HEY EVERYONE! Alright, so this is a request fanfiction from the wonderful OtakuFantasizer! You were a big help in making this chapter a reality so I thank you with all my heart!

This is my first request fanfiction, ever, so I'm not sure how it will end up. Hopefully you will all like it. This story is of course based off my other two stories, Father Mother and four little babies/ Father Mother and four little teens. For those who don't know who my OC character Arinna is, I suggest you go and read those stories first.

If you don't want to though that is fine as well, I tried my best to give a quick introduction of who Arinna is in this story as well.

This story takes place during the second season of TMNT (As some of you will probably realize during the chapter)!

Alright, I'm pumped, and here we go!

My name is Arinna Kentin.

Well, as of now, I simply go by Arinna. My last name only brings painful memories of the past, so I find it easier to simply leave it out.

That isn't the point right now though.

For who ever is reading this journal, I pray that life at that moment is better than how it is now.

Perhaps it is my future self who is reading this? Or a random person who so happened to stumble upon it? Who ever it is, it truly doesn't matter to me. I just wanted some way to get my thoughts out of my chest.

To tell someone, anyone, what happened.

You see; it started a few weeks ago, when a tragedy occurred within my family. A tragedy that involved my little boy, Leonardo.

I am the mother of four. They are all super sweet boys, I can assure you of that. They are strong, brave, and stick up for each other during every hard ship.

They have always made me very proud. Their Father feels the same.

And DON'T, give me that look. Their Father, is NOT, my husband.

…Yes, I can see it in your faces already, even if I can't actually see you. You are thinking 'Oh, they must have had a bad relationship and split apart' or something like that. Well no.

We were never together in the first place.
Just to set it straight, my son's Father is a man named Hamato Yoshi, AKA, Splinter. I met him 15 years ago, and we became good friends. There was a large amount of different circumstances that happened, but we both decided to adopt out four sons together.

So yes, my sons are not blood related to me, but they are still my sons. My four cute, mutant sons.

...You know, after I wrote that I realized that some of you might not understand. You see, my sons are turtles. They were exposed to mutagen as babies and change into half human and half Turtle boys. Right now they are Teenage Mutant Turtles. Oh, and they are also Ninjas.

Isn't that cool? Splinter trained them, cause he is a Ninja too. He even trained me, which I am very thankful for.

Speaking of Splinter and that mutagen that was just mentioned a second ago, it got on him as well and changed him into a rat. Because of this he went into hiding under New York City, within the sewers.

Together we found this old Subway terminal and are currently living there. Within that safe little terminal, Splinter and I raised and trained our sons.

We never let them out onto the surface, knowing that people up there would never accept the boys. So they stayed hidden, until their 15 Birthday. Well, Mutation-day, is what we call it.

My sons felt they were old enough to finally venture to the surface. Knowing we couldn't keep them in the sewers forever, Splinter and I agreed.

They boys just adored the surface world, and everything up there. It was nice to see them so happy and free, even if they could only ever go out during the night so no one would see them.

Everything seemed so right, like nothing could go wrong. That was until the Kraang started to arrive.

They are weird little brain alien… things. Yeah, it sounds weird. They are aliens that are trying to take over our planet. They even made the same exact Mutagen that changed Splinter and the boys.

I bet you don't believe me, huh? I don't really blame you. I probably wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't seen it for myself.

Because of the Kraang everything started to get mutated. It seemed my sons fought a new mutant every day!
And if that wasn't enough, the whole commotion with the Kraang brought us some unwanted attention from a few other enemies.

An old rival from Splinter's past appeared. His name was Oroku Saki, or better known as the Shredder.

He was this Ninja that has been fighting with Splinter for years. He even took his anger far enough to attack Splinter and his family, setting his whole world up in flames.

Even now, I struggle to comprehend how someone can hate another being so much that you would intentionally want to see them suffer. To want to take away everything that is precious to them.

