Mama, papa we loved you so much. So papa why? Mama why? We loved you yet you tried to kill us and locked us away, why?

Mama, papa please open the door, please. Why did you block the door? We only want to come love you. So open the fucking door!

We only to show mama and papa our love!...Yes out love, our love with cuts and slices. Shishishi.

So please open the door, at first you really thought we were dead. You were wrong, mama papa. You did everything you could to kill us, why?

You went as far to attack us in our sleep. You cut us and sliced us, stabbed us, kicked us then you threw us down the stairs to the basement.

You thought we would bleed to death, but we didn't. We know you only did it because you love us, but why lock and block the door?

Shishishishi Oh did we give you a scare when you heard us knock on the door for the first time? *Knock.* *knock.*

After that everything went silent. Then we laughed as we heard mama and papa scream in fear. "Mama, papa we love you so open the door." That's when we heard movement and we knew they blocked the door.

"Mama, papa why did you block us?" I asked and waited for a reply but nothing came. So my caring big brother spoke up.

"Hello? Mama, papa I know your there, open up." Oh Ace is so cool, I love him even more than mama and papa.

I love when we have play time. Shishishi we would use a knife and cut each others wrists till the other lost to much blood and passed out.

The other who won had to help the one who passed and mama and papa walked in on us and screamed.

They looked horrified, we and Ace couldn't stop laughing...*BANG.* BANG.* Oh Ace is starting to get angry.

*Chuckle.* We have been here for a while, 3 weeks I've been counting. Hehe looks like a little more and Ace will break the door down.

In 3...2...1! *CRASH.* And now we can get out an find ma-...mama? papa? Oh no why would you do this to us?

We worked so hard to get so we came be a whole family again, so why? Why are we finding your dead body's right in front of us right now?

Mama's wrist had blood scattered around and papa splattered blood on the walls from his neck.

Oh no how trouble some this will be to clean up, oh how does Ace feel? He finally broke the door down.

"Ace?" I question out and he turns to look at me with the most angered face I have ever saw. So i'll comfort him.

"Ace calm down. Here look at the bright side we have a snack." I had captured him into a hug but looked at his face. I knew a grin had grew on my face because Ace soon had the same creepy grin on his face.

We ate papa but decide to save mama in the basement. Now what? We worked so hard to see mama and papa but there dead.

Now that were done eating what now? I have to say i'm a bit crossed...Huh? What was I thinking about?

"Ace, what was I so mad about?" Ace looks at me then "Weren't we mad about mama and papa's suicide?"

"Suicide? Nahh can't be mama and papa just went for a walk, that's all." What's he talking about?

"Oh yeah your right." There we go it's coming back to him now, we just have to wait.
Wait until mama and papa come to see us again.

But wait where did all this blood come from? Hmmm, what ever we will just clean it for papa and mama.

After this accident 3 different family's who went camping in the woods went missing. The kids were found somewhere in the woods terrified. Police asked them what happened with there parents but they couldn't say anything. There eyes were to scarred.

While there parents never found.

Hehe I've finally finished editing this story! Yay well anyway please review of what you think or what ever.