What's up, been a long time. Sorry about that. Anyway, while this is a chapter to the story, it also doubles as the beginning of a poll. I've decided to take the advice of some of you and instead have Minato interact with characters already inside the game, and also, with a few of SEES characters. I only have 4 positions for the SEES characters and so, I need you guys to vote on who gets to go…Unfortunately, one person from SEES will not be able to go. You'll find out who in the story.

Sorry, but it's only going to be a short chapter.

Also, I'll add a poll on which story you guys want me to update next. I'll probably have the next chapter for that one up in two weeks.

Another thing, is that some… other people will also appear in this chapter that you can vote to include in the story. The choice will be yours.

Anyway, on to the story.

(1 Month Later) Kirijo Group Lab.

The member's of SEES stood around a room with computers on one side of the room. Fuuka who was sitting on one of the computer desks, held a NerveGear helmet in her hands. She had just finished explaining something to her friends and cast a glnace to a door the connected this room to the room where Minato rested.

"…So, only two others will be able to accompany her into the game?" The president of the Kirijo group asked her friend.

"Yes. Though I was able to reprogram the helmet, so as to not fry the users brain, it will still fry its hard drive once the loses their life in the game. The helmet will be unusable. But while the helmet is still working, it will be sending back data here to these computers. With it, we might find a solution to this." The tech expert, Fuuka, told the rest of SEES.

"Can't you reprogram some other helmets? I mean I don't feel right, letting only three people go in their as back-up for Minato." Junpei said.

"I know how you feel Junpei, but it would take too long to locate another working helmet. We were lucky enough that Fuuka and Aegis were able to reprogram these four in only a month. Besides, it's him we're talking about. I'm sure he's fine." Akihiko told Junpei confidently.

"I…guess you're right. But, who else is going to accompany her into the game?" Junpei asked looking around.

Everyone did the same, each looking at each other, each wanting to be there for their friend. Some for normal reasons such as wanting to have their friend's back, while some of them had…personal reasons.

"I think…we should let Aegis decide." Yukari said. " I mean, she's the only one who has been inside the game. And…"

"I have no objections." Mitsuru said, nodding.

Everyone else agreed and looked to the blonde haired robot standing next to the door, where the friend was…resting. She avoided everyone else's eye contact, choosing instead to stare at the door.

"I…need some time to think about it." Aegis said, and lowered her head.

"We understand Aegis. But please, we need a decision quickly. Every minute counts." Mitsuru said, then lowered her head in slight shame. "And…I'm sorry. I know this must hurt you, but…"

Aegis shook her head, and looked at Mitsuru. "It's alright, Mitsuru-san, I understand why I must stay here. I'm the only one is able to analyze the data brought back from the helmets. I may even find a way to get save everyone trapped inside the game. So, please, don't apologize. In my own way, I'm helping him. Besides I have faith that Labrys can help him in my place."

Mitsuru stared at Aegis for awhile, then nodded.

"But, jeez where exactly is she? Wasn't she supposed to be here awhile ago?" Yukari asked, slightly frustrated.

"Well, I'm sorry, Yukari-san. I thought I was doin' us a favor by gettin us back-up." A voice with an accent said, as the door opened.

Everyone one in SEES looked over to Labrys, Aegis's older sister, enter the room. But she was not the only one…Behind her were the people she called friends. The ones who had helped her in that incident.

"What are you doing here?" Mitsuru asked, her eyes narrowing at the leader of the group.

Yuu Narukami didn't falter and walked up. "Labrys informed us on what you planned to do. We decided that we wanted to help."

"After all, any friend of Labrys is a friend of ours." Chie said, smiling.

"I'm sorry, but I can not allow you to use the helmets. We don't know how long this mission will be. It could take a year or more." Mitsuru said, hoping to scare the group.

"We know." Yosuke said, with a straight face. "That's why we want to help. I mean people are dying left and right because of this. Some of the students at Yasogami died too. You need all the help you can get, right?

"Regardless, we only have four other helmets to use, besides the one Labrys will use." Mitsuru stated.

