buried by at least three hundred years before they could send a space worthy craft outside the Solar System.

So he decided that planning his life after this war against the queen would be nice, after all he would live here, or go live in Shepard's galaxy, or other place in the universe, anywhere but his planet was open for him to live.

They…WILLE wanted him for crimes that humanity had committed, he might have caused an Impact, but he didn't started a war, he didn't force them to fight against each other, it was them it was all them, he was done being the convenient scapegoat for their problems.

In the end, Shinji decided to let go, Unit-01 was the only thing he brought from his former home, not even his SDAT player came back with him, not even the soul of his mother came with him, only he and the beast, a broken child hoping to be fixed and a soulless monster tied to the broken child, the only reminded of a world now beyond salvation.

If they didn't want to let go, it was fine, because he did, and in the end, it was what mattered the most, he was here, they weren't.

It was high time to accept his exile and move onward.

Who it's to blame for a monster and how it acts? The monster? Who was created and taught only one thing, to be a monster? Or the creator? Who made the monster, with no other purpose but to be one?

This question was tossed in the heads of both WILLE personnel and Gendo and Fuyutsuki, for over fourteen years they all dreaded what would come of the Tesseract, as they all knew that the Third Child was given no other purpose but to fight and pilot to whoever offered a shred of kindness to him.

Yet things had changed, no Unit-01, no pilot in this world, this galaxy, and the question that they came to ask themselves soon was given an unorthodox answer.

The monster was given a second chance by someone else, a friendly hand helped him stand up, and even friendlier hands helped bring back the broken pieces of a life not lived fully, but forced to live mechanically.

That scared them fully, scared them and humbled, at least one part.

WILLE high rank personnel was now well aware of what was happening now, while they could still fly thanks to the only thing inside the tomb of Unit-01, its Super Solenoid core, they didn't had the full price and means to lure Gendo into a trap, instead they were still trapped in a war of attrition.

For the pilots who lived with the monster, seeing him again, changed, with new allegiances brought a primal sense of fear, not by its allies, but by what he had lived, all what he was now was because of them, no one else.

For a woman it brought rage and regret, for it was her who killed his heart and made him walk away of them, she sacrificed everything for her cause, even him, a constant in her past life, even the fact that he had moved on brought no sense of relief, for one way or another he would be back, home has a way of bringing even the estranged son back.

Then there was the other side of the coin, the family, blood relatives, direct responsible of the creation of the monster…

He considered defiance a nuisance, you either obeyed him or you died, so when what he had meticulously crafted to obey him did not do as told, and rebelled he…

He…wasn't happy, at all.

"You're back" Danny muttered to the returning Shinji who simply nodded back at the halfa.

"Yeah, it…relaxed me" Shinji said, looking at the horizon and the collection of stars in the void passing by at light speed.

"Seeing the corpse of a machine relaxes you?" Danny asked to the shrugging pilot.

"Not the corpse, the area, it reminded me of the loading area Unit-01 used to be held back in my day, before deployment I would look at it and…reflect on my life up to that point, trust me…those missions where suicide" Shinji added to the halfa.

"We need to find you new means of relaxation" Naruto suddenly blurted, wrapping an arm around Shinji's shoulder, "Maybe reading, nah too boring, sewing…nope, how about cooking?" Shinji and Danny rolled their eyes at the suggestions of the knight of wind.

"…Maybe…I am moving onward, I have to leave my old life behind…too much pain in it" Shinji whispered.

"Good for you, leave the pain behind" Danny said with a smile, touching Shinji's shoulder and squeezing it in a reassuring manner, one Shinji was thankful for.

"Okay guys reaching final destination, deactivating FTL in 3, 2, 1…now" soon the rushing stars stopped moving at speeds no living being could comprehend at simple sight, and those in the bridge, those new at least, were treated with a sight to awe.

"…Dear god" Shepard uttered in shock.

"Sugoi" Naruto and Sakura whispered, eyes wide.

"It's enormous" Danny hissed in awe.

"…this…is amazing" Harry whispered to Will, the guardian nodding.

