What?! What is this?!

Is this... Is this what I think it is? It couldn't be!

Nicole: It's a bird!

Arinna: It's a plane!

Me: No! It's a new chapter! *DUN DUN DUN*

Yup, that is right, I'm updating... at long last. Please don't hurt me for taking so long :( I swear I didn't mean to. Honest. I'll try my very best to not take as long this time -_- Almost 10 months for one chapter... jeez.

It was snowing.

I couldn't even feel the cold anymore. My body felt numb and heavy.

How long have I been out on the surface again? A few hours perhaps? I couldn't tell. I couldn't tell anything anymore.

My mind was too wrapped up in… in…

I felt ready to throw up just at the thought of it. It had been four days, six hours, 32 minutes, and 8 seconds…. 9 seconds… since my oldest Son was taken.

He was taken from me.

What was a parent suppose to do when their baby, their child, was taken from them? How could they possibly just wait at home and hope for the best?

Not me. No matter how much Splinter tried to insist I didn't do anything rash and wait until night fall so my sons could come with me on the search, I still went up to the surface. I wasn't going to wait for anything anymore.

I was sick of waiting around and hoping the people I love would come back to me. If they couldn't make it back on their own, I would go find them, and kill whoever tried to get in my way.

There was only one place I had my eyes set on. It was the obvious place to go to. Shredder's main head quarters.

The abandoned little church. I knew he was there, but the problem was, he was aware we knew his location. Because of this, there was no guarantee that Leonardo would be there. Who knows if the Foot have any other secret bases around the city.

…He might not even be in the city anymore.

"Hey! Hey Arinna!' Pausing, I turned my head towards the street where a large black motorcycle had just pulled towards the curb. Leaping off, the stranger yanked off their helmet to reveal their face.

"…Nicole." I greeted with a small nod.

"Dude, don't Nicole me. Why the shell haven't you been texting me back or picking up my calls?" She demanded, placing her helmet on the seat of her bike to glare at me. "You got me worried. I was almost tempted to head down to the lair a few times and bring Rockwell with me."

That would definitely not have been a good idea. It was bad enough that Rockwell, bless his little soul, got affected with the emotions of others, but to have him in a cramped sewer line? Yeah, not happening. The little monkey would go running off.

"Sorry." I said honestly, reaching up to rub my temple. "I meant to call you back, but I've been pre-occupied."

"With what?" Nicole folded her arms. Feeling more depressed the longer we talked about this, I looked towards her.

"…Nicole." I shook my head, my voice weak. Sensing my distress, Nicole's eyes doubles in size.

"Whoa dude, somethin' happen?" her back straightened.

Something? Yeah, something happened. Something that is breaking my heart a little bit more with every minute that passes.

With a shake of my head, I brushed back my bangs. "Nicole… Leo..." I choked out. "Leo's gone."

"…What?" she breathed out in disbelief. "What do you mean?"

"The foot…" I growled. "They took him."

"Oh my god." Nicole's eyes widened. "Are you… serious?"

I nodded grimly, my head angled towards the ground. "He has been gone for almost 4 days now."

"Arinna-" Nicole wasn't sure what to say and stepped towards me. "Oh jeez-" without a second thought she pulled me into a tight hug. "We'll find him."

Hesitant at first, I wrapped my arms around her as tightly as I could. "…I know... But-" I trailed off.

"No. No." she pulled away, placing her hands on my shoulders. "We will find him." She said sternly. "We will."

She sounded so sure of herself, it made me believe it too. Which is something I desperately needed right now. "Thanks Nicole."

Patting my back, Nicole placed a few coins into the parking slot she was in and walked with me down the street. "So… what happened?" she gave me a hesitant look.

I sighed, a puff of warm air escaping out of my mouth like smoke. "They boys were patrolling, like they always did." I explained. "From what Donnie said, they were ambushed by Shredder's Foot Bots. They learned the boy's moves faster than expected and they were over powered. Leo got knocked out and they… they dragged him off."

"Jeez." Nicole murmured, unable to believe her ears.

