A/N: And here's part 2. I understand that part 1 was inadequate in terms of quality, so I'll attempt to make up for it over here and such. I don't have the amount of OCs to actually begin the story yet, but I'm just making this a cameo scene.

I can't undeniably say that this one was kind of late, but who isn't lazy as shit over the holidays? Anyways, maybe this would be the second last to last update before I gotta go study for those exams. It's a full fledged exam for every class I took…

Also; some characters may die in the story, but they will either be only the canon characters or generic filling characters. As a final point to note, those may happen somewhere later in the story.

PS: Time to stop writing sooner or later.

Blaze walked into his house hastily and hung up his black jacket on the doorside clothes hanger. He proceeded to roll down on his couch, yank out the remote from under the fabric cushion and started up the Television by depressing the fat red button. The plastic box ignited with a low hum before the AAN news broadcasting screen appeared briefly.

"And now we can go to our crisis reporter, Handy," Flaky reported, whilst shuffling her papers a bit. "So, Handy, what's the situation at Old Finch tonight?"

Blaze cocked an eyebrow as he raised himself up from his couch slowly. The gray wolf couldn't help but pay attention for the next part, as the myth about Old Finch was bothering him for awhile since its conception. He turned up the volume so he could hear more clearly.

"Two occupants driving down this road a week ago was attacked by unknown group of gunmen," Handy responded, being escorted by a group of US soldiers and investigators at the incident's area. An assistant had to hold the microphone up for him due to his obvious lack of hands. "We still have no clue who these people are, but these two are the only survivors since every past person killed here."

"Well there you have it folks," Flaky said as the camera views switched from Handy back to her. "It appears that this group of unknown gunmen are well armed, well equipped and have great knowledge of their geography- government officials and the military are still attempting to apprehend this situation, but with no success. Stay tuned for more info-"

Blaze, at this point, already got up and out of the couch to slip on his black jacket again, all while simultaneously turning off the TV with the remote and dialling his sister's number with his cellphone in his other hand. Quickly but accurately pushing in the right numbers, he rested the cellular device against his ear to listen for a voice on the other side.

After the dialing tones mellowed down a bit, the line got connected, and sure enough, his sister, Flare, was there ti answer the call.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Oh, hey Flare," Blaze started, unsure of what to say.

"Oh!" she replied, with her voice suddenly rising up to a more lively tone. "So it's you. Now, what can I do for you?"

"It's hard to explain," Blaze replied, scratching his head. "Maybe you could come over back hone and we have a chat?"

"Sorry man," she replied, souring down a little. "I ran out of bus tickets and you have the car. Why don't you come over instead?"

"Alright, where are you at?" he replied, heading out the door to his parked car.

"I'm at the local Burger Town. And hurry up, I ordered an extra meal!"

"Alright, see you there."

Blaze wasted no time to start- He immediately got into his sedan and fired it up. Backing out of the narrow driveway quickly but carefully, the wolf repositioned the vehicle back onto the driveway before continuing on his journey to the fast food restaurant. The streets were rather empty at this time of the evening, so he encountered no traffic delays other than the signal lights en route. He soon saw the Burger Town sign in full view in front of him, and proceeded to slow down and pull over into one of the parking spaces.

Disembarking from the seat, he entered the somewhat crowded medium sized restaurant and quickly spotted his sister, Flare, inside. She was a gray wolf that had long black hair, and a set of gray Kevlar body armour. However, she wasn't in any combat scenarios at the moment so she traded it for a black jacket similar to her brothers. Flare gave her relative a gesture to come over, with an extra meal on the table.

"So you needed to tell me something?" Flare asked kindly, taking a fry and munching away on it.

"Well yeah," her brother responded. "Well, ever heard of the myth about Old Finch?"

"Yeah, what about it?" she replied.

"It's just that-" Blaze started before getting cut off by a rather loud voice emitting behind his seat. The two wolves couldn't help but turn their backs over to observe the chatter.

"That's the sixth time this month!" another wolf behind him shouted, putting his hand down on the table. "What type of 'supernatural thing' could possibly happen that frequently, and with firearms too!?"

"I don't know," the chipmunk said, still punching in a few instructions on his laptop. "By my guesses, I think that it's intentional, caused by people like us."