I mean, if they were children and Shredder took Splinter's toy or something, I can sort of see that, because they are young. However, to take away another persons life, like Teng Shen (Splinter's wife) simply because she loved another man instead of you… I just… It is awful.

That isn't even the worse of what Shredder had done. There is so much more.

Especially since the recent occurrences, with Leonardo.

It started two months ago, on a Thursday. My sons were about to head out on patrol, as they always did. This time though they were in search of mutagen containers, which were recently spilled throughout the city.

How did that happen, I'm sure you are asking? Well, there was this Kraang ship, my sons tried to stop it, but accidentally spilled the Mutagen all over the city instead.

Oh, and mutated our friend, April O'Neil's dad into a giant mutant bat.

…Yeah, it was a pretty wacky day. She also isn't talking to us right now, which I can't really blame her.

I mean, she will text me from time to time, only using a few words to let me know she is fine, but besides that, we have gotten complete silence.

My third oldest, Donatello, has taken that silence pretty hard. He has pushed himself to the brink of exhaustion to find April's dad a cure, but hasn't caught a break yet.

I know if anyone can find a cure though, he can.

Anyway, back to what I was saying. My sons were just leaving for a patrol/search for Mutagen up in the city.

"Come home soon." I called to them. "It is said to snow later today."

"Snow?" Mikey looked excited. "I love snow!"

"Snow actually accumulates when low temperatures in the air cause water molecules-" Donatello began to explain.
"Whoops." Raph faked as he stuck out his foot and tripped his brother.

"Hey!" Donnie yelled at him, jumping back up to his feet.

I rolled my eyes at the two. Moving towards the closet, I pulled out a box and made my way back to them, just as they were placing their weapons on their shells/belts.

"We're heading off." Leonardo smiled at me.

"Not without your scarfs." I placed the box on the table in front of them.

They paused, looking at the box. Recalling how I kept their scarfs in there for when the whether got cold, they moved towards me.

"Do we really need these?" Raphael grumbled, snatching out his red scarf that I made him.

"Yes." I answered

"We are cold blooded." Donnie reminded them, grabbing his own purple scarf.

Mikey yanked his orange scarf away with a giggle. Putting his scarf on, he cackled. "We look awesome!"

"I feel stupid." Raphael said under his breath, feeling embarrassed to have to wear the scarf, especially if they were going to go beat up bad guys.

As Leo approached, I took out his blue scarf. His scarf had been the first scarf I ever made. It took me forever, and I made a lot of mistakes on it, but Leo would wear it regardless. He was always so sweet like that.

Throwing it over his neck and shoulders I wrapped it around him snuggly. Smiling at me, he lifted his head a bit for me to place the scarf on easier.

"There we go." I nodded, adjusting his scarf one last time. "You boys stay warm now." I leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

"We will." Leo promised. "Be back soon!"

Turning away, he moved towards the Shell Raiser.

I wish his words had been true.

"Bye Mom!' Mikey rushed to me, giving me a kiss on the check before follow his brother.

"Bye bye." I smiled. As Donnie passed me I patted his head, gaining a happy smile. Then Raphael began to push pass me and I reached up and flicked the end of his scarf. Hitting his face, he looked to me with a smirk.

"See ya Mom."

"See ya. Listen to your older brother."

"No promises." He snickered, leaping over the railing. Rolling my eyes at him, I picked the box back up and looked within it. Moving towards the table, I pulled out my remaining scarfs inside.

I had a large brown one for Splinter, and a recently made Yellow one for April. I had hoped to give it to her for her to use.

I wondered if she would even accept it after what happened?

Placing the Yellow scarf to the side I moved towards the Dojo, where Splinter was currently meditating. Chuckling to myself I tiptoed near him, knowing he was deep into his meditation.

Moving behind him, I grinned.

Throwing his scarf into the air, I quickly wrapped it around his neck before rushing to sit in front of him, acting innocent.

Sensing the slight disturbance, he opened his eyes.

"Hi." I waved a bit.

