Hey guys it's me again with the first remake chapter of the story of N Luner, now I know it's been a long time and I thought a lot about the first chapter so here you go.

I do not own anything I use in this story except storyline, Oc's and made up moves.

Chapter 1: Origins

It is the middle of the night and everything is nice and quiet until a Cretan princess came out of the castle. "(Sigh)" sighed a Luna as she flew off into the night. As she flying in the sky she deiced she would need some time to herself, so she landed in the gardens.

"(Sigh) Well at least it's a beautiful night." said Luna. "Not that anybody's actual enjoying it though." she said. Then she stared to walk around the gardens with her thoughts until she heard some shivers in the bushes. Luna looked around her area to see where it was coming from.

Then she saw a small figure in the bushes and it seems this figure is lost. As Luna got closer to the figure she saw that this small figure was a baby boy. She looked left and right to see who dropped this boy here…. who would drop a baby here anyways? As Luna got a closer look she saw that this boy had red frizzy hair but his eyes were closed.

"He seems to be asleep." thought Luna as she got closer to this mysteries boy. As soon as she was close enough she picked up the boy from the ground but gently not to wake him up. As she held the boy in her arms she felt that he was very cold. "Well who wouldn't be cold outside naked." she thought. Then she casted a spell to put some clothes on this boy. He had a plain white tee shirt with blue jeans and white sneakers.

Sunndly the boy started to wake up and open his eyes. Apparently this boy had emerald green eyes. Luna and the boy just stared at each other for a few moments then he started to cry. Now Luna had no idea what to do, she never dealt with a baby before. "Oh no! What do I do?" she thought. Then an idea hit her. "I'll sing the song that mother used to sing to me whenever I was sad or freighted." she thought.

She took a deep breath and started singing.

Come Little Children
I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land
Of Enchantment
Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden
Of Shadows
Follow Sweet Children
I'll Show Thee The Way
Through All The Pain And
The Sorrows
Weep Not Poor Children
For Life Is This Way
Murdering Beauty And
Hush Now Dear Children

It Must Be This Way
Too Weary Of Life And
Rest Now My Children
For Soon We'll Away
into The Calm And
The Quiet
Come Little Children
I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land
Of Enchantment
Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden
Of Shadows

As she finished singing she looked down in her arms and found the boy asleep. She then felt that she was going to faint just because of how cute he looked when he slept. She then rembeard that this boy had parents, but why would they leave him here in the gardens. She looked all over the castle for about two hours and found no trace of anyone there.

"Luna! Luna where are you?!" yelled a voice. It was none other than princess celestia herself, she was goanna ask Luna something very important but it seems that her sister had just disappeared. "Where could she have gone to?" thought celestia. As she was flying in the sky hoping to get better view she saw Luna walking around the castle like she was looking for something. "Luna what are you doing?!" asked celestia.

"Tia?" said Luna as she looked back to find her sister flying down to where she was. As celestia landed she saw the boy and gave her sister a "Who's that?" look. "I don't know he was just in some bushes in the garden, I was trying to find the person or people who dropped him off." said Luna. Celestia shook her head understanding the problem.

"So what's the little guys name?" asked celestia. Luna looked down at the boy and then back at her sister and gave a shrug. "Well then name him." said celestia.

"Wait why me?" asked Luna.

"Well he's your son now isn't he?" asked celestia. Luna then thought about this. Nobody wanted this boy, he was an orphan and she found him.

"Well I guess so." said Luna.

"Good. So what's his name?" asked celestia. Luna had put thought into this and after about 5 minutes of thinking she got it.

"Luner." she said.

"Lunar?" asked celestia.

"No Luner with an e not a." Luna said.

"Oh Luner." said celestia.

"Yes Luner my little prince of the night." said Luna. Celestia looked up at the night sky and smiled.

"You did another beautiful night you know." said celestia. Luna looked at her sister and just smiled. Celestia smiled back. "Come on let's get back to the castle I bet you the guards are rellay worried about us." said celestia. Luna nodded back and both of them flew off toward the castle.

As both of them landed on celestia's balcony they both saw two guards come running in the room gasping for air. "Princess's where you were two." one of the guards asked while gasping for air.

"Oh just getting my sisters new son." said celestia. The two guards looked at Luna who was too busy rocking the baby in her arms. One of the guards coughed and got Luna's attention.

"What?" asked Luna.

"Well my princess I didn't know you had gone that…. far with someone." said the other guard. Luna looked at the guard in confusion for a moment but then realized what he was trying to say.

"No, no, no you have the wrong idea I didn't do it with anyone!" said Luna with her face blushing like crazy. Celestia just laughed at this. Luna was blushing so much that she ran to her room and shut the door tight.

"So who is that baby anyway?" asked the same guard.

"Come I'll tell you both what happened." said celestia as she and the two guards walked out of the room. Meanwhile Luna was in her room angry at what the guards said.

"Then again if I saw a baby in someone's hand I would think the same." Luna thought with a sweat drop. Then she look's to where she placed Luner on her bed. "But then again I rellay do have a new son though." she thought. Luna walked over to where Luner was and sat next to him. She then picked him up in her arms again and just looked at him.

She smiled. "Good night my sweet prince." she said as she kissed his forehead and placed him right next to her while she lies next to him. "Well I'm a mother now and I know its goanna be a lot of responsibility but I'll do whatever it takes." She thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Hey there guys it's me again saying this is chapter one and leave a comment if you think this chapter remake is better then the first one I made and I'm goanna stay on this story and upload as soon as I can.

Well that's all for today so peace off.