The investigation teamed slightly flinched at the news.

"So, you already decide on who's goin?" Labrys asked, thinking that her friends aid was pointless.

"No, we decided that Aegis will be the one to decide who's going." Ken told Labrys.

Labrys's eyes widened, then she smiled. "See, we can still have their help, right? If Sis believes that they can help why not let them?"

Mitsuru looked at Labrys again, her eyes still narrowed. "As I have said, we don't know when this mission will end. Once they log on, they will not be able to log out. In turn, they will be like everyone else, who is trapped in those helmets. I can not allow them to go through with this."

The investigation team stayed silent, until Naoto, spoke up, her resolve reaffirmed.

"I know the risks. I would still like to ask Aegis-san to think about letting be one the chosen to go." Naoto said, looking Mitsuru right in her eyes.

Mitsuru stared right back, thinking back to when she met with Naoto for the first time, and the…information she had revealed back then.


"I'm sorry, you just remind me of someone I once knew. You two have nearly the same color hair." Mitsuru said to the young detective.

The detective's eyes widened when she said this.

"You…Could you have..?" Naoto whispered.

"Is…something amiss?" Mitsuru asked.

Naoto was spacing out, when her eyes came back into focus, determination burning in them.

"What does the name Minato Arisato mean to you?" Naoto had asked.

This time, it was Mitsuru's eyes that had widened in shock.

"How do you…" Mitsuru asked, confused.

"So you do know him…or knew him." Naoto said, looking down sadly.

Mitsuru kept staring at the young detective, trying to work out the connection between the her and one of her dearest friends. Then she remembered something. An item. One that Minato always carried with him. A small locket that he always had in his pocket.

He had shown her once, what was inside. A picture of a small girl, who had been smiling at the camera. When Mitsuru asked who the girl was, he had answered, smiling.

"My little sister."

Mitsuru looked at the young detective and saw the similarities between the girl in the picture and the person in front of her.

When she finally connected the dots, Mitsuru looked down sadly. She quickly got back to the main topic, to dispel the awkward atmosphere.

When it was time for Naoto to leave, Mitsuru lowered her window. Naoto looked back at her, but Mitsuru never met Naoto's eyes.

"You…were very important to him." Mitsuru said, then raised her window and gave the driver the signal to drive.

Mitsuru sighed, knowing that Labrys had probably revealed the name of who they were helping, which resolved Naoto to go, no matter what. And who was she, to deny her of the chance?

"I see. Do you all have the same conviction? If not then I ask you to leave now and forget what you have heard." Mitsuru said, to the rest of the group.

"Mitsuru…are you sure?" Yukari asked.

"I'm not the one who will decide who goes or not. It's Aegis's decision. And if they're so intent on going, then I can not stop them, or they might do something drastic." Mitsuru said to her closest friend.

Yukari nodded then looked at the investigation team. They all had determined faces, each ready to go and help someone they didn't even know, just because they were friends with SEES. She guessed she could admire that.

"So all we need to do is wait until Aegis makes a decision, right? How long is that going to take?" Kanji asked.

"I will.. Have my answer tomorrow. Please I ask that you give me that much time." Aegis asked, and bowed.

"Of course, in the mean time, you are all welcome to stay in he Kirijo building." Mitsuru told everyone.

Evertone nodded and stepped out of the room, though Naoto was slightly hesitant to leave, leaving Aegis alone.

She opened the door to Minato's room, and stepped inside When she saw Minato resting, his body not having changed at all, the helmet still on him, Aegis grabbed his hand and whispered.

"Please don't worry. By tomorrow, we will sending help for you and Kirito. I promise with the date I receive, I will find a way to save everyone." Aegis said, then let go of his hand and walked out of the room, looking back once again, to his unmoving body.

So, will you guys vote for people from SEES, or from the Investigation team? I look forward to you choices.

No matter how much you guys tell me to add Aegis in the story, I will not. At least not until Alfheim Arc. So please no Pm's or reviews about it.

I'm sorry for the short chapter, and I promise the next chapter will be longer.

I think that's about it, so until next time.
