Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while, with my exchange student, we haven't been able to write in two weeks! But now we have time again, and we have this lovely chapter!For this chapter, we REALLY recommend checking out this link: 2011/01/22/glee-photo-shoot-behind-the-scenes/

It will help you get a visual! Thanks again for reading! :)

I head to Ryan's office on set for our lunch I promised. Even though these happen often, I always get very excited. We always have a good time discussing what will happen to the characters, and I'm excited to see what's happening next on the show.

"Hello Chris, how are you doing today?"

"Good Ryan, you?"

"Fine. I don't think I've officially congratulated you on your Golden Globe yet? I'm very proud."

"Oh thank you! Same to you! I'm against a lot of great actors though, so we will see." I can't help but keep on grinning, because my Golden Globe nomination is a huge deal.

"Well, sit down. We have lots of catching up to do."

After we have discussed many of the other characters storylines, we finally get to the one I've been waiting for, Blaine.

"I think Blaine's character has quite a bit off potential, and all the fans already adore him. I just don't know if he should stick around."

I am a little surprised to here this, because I thought it was a definite he would be moved to a series regular next season. "Really? Why not? I mean, the fans are responding so positively, it seems like a bad idea to get rid of him."

"Well, I can't say that I've had the most positive experience with Darren."

"Oh no, really?" My face falls and I am very concerned. How can this be?

"He seems to have trouble sticking to his specific notes, and breaks character too much sometimes."

"Well, I know this isn't an excuse, but I think he's used to goofing around from what he's done before. He's getting better though, isn't he?" I have to stick up for him, even though it goes against Ryan, which I never do.

"I guess I'll guarantee that he will be around for the rest of the season, but after that I'm not sure."

"So, is 'Klaine" going to happen? Because I thought for sure it was but…" I trail off. Klaine is the couple the fans (and I have to admit, myself too) has been waiting for!

"As of right now, I'm not sure. Do you think it should?"

"Well um… I think it is needed for Kurt's character. I mean it has all been down hill for him and I think for Kurt, and the fans, seeing a positive change for him will be exciting."

"Seems as though you have put quite a bit of thought into this, but I do agree with you. I would assume Darren is on the same track as you?" Ryan says this sounding a bit suggestive.

"Oh well I'm sure he is enjoying the huge fan base so far and I know he is loving being one Glee." I try to avoid his question but I know it will come back again, he never lets things down.

"Hmm I guess so, liking all the cast members too."

"Yeah he is getting along great with everyone, really fitting in." Ok I think I played that off well. How did he know to talk about the emotions flying around with Darren and I?

"Okay…well anyways I guess we will give him the rest of the season and see where "Klaine" goes. I'm not promising anything so don't you two get too excited."

"Haha very funny Ryan. Alright see you on set." And with that our lunch was over.

Sunday morning I hop in my car and head toward Entertainment Weekly's office. Darren and I are going to be featured on the cover of the magazine, because of our character's positive impact on the gay community. I'm really excited, because even though I guess I'm a celebrity, it's not everyday you are on the cover of a magazine!

When I park my car, I see that Darren is just parking too.

"Hey stranger, how are you?" Darren calls.

I laugh, and call back "Dare, it's only been three days! You haven't missed me that much!"

"How would you know? I have no one else to fangirl over Harry Potter with."

I roll my eyes at him. He can be so ridiculous sometimes, but I love him for it. "Well, I guess that's a good reason. So are we gunna head inside or what?" I gesture towards the door.

"Oh yeah! In we go," he says and holds the door open for me.

"Always the gentleman."

The editor of the magazine has just finished giving us an idea of what will happen today, and I'm being whisked away to hair and make-up. First, we are going to do a photo shoot together, then after a lunch we will interview separately. I'm super excited, because this is my first big interview!

As my hair is being styled, I think back to me and Chris's conversation in the parking lot earlier. What I had really wanted to say was "Yes, actually, I have missed you. Quite a bit! Because I also miss you." But that would be weird for him and I think I'm supposedly straight so. Mixed messaging and all.

The ladies are done working on me and I go change into my Warblers blazer, and head to the area where we are doing the photo shoot.

Chris had just left to go get his iPod so we have background sound. I go to the photographer to get some notes. I don't want them to know how nervous I'm so I just ask in a very relaxed tone, but in the middle of that my voice cracks when Chris walls in with his Warblers blazer. He looks great. How am I going to keep my cool during this shoot…

On my way here I was trying to figure out if I was supposed to extra flirty in character of Blaine or just have Chris and I goof around. I'm personally nervous to do either or; being flirty with Chris…I mean Chris is very fun but I cant never tell what is too much and what is not enough, and with us just goofing off I always have a fear off messing up and creating another one of those awkward moments that I always start. I guess I will see what Chris does and feed off of that.

They start playing Chris's music from the loud speaker, and I laugh. The first song to come on is Don't Stop Believin' the glee cast version. We are already being photographed, so he keeps smiling but whispers to me "I warned them, this iPod has some weird stuff!"

My smile widens and I try not to laugh. "That's fine, anytime I get to listen to you is a good day." I see a blush instantly appear on his cheeks.

As we pose, I notice that Chris can't help but tap his foot. So I decide to start bobbing to the music as well, and next thing I know we have our arms around each other and are bouncing to the songs. The time flies by with Chris practically in my arms, as we hear P!nk, Ke$ha, and many other tunes.

They tell Chris to go change into normal clothes to portray Kurt. Shortly after he left I find myself singing along to the music. Teenage Dream is being played from his iPod. This is crazy, I would have never thought that he would actually have me singing on his iPod. Chris walks out and he immediately blushes, he asks as though I wasn't supposed to hear this.

"I told you my music was embarrassing-"

"No, no it's fine! I feel flattered! Now I get to brag that I'm on Chris Colfer's iPod."

He smiles, but I can tell he's still embarrassed. " I guess, it's just. Well, never mind."

It's just what? I really wish I could know what he was going to say…

"Well, we better get back to taking pictures. I don't know about you, but I have lots of poses I want to try out!" For some reason, it's gotten a little awkward, and I'm trying to make it normal again. Which makes me think, what is normal for Chris and I? Since day one we've had a fairly flirty relationship, for two best friends, especially since one of us is officially gay.

I feel conflicted about this as a head back towards the photographer, and we get a few notes. For the next few photos we are supposed to have our arms around each other, and just smile. It's a very friendly pose, and I'm glad because right now I do feel a little awkward.

We've been in the same pose for a while now and finally we our told to break for lunch. I realize that my arm has moved from Chris's shoulder down to his waist, and as I let go I miss having him so close.

For lunch, I have grilled chicken and Chris has salmon, and we both grab cookies. We sit there and enjoy our food and I am hoping that the silence isn't to long. But before I get myself to worried he breaks the quietness.

"So that was fun! Glad we got to be featured for our roles. I mean it is amazing to have made that big of impact and it has only been a few episodes. You have really been great throughout this whole new experience."

"I know, it really is. But I wouldn't be this great without you. You have been an amazing co-star and I can't imagine having a stronger connection with anyone else." I know that was a little too much but it is true, I have had such a great time with Chris and playing such an inspiring role. I mean I have already found myself through this and it hasn't been to long since I met these people.

"Oh Dare that is very kind of you, thank you."

'Your welcome, well we should probably go to interview. Maybe we could catch up later."

"Yes, yes that sounds great. Have fun! Is this your first big interview? Good luck!"

Quick A/N: This is a bit of a filler, sorry! But please comment, review, favorite, follow, etc. ! And next chpater is the Golden Globes! Woo!