Mikasa said nothing, but the slight tear coming out of her left eye said it all, she was moved.

Shinji took a step back, looking at Ichigo at his side, his expression of shock as clear as day to everyone looking at the deputy Shinigami.

There in front of them, was a planet, blue heralding the seas, green and brown showing landmasses, the dark side of the planet actually illuminated by the amount of cities and lights on at that moment, several moons orbited the planet, but only one had actual green and blue in it, another planet, a terraformed moon or a natural happening they couldn't say, because they could see domes of all kinds in those moons, colonies surely.

Then there was the stations, space stations that littered the space area, massive in size, Shepard counted ten at least that where double the size of the Citadel, and at least a hundred more with massive cannons he assume, in their frames, all lit up, orbiting the planet, the moons, there were three in particular, with massive spires going downwards the planet, space elevators of gargantuan size, created for the gargantuan planet they orbited.

And the planet…massive, just massive, even from afar they could see how big that planet was, obscuring even the largest gas giant by its mass, not to mention the sun they saw at a glance, even bigger, brighter, everything here was big, and alive.

While the ship continued onward, the group began to soak around on everything happening around them outside, ships passing around, small or big it didn't matter, the very space area around them was like a big city of its own, there was life, everywhere.

Not even Shepard, who was used to the space life could begin to comprehend the magnitude of what he was seeing, he was used to seeing small space stations or ships going around, not the magnitude of what he was seeing, every inch of the space occupied by the planet and the moons was being used, everything had a reason to be, a massive highway of sorts, connecting everything.

Kurita could only smile, she had seen the holos of newcomers every time they lay eyes on Crystalia proper, the new species always awed by what they saw and how humbled some got after seeing the magnitude on just one planet alone, Crystalia and its moons was the second most space populated and first in activity, with space stations like Gar-urt Academy for the Gifted, the space arena Cortonax and college/space station Rida-3 to name a few the reasons they had such high activity around, only the Federation super Space station, the Concordat, home seat of the senate and its surrounding area had a bigger amount of space stations orbiting around moons and a planet and third on activity, despite being that important, it was still a political seat, there was just so many people who stomached politic activities.

Kurita smiled widened, realizing what she had to do, her and her crew were going to the history books, this was literally the first step to end the tyranny of Tania.

"Rayearths…my lieges…" she said, drawing the attention to herself, and slightly choking up on her emotions, "Let me be the first to welcome you all to Crystalia" she said, making the group to slightly smile.

"Welcome back, beacons of hope"

It hurt everywhere, her head hurt, her hands hurt, her nails and hair hurt, which wasn't supposed to be as hair and nails have no nerve terminations…

"This one will fetch us a good price, an exotic alien even before first contact" she heard, which was faintly, as her ears even hurt, how that is possible?

"Yes, yet she is petite, small, young, will fetch and excellent price on someone of the houses of Pi'ta" another, more grave voice sounded, making her flinch in pain, and indignation, she was not going to be a slave, she is no one's slave!

Her eyes began to dart around, trying to locate her baby, she had to find her baby, then she would beat the living crap out of these bulli-


Her hand twitched, her body was now in worse pain, "Put her on stasis, she is a fighter, I'll break her later"

The huntress had become hunted.

well there it is, another chapter, a small introduction to the last chapter, really the last chapter to be included, like i said the prologue will be changed very slightly, very so, i assume very few will notice it, in any case i'm leaving you all with the advances of next chapter of Rayearth knights: universe at war, enjoy.

Home for many, Hell for others...

"So let me get this straight, an actuall band of raiders and slavers kicked you out of your homes?"

what to do against something backed by a corrupt power...

"I am not happy"

But to beat the living hell out of them...

"Uh...this is a scythe...why a scythe has a barrel and a magazine?"

in the next chapter of Rayearth Knights, Universe at war...

"That's my baby!"

Welcoming party...

"A kid...why more kids?"

Time to welcome the newcomers...

there you go guys, a small advance, hope you like it, if you do, read, review and make it your favorite, until a next time, Hypn0s signs off, peace people.