"I'm with Mark here," a cat said. "If it involves firearms, it must be intentional, and caused by people like us."

"Yeah, no kidding, the only way to solve this problem is to-" another wolf said, noticing Blaze and Flare. "Hey, you! Come over here, we have something to ask you!"

Blaze cautiously rose from his seat and slowly walked towards the group of four. While outnumbered, he would be ready if they wanted to start a fight with him. However, everything was to the contrary to his expectations in the following scenario.

"We've heard two had some concerns about Old Finch, is that true?" he asked in a lower and more polite tone.

"Yes, we were just discussing about it," Blaze replied coolly, relieved that he would not have to injure any innocents for the day.

"Well, you're in business," the wolf replied, raising out a hand. "The name's Cole, nice to meet you."

Blaze took his hand carefully and shook it. He couldn't help but observe his physical features- He was a gray wolf, like him, along with a near identical black jacket. However, he lacked his long hair and also wore a pair of jeans and black boots.

"Boony," the other wolf greeted. He was also a gray wolf, but had a Mohawk along with a red and black plaid shirt.

"Zack," the cat joined in. He had periwinkle fur and a red bowtie.

"Mark," the chipmunk finally greeted, closing his laptop. He had pink fur, a gray flight uniform and a GPS wrist watch. However, Blaze particularly noticed that he was much taller than the others, with a height similar to Lumpy's.

"So what's going on?" Flare joined in, giving them all a 'lost' look.

"Well," Mark replied, opening up his laptop again. "For starters, we're attempting to get behind lines and see for ourselves what this myth actually is."

"We're also attempting to see what types of secrets we could debunk from it," Zack filled in, handing Mark a CD-ROM. "You with us here?"

"Pretty much," Blaze replied. "We're practically after the same goals you guys are attempting to achieve."

"Alright then, let's get started," Mark said, opening up a screen of the map of Alaska. He proceeded to zoom in a bit more until the people could see their hometown on it before dragging off the cursor to a different location, a one with crude boundary lines sketched around it. "For beginners, this is the Old Finch national park area- It's about 67 kilometres long, and 72 kilometres wide."

"So far all we know about the myth is that it was discovered back since the 1990s," Cole added in. "But for all we know, it could've existed longer."

"Very interesting," Flare butted in, cocking an eyebrow at all of the information. "Anything else besides that?"

"We've also spotted several villages and a military base with a sizable supply depot there too," Boony replied, pointing at the sections of the map Mark brought up. "They even have road access within the park."

"What about avoiding detection?" Blaze questioned. "And weapons, along with supplies?"

"We've managed to obtain map schematics of what appears to be an underground drainage tunnel leading into the park," Cole reassured. "It's complicated, but there's practically always a person on guard throughout the entire perimeter."

"I think you guys don't need to worry about the weapons part," Mark said as he drew a short carbine out from under his seat. Blaze immediately identified it as an AKS-74U Submachinegun, bread and butter of Soviet carbines. However, the magazine was unloaded at this point due to the surrounding environment. Everyone else drew out their own weapons respectively, with Boony bringing out a 12 gauge shotgun,while Cole and Zack both brought out an M4A1 Carbine. While Zack and Flare would've shown off their own weapons too, they did not carry their weapons on hand at the moment.

"So what do you guys need?" Flare asked. "It looks like you're all set, why do you need us?"

"We need you guys because we're still trying to gather enough people for the expedition," Zack replied. "If you can get more people to join in, the greater our chance of survival would be."

"Alright, well that's that for this meeting," Cole said, tucking his weapon away and handing Flare a sheet. "If you need us, call us with the numbers listed."

Flare skimmed through the sheet quickly with her brother before carefully folding it away into her pocket. The two proceeded to walk away and out of the shop, but still looked back to say one thing.

"Good luck, and have a pleasant evening."

The other four simply gave a nod of confirmation in response.

Boony belongs to BoonyTheWolf

Cole belongs to SlimeSpectre

Flare and Blaze belongs to Thebloodmassacre

Zack belongs to Flaky2.0

Annnnnd laggy chapter again. Sorry folks, it's really getting late here- I hope what is written here would help clear up the story a bit for future chapters.

R/R, good night folks.