"We thought the Shredder may have Leo held hostage in his lair, y'know, the church building? Donnie even made one of those little spy bugs to take a look around and make sure, but he isn't there."
"He's not? Where else would they have him then?" Nicole's eyes were wide.

"…That is the thing, we don't know. We don't know if they have another secret base somewhere in New York or…. Or if they took him out of New York. We just don't know." My voice cracked. Nicole's grip tightened on my shoulder.

"Does April know?"

"…No." I shook my head, my throat feeling dry. "I haven't really gotten around to it. I probably should, but I just can't bring myself to call her. I kind of doubt she would even pick up honestly."

"Yeah, that girl is stubborn when she is mad." Nicole sighed. "I want to say I can't blame her for being mad, but… I dunno. I guess I would be mad if you mutated my own Dad, but I would still want to know if one of the guys was hurt or in trouble." She gave me a long look. "I can tell her, if you want."

"Does she still talk to you?" I inquired. After that night April's Father was mutated, she cut off all ties with the Hamato family. She won't even talk with Splinter and me, even though we had nothing to do with the mutagen spill. I feel kind of sad she is avoiding me for an accident. The boys would never intentionally spill that mutagen, she has to know this. They tried everything to stop it from spilling, but what could they do? The doors had opened and they were being attacked. Accidents happen when you are at war with aliens.

Nicole sighed, stuffing her hands into her pockets. "Actually, no, she doesn't." she grumbled heatedly. "I get her being mad at the boys, and in a small way I understand why she isn't talking with you, but she for some reason is all mad at me too. I wasn't even there. Heck, I didn't even know all of that happened till 2 days later when I saw her and she screamed at me about it."

That definitely surprised me. "Really? She won't even talk with you?" I asked. "…Why?"

"That is a good question, I should ask her one of these days." Nicole rolled her eyes. "From what I could tell, she doesn't want anything to do with mutants, and since I hang out with you and have two mutants living with me at home, I guess I count in that list of people she is trying to avoid." Nicole explained, talking about Pete and Rockwell.

"That is a little unfair." I said quietly.

"Right?" she nodded. "But, I'm not gonna worry about her right now. If she wants to be angry at the world and push everyone away, she can do that. It might be good for her to blow of some steam and go solo anyway. Right now, I'm gonna focus on Leo." Her gaze hardened. "He is most important right now."

I nodded. "If we could just find his location."

"Talk to the Purple Dragons?" she glanced down an alley, as if she was expecting them to magically be there.

"Yeah, they don't know squat." I kicked some snow. "I haven't seen any Foot around either, so I haven't been able to question them."

"Not even Foot Bots?"

"Not even Foot Bots." I nodded. "Though, I doubt I could get them to crack being robots and all."

"True. So… what's the plan then?"

I shrugged. "Splinter says it might be best to wait. He thinks the Shredder will get a message to us somehow."

"A message?"

"Splinter thinks Shredder would want to brag about capturing Leonardo, and use him against us to draw us out." I narrowed my eyes.

"That sounds like a Shredder like plan.' Nicole growled. "What will you all do if that time comes?"

"Even if it is a trap I'm going. We all know he wont kill Leo… at least, not yet. That would be too easy for him. He wants to make Splinter suffer, so he'll hold onto Leonardo for as long as he possible can." I explained. It was dark and twisted, but those were the facts. Shredder's whole reason for being in New York in the first place was to get his hands on Splinter, and knowing him, he would use any method possible to do that.

"Okay, sounds risky, but I'm with ya." Nicole gave me a thumbs up.
'Nicole." I said. "No-"

"Ahp!" she threw her palm against my mouth to shut me up. "No way Arinna! You aren't pulling that whole 'You can't get involved, it is too dangerous' junk on me. I'm not just going to let you all handle this while I sit in my shop all day wondering what is happening. I'm getting involved in this." She said sternly. "You are all family to me. Leo is my little cutie pie Nephew. I'm going to save him too, with or without your consent."

Shocked, I blinked at her a few times. "I… Sorry." I bowed my head. "I almost forgot how this would be upsetting to you too." I lowered my gaze. Nicole was family too. I actually felt really bad now for having waited so long to even tell her that Leonardo had been captured. I should have told her that first night it happened. I guess since Nicole isn't as skilled in battle as the rest of us, and has no Ninja training, I instantly just cut her out of the battle.

