Well shit I never thought I be making this for you guys but *breathes in and out and sighs* I'm afraid I can't continue this story anymore, no I know many of you will hate me for saying this and being like "oh your just to lazy!" or just like "oh you didn't try hard enough!" but the truth is guys well...growing up is a bitch.

Look I really do want to continue this and I want to keep this story alive I really do! but I can't continue this...not me but maybe other people yes.

I'm putting this story up for adoption and I know a lot of people have idea's for this story and I still have a lot of the plot lines for the story later so if any and I mean ANYONE is interested to continue and adapt this story and while making this to the plot lines I had plot for it you can contact me through PM"s and we'll talk and I'll tell you everything I had everything for it and you can deiced if you want to take it up or not.

Remember guys it's your choice to keep this story alive or not so sorry guys T.T