After that whole fiasco in Astronomy class, Luna decided to take a nice long walk around the castle. Every now and then, she'd ask passing students if they'd seen Loki and the answer was always no.

Luna simply could not get the look Loki had on his face out of her mind. His piercing green eyes screaming in terror. The only thing she couldn't wrap her head around is what the hell was wrong?

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice the big strobe of light shining for a for a quick second and the loud grunt that echoed in the empty corridor.

Soon, a teary-eyed Loki rushed past. Heavily breathing and very flushed.

Something that was totally non-existent in Loki's behavior. Luna went and ran and made him face her. "Loki, what's go- oh my god." She said.

The state that Loki was in shocked her entirely: swollen eyes, reddened from all the crying, disheveled hair, tear-stained cheeks, and clinched fists. He looked so empty.

Overall, he just seemed so lost.

"L-Loki…what happened? Where did you go? You just stormed out of the classroom and never came back…" She pointed to the, now, deep orange sky. "The sun is setting, Loki. You were gone for maybe two hours."

Loki didn't respond. He just clinched his fists even more as more tears streamed down his cheeks. Luna searched his stone-hard face for a sign of anything, but she found none.

She gingerly put her palm on the nape of her neck. "Would you like to go somewhere so we can talk about this?"

Loki nodded his head with a small sniffle.

Luna grabbed his hand and led him to a quiet and secluded place.


Luna led herself and Loki to a little secluded bench that they usually sat at, but for this situation, she didn't like the wide open space. It was set up as having the bench in the center, soft greenery sprawling out along the perimeter and going back to the bench. With the time of the day, they had a magnificent dome of purple and orange above them.

The beautiful sight was an enormous juxtaposition was between the two.

Luna sat Loki down, put a hand on his shoulder, and stated, "Tell me what happened, Loki…"

He pursed his lips, not wanting to say a damn thing, but he needed to…

He wanted to. This was Luna he was talking to. If he could tell anybody anything, it'd be her. Always her.

He closed his eyes as tears came down. "I'm a frost giant…" he whispered. Something he found out and hour ago, but still couldn't believe.

But Luna didn't understand. "What's wrong with that?"

Loki tried to remain calm as he could, while his body was vibrating with every negative emotion there ever was.

He took a deep breath, "See, where I come from, Asgard, everybody comes from one lineage. We are all related to Odin in a way. And in Jotunheim -another realm altogether- it's ruled by Lufey, the Frost Giant king. Odin and the Frost Giants had a war. He beat them, but he took something after…"

Loki looked Luna in the eyes. "He took me, Luna. He only took me in hoping to be a uniting link between the two realms, but since it never happened, he just left me in the shadow of Thor. I am not his son and I never was.

"I am the monster my father told me war stories about. I am the monster parents tell their children about at night."

Luna couldn't believe her ears. "Oh, Loki…" It was all too horrible to be real.

And at that moment, Loki broke down.

He couldn't take it anymore. He just put his heads in his hands and cried. It was all too much to take in. No matter how many times he would repeat it to himself, he couldn't take it.

The enormity of it all, no matter how much time had passed, it would always crush him and take him into this deep dark hole, making him feel incredibly, incredibly, lonely.

But, there would always be a pair of arms to help find the light again.

And a familiar pair of arms did just that… Loki took his hands off of his face and looked over. Two big deep brown eyes met his emerald green ones.

He pulled away from her to fully look at her face. Her lovely face with soft lips, her kind eyes, and beautiful swarthy skin.

Loki suddenly clings onto Luna softly and cried his eyes out.

Luna rubbed his back soothingly, hearing him utter occasionally that he was alone. "Shh…" she whispered, calmingly. "Don't worry, Loki. You've still got me. You're not alone. I'm right here. It'll be okay. I promise." She

pulled him back while he was still in tears and wiped them away.

"It's okay. See? You're not alone." She touched his cheek reassuringly.

His tears dropped to a slight hiccup, which made Luna just a bit. Making her apologize soon after, but even in his emotional state, Loki still knew he wanted her.

Loki's eyes traveled down to Luna's lips. His heart started to beat a thousand miles a minute. He only had one chance to show her how much she means to him.

Loki leaned in towards Luna, closing his eyes with each second.


Loki pressed his lips against Luna's. They both has butterflies in their stomach and tingles from their spines to their connected lips.

He let go and looked into Luna's eyes as they fluttered back open. "W-what was that for?" she asked, breathlessly.

"Iloveyou." He blurted out.

Luna's eyes widened. "You l-love me? Me? The book-obsessed, clumsy, crazy girl that I am?"

Loki nodded and sniffled. "Yes, yes, yes. All of the wonderful sides of you." He looked at her with big, teary green eyes and slight smile.

"What you said about me not being alone? About you being there? Well, it's true. I always feel safe with you. And only you, Luna. You give me this serenity and it's absolutely wonderful. You keep me calm and I love it. You gave me the affection that I never got from my parents and the affection that I never thought I'd get from somebody else. And if I love the feeling you bring me, that I must really, really love you. Which I do. So very much. And I don't want to lose that or you."

Luna was speechless. Loki's proclamation of love was enough to make her cry. She knew Loki must've liked her, but loved?

She never would've thought of that in a million years….even if she did kind of, sort of, loved him too.

Luna was brought back from her thoughts with a chuckle from Loki.

"What is it?"

Loki looked at his hands and started to fiddle with them. "You ever hear that saying, 'You'll stand a few demons for the sake of an angel?'"

"Yes, what about it?"

Loki took Luna's hands and kissed her knuckles as softly as he could, putting her hand on his face gingerly, feeling the palm and kissing it as well. He breathed softly. "You are my angel, Luna."

That was it. Luna couldn't hold the tears back any longer. This is literally the best thing that could happen to her in all of her short 16 years of life. Loki looked at Luna with those big, beautiful green eyes and leaning his cheek into her hand.

"So, the question still stands, sweetheart…do you love me?" He suddenly started to turn blue. And his eyes turn a devilish red. "Could you ever love a monster like me?"

Luna just responded my grabbing Loki, wrapping both arms around his neck and capturing him in a long, sweet, soft kiss. She shivered a tad bit from the intense chill of his icy blue skin.

A kiss that, Luna hoped with every cell in her body, conveyed all the things that she didn't have the heart to say.

But, most importantly, she just wanted Loki to know how much she really did love him.

Loki was reciprocating the kiss just as beautifully. He couldn't have been happier to. To know that someone truly did love him. He clung to Luna tighter and tighter.

He never wanted to let her go.

The kiss got to such intensity that both teens let go for air. They averted their eyes from each other as they licked their lips and blushed.

"So," Loki started to say, "I take it that that was a 'yes' then?

Luna leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek and breathed 'yes' against his skin softly. Loki shivered with every nerve in his body, completely electrified by Luna's oh so soft touch.

She looked at the sky above them. The sun was slowly going down. One more minute and it'd be blue. Blue with bright twinkling stars.

It was time to get to the dorms before they broke curfew.

Loki was still in the ecstasy of Luna's sweet kiss when she softly shook him. "Loki, we've got to go. It's almost nighttime. We can't break curfew, you know that." She got up and he followed suit.

Before they crossed the threshold, Loki stopped and inquired to Luna, "Would it be okay if I h-hold your hand until we get to the house entrances?"

Luna smiled. With the innocent look on his face, he sounded like a little kid asking if he could have a cookie.

"Of course. We're together now."

"Right." Loki stated, smiling and nodding. Then, he asked one simple question. "Can I hold your hand from now on?" Luna grinned from ear-to-ear as he softly squeezed his hand and gave him her answer.

"Yes. Yes, you can."