"Yeah it is." She huffed. "So… you can't just stick me on the side lines for this Arinna." She sounded close to begging. "I want to help."

"I know." I nodded. "I understand how you feel." I placed my hand on her shoulder. Splinter had been trying to do the same thing with me, telling me to wait or let the boys handle it. I couldn't stand that, so it wasn't fair for me to turn around and tell Nicole the exact same thing.

"So we're in this together." She held out her fist.

"Yeah." I nodded, fist bumping her.

"Good. I've been itching for a good fight." She smirked.

"Fight?" I inquired. "No Nicole. This isn't a fight-" my voice grew livid. "This is an all out war."


You ever hear people say that their muscles feel like lead? I remember reading some Space Heroes Fanfiction where Captain Ryan would say his muscles felt as heavy as lead when he wakes up.

…Don't tell Raph I read Fanfiction. Or my Mom. Okay?

Wait, who was I even talking to? No one was here but me. Great, I'm turning more and more into my Mother each day.

Back to the lead thing though, yeah, it was hard to move right now. Bruises and cuts were printed across my body like tattoos and I think my right leg was bleeding from one of the Foot pulling a blade out on me.

At least they gave me a few minutes to rest after they finished pummeling me into the dirt. Now I was just left on the ground, panting and covered in a cold sweat.

Rolling onto my stomach, I slowly lifting myself to my knees, wincing at the pain that shot threw my body. Ow.

Hah, that was a understatement, but if they thought this was enough for me spill the location of where my home and family was, they were dead wrong. I would die before I revealed that.

However, as a Ninja and a Master of survival, I need to focus on trying to escape before I even considered death. I couldn't give up before the fight even begins! It has only been a few days.

Sure I didn't have any weapons and I was chained and barely able to move… and there were probably hundreds of guards surrounding this place… and I wasn't even sure where here was, but I can't give up hope! I-


There was a small click, signaling that the cell door had just been unlocked. Lifting my head ever so slightly, I glared at who entered.

Another beating?

It was one of Shredder's elite foot ninja, and he was alone. Closing the door behind him, he moved towards me slowly.

Coming closer into the light, I was surprised to find it was none other than Vader who was approaching. I hadn't seen him since that first night I was captured. He hadn't been one of the men who had beaten me… was he here to finally join in the party?

Great, this should hurt. Even through those small hand to hand battles we had a while back when I ran into Karai and her Ninja I could tell this guy hit hard. He wasn't an elite for nothing.

"What do you want?" I grumbled at him, scooting a little closer to the corner of my cell, eyeing him for any sign of a torture device or weapons. Maybe if I could somehow snatch his Katana, I could break these chains?

Vader said nothing and stared at me. After what seemed like an eternal staring contest he reached into his belt. Prepared for a knife, I tensed when Vader threw something at me. Waiting for some type of pain from a blade or Shuriken, I was surprised when some sort of fabric smacked me on the face.

Blinking a few times, I reached up and removed the fabric. I paused when a familiar smell washed into my nostrils. This smell… it was my Mother's. Like cookies and vanilla. A perfect mixture to make you feel right at home, even in a dark and shady place like this.

Grabbing the cloth, I yanked it off to marvel at the scarf my Mother had knitted for me.

They hadn't burned it!?

Baffled, I lifting it to my chest, holding it close.

Realizing it was Vader who had given this back to me, scowled. There was no way he would just give this back to me without some sort of catch... right?

"If you don't want it taken away or destroyed, I would suggest hiding it. Perhaps in your shell? Not sure if you can do that though." Vader shrugged.

Clutching the scarf tight, feeling comforted with it, I released a shaky sigh I had been holding in. "…Why did you give it back?" I cleared my throat, my voice hoarse.

Vader looked towards the door, pausing before answering, "…I have my own reasons."

I felt annoyed at how vague that was. "What sort of reasons?"

Vader slowly turned back to me, and I wondered what sort of expression he was making under that mask.