Blinking at me, he slowly scanned the room, as if expecting it to be trashed or painted pink in some sort of weird joke.

Like I would do that, jeez.

…Wait no… I might do that. Oh well.

"Where are the boys?" he asked.

Cheering internally at him not realizing the scarf was around his neck, I answered, "Patrol."

"I see." He reached up to run his fingers through his beard, but paused when he hand brushed the scarf. Looking down at it, he blinked curiously. "Arinna." He looked towards me, knowing I was responsible.

"Aww." I pouted. "You figured it out so soon?"
"I was bound to notice anyway Arinna." He pointed out, but made no move to remove the scarf.

"It is going to start getting colder." I explained, giving him a toothy smile.

"Yes, I've noticed." Splinter looked around, feeling the air growing colder. "We shall have to start the fire place up again."

It wasn't really a fireplace. It's more like a campfire that we keep towards the kitchen for when winter arrives. It is always so nice to use. It is like going camping. We surround the fire telling stories and laughing.

"We will need wood."

"I'm sure the boys can find some up on the surface.' Splinter lowered his head, closing his eyes. Content with that answer, and happy that he was keeping his scarf on I rose to my feet and moved out of the dojo to continue cleaning.

I cleaned for almost a whole hour, making sure the kitchen and living area was tidy before I heard the Shell Raiser moving towards the lair.

Knowing the boys were back, I smiled.

I hadn't realized how badly things had gone on the surface. It didn't take me long to figure out after my sons began to appear one by one.

All of them trudged into the lair like zombies, looking defeated and heart broken.

Feeling my broom slip from my fingers and hitting the floor, I stared at my sons with wide eyes. They froze from where they stood, staring back at me fearfully.

"M…Mom." Donnie said weakly. He looked worried, but not for himself, for me. As if he was afraid to tell me something.

I remember this moment well. I had felt so afraid that it was hard for me to move. Yet, at the same time, I found myself focusing on their scarfs. Raph's was slightly torn, Mikey's was covered in dirt, and Donnie, he was holding it in his hand so tightly I thought it might just shatter, like glass.

"Donatello." I gasped, shocked at his bruised and beaten form. Rushing forward, I moved to my three sons.

Looking over their faces, my eyes widened.

Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo- Why was he crying?!

"Baby?" I asked softly, moving to my youngest and cupping his face. He sniffed, stepping forward to hide his face into my shoulder. Holding him close, I look to my older sons, dread sweeping over me.

"Mom- I… we…" Donnie stammered softly, looking over the verge of tears himself. Behind him Raphael cursed slightly, slamming his fist into the wall.

"It's my fault!" he bellowed

"W…What is?" I asked weakly. Slowly turning to me, Raphael's eyes were narrowed with sorrow and regret.

"Leo he… I'm sorry Mom."

I shook my head, not understanding. "Sorry? Sorry for what?

Behind us, the door to the Dojo swung open, and Splinter stepped out.

"What is going on here?" he demanded, stunned at his sons appearances. Looking at him from over my shoulder, I bit my lower lip. Scanning over all our faces, Splinter blinked. "…Where is Leonardo?"

I snapped my attention to Donnie and Raph, wanting to know the same thing.

With a pained expression Donnie opened and closed his mouth, unable to answer. Also, as if his older brother's name actually caused him physical pain, Mikey let out another sob.

I looked down to him, hushing him softly.

"Leo he-" Raphael spoke up, his voice hoarse. "He… Sensei he-" he choked on his words and closed his mouth. That was something Raphael never did.

Oh my gosh.

The dread and horrible feeling in my gut grew more and more.

What? What happened to Leonardo? What happened to my son!?

Seeing everyone's struggles, Donnie took a deep breath, and forced himself to speak. "The Foot…" I could barely hear his voice. "…They have him."

Leo~! Nooooooo! I practically ripped out my own heart to write this chapter! And it will just get worse as the chapters go! (crying face) As they say, things always get worse before they get better.