"To be honest… I'm not even sure myself." He admitted, turning his head. "I just feel like it, I guess."

"Feel like it?"

"Yeah. Don't you follow your gut?" Vader asked.

"Well…" I was at a lost for words for a few seconds. "Y-Yeah."

"I do too." Vader stuffed his hands in his pockets. I hadn't even realized that he was wearing a large leather jacket over his Foot gear. "Besides… Karai also wanted me to give that to you."

"Karai?" Now that was a shocker.

"Yeah. You said that was a gift from your Mother, right? She didn't want to take it away if that was the case."

"She… really?' I said softly, not believing my ears.

"Yeah." Vader nodded, moving back to the door. Pausing, he glanced over at me one last time. "I don't really got a problem with you, Blue Turtle." He scratched his head. "So, I'm gonna give you advice. You should keep that scarf close. It may just be the only thing you see of your family for a very long time." With that, the foot elite stepped out of the cell, slamming the door behind him.

Maybe it was just from dehydration or how sleep deprived I was, but I swear I thought I heard Vader whisper, "Sorry about all this."


I sneezed as I entered the lair and wondered if someone was talking about me somewhere.

Shuffling into the Dojo, I peeked in to find Splinter meditating below the tree. Or at least, he was trying to meditate. It was strange to see his body so tense when he was meditating.

…It meant he was troubled.

"Splinter?" I spoke out.

"Yes?" He replied instantly, proving my assumption that he actually wasn't in any type of meditation.

"Just letting you know I am back. How are the boys holding up?' I creeped into the room, moving to sit in front of him.

"As well as they can." He sighed. "And you? How was your search."

"Un-eventful." I admitted. "Ran into Nicole though. I let her know what was happening."

"Good." He nodded. "Were you able to let April know as well?"

I raised an eye brow at him. "Seriously?"

"She is still upset." He nodded. "Things like this take time. She has a broken heart right now for her Father."

"I know." I moved into a meditating position. "Trust me on that. And I'm not upset with her for not wanting to talk to us. I just wish she were here. We could really use her help."

"Agreed." Splinter nodded. "Perhaps the boys could give her a message somehow of what is happening later tonight."

"Yeah." I pulling at my pant legs a bit. "You know…" I trailed off. "I'm sure finding Leonardo would go by a lot faster if we had you helping us search." I pointed out carefully.

Splinter gave me a surprised look. "You know why that isn't a wise decision Arinna."

"Maybe it is?" I shrugged.

"Me accompanying you all to the surface will just put you all at a higher risk."

"Or, it could give us an advantage." I narrowed my eyes. "Think about it Splinter. You could take down those Foot Bots easily! Including his henchman."

"If the Shredder were to become aware I was up there with you, he would come after-"

"He would come after us with or without you there Splinter." I huffed irritably. "I'm just saying, right now, Leo needs us. He needs us up there! Not down here. I just don't see the reason for you to stay down here, is all."

There was a sudden silence between us. It was uncomfortable to say the least.

"I have my reasons Arinna. Step down." His voice held a dangerous undertone.

"I won't." I was just trying to anger him now, wasn't I? "Splinter, you are a Ninja Master just like the Shredder. You are always so worried about us fighting him because we aren't Ninja Masters. But we wouldn't have to worry as much if you were there with us. I've seen you do it. You can defeat him, you almost did it before during that crazy Kraang invasion."

Splinter turned his gaze away at the memory. "I wasn't able to defeat him Arinna."

"Yes, you did. The only thing that stopped you was when… was when Karai stepped in." I pointed out cautiously, knowing Karai was now a very touchy subject for my old friend, but it had to be said.

"Miwa." He whispered sadly.

I was silent for a second to allow him to recompose. "We will most likely have to fight the Shredder to get Leonardo back, and we need you there when that happens."


"Come on Splinter! You know it is true! I can't take the Shredder on my own and neither can the boys. If we all work as a team though we can."

"Arinna I can't-"

"You can't?! Yes you can! I know you can." I growled in frustration. I was sick of the boys going off on their own to fight dangerous situations when it could all be stopped if Splinter joined! If he was there none of this would have happened! I'm not saying I blame him for Leo being captured, but at least he could be there when we save him! "C'mon Splinter! What are you afraid of?!"

"I am not afraid-"

"Yes you are! You lock yourself down here because you are afraid to go up to the surface. Think about it, in the past 15 years how often have you gone up there? Two times, and both of those were because you had no choice and because the boys couldn't." I yelled. "You are hiding down here Splinter. And Leo needs you! He needs you to be brave and I need you to help me find him! You can't-"

"Enough!" Splinter suddenly snapped rising to his feet. "I will not let my student lecture me."

"…" Taking a few second to move pass my shock, I slowly scowled. "Did I strike a nerve?"

"Arinna." He hissed warningly.

"Admit it Splinter. You are afraid. And what is worse, you are sending our sons out on their own to handle this. I will agree with you that most of their battles must be fought on their own as Ninjas, however, right now Splinter, one of our OWN is in danger. Our Son is in the heart of enemy lines, and who knows what is happening to him right now."

"I have faith in him."

"Oh my gosh- Faith?! Really? Yeah, that is great and all… until he his dead! The longer we wait the more likely the chance is that we wont have a chance to save him! He is only a kid Splinter! Not even 16 yet!"

Splinter snapped a look at me. "I will not lose myself to my anger."

"So you'll just sit here and do nothing instead?" I growled.

Something about my words seemed to be the final breaking point for Splinter and he snapped, "I have lost many things in my life Arinna! Do not think for even a second that I am not angered by this! That I don't want to go to the Surface right as we are speak and track down Shredder! To kill him where he stands and take back my Son! To make Shredder suffer every ounce of pain he has ever inflicted onto me and the people I love! Do not think I don't feel that way! Do not think that for one second!" he suddenly snapped. "We are all upset by this Arinna. Not just you! You should know better than anyone what it feels like to lose those precious to you! To not want to lose anyone else. To-" he stopped abruptly, his words caught in his throat.

I flinched, all my anger depleting like it was washing down a drain. I felt cold suddenly. Staring at each other, Splinter's shoulders relaxed. Regret at his tone and words began to pool in his eyes, and he opened his mouth. "Arinna-"

I looked towards my knees, no longer able to look him in the eyes, realizing I had made a terrible mistake.

I felt like such an idiot, yelling at him like that. What was I thinking?

He's lost people in his life too, all because of the Shredder, who still torments him to this day.

How could I say something so insensitive?

In truth, I wasn't even angry with Splinter. I was angry at myself for being unable to protect Leonardo. I was just forcing all my stress and anger onto him. How pathetic of me.

"…" Neither of us spoke, but I could feel Splinter's eyes on me. He was staring at me, as if he was trying to figure out what to say.

Suddenly a hand was placed on the top of my head, as if it was trying to get me to lift my head. I didn't move, and held perfectly still as Splinter caressed my hair gently, as if to comfort me.

"…I apologize for snapping at you." He whispered.

"…No… I'm the one who should be apologizing." I murmured. "I… I mean… I-"

"You don't have to say anything Arinna. I understand." He sighed sadly. "I understand." His words cracked with sorrow as he wrapped and arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a small hug. "Your words speak true. I have been hiding down here long enough."

"Splinter-" I said into the shoulder of his robe.

"I will not hide from Shredder anymore. He has taken my wife, my daughter, and now… my Son." Venom began to drip from Splinter's words. "I swear to you Arinna, he will pay for this." His grip tightened. "I will get Leonardo back myself, and destroy Oroku Saki once and for all."

"….Splinter." I raised my arms to hug him back.

"Will you help me?"

I nodded my head vigorously. "... Always."

WAHOO! Finished with this chapter at last! I'm so happy! :D

...And yet, so very sad. Writing this story always gives me a heart ache. My feels go out to Leo, Arinna, Splinter- EVERYBODY! All the boys and April and ugh!

Also, for those who are wondering, this story takes place during the second season after April's Father was mutated. It is also around the time when Karai is feeling a little doubtful on who exactly is lying to her, and who is telling the truth.

Anyway, thank you for the reviews! You're just a bunch of lovely peaches reviewers!