The team was all gathered around in Rossi's living room for quite the New Year's party. Everyone was enjoying the company of each other without having to deal with the stressors of any cases. Laughter echoed in the house filled with scents of Italian food and wine. Spencer Reid couldn't help but feel out of place though. Rossi had his arm around Erin Strauss, Aaron was smiling listening to Emily talk about her stories from her time in England, and Morgan and Garcia were flirting as always. Will had left JJ two years ago and moved back to New Orleans, so Spencer wasn't the only person at the party without a significant other. He and JJ had been even more inseparable since Will had left, but Spencer just wasn't sure how she felt about him.

At 11:55, merely five minutes before the New Year, Spencer knew he only had a matter of time to stick to his final resolution of the year.

"JJ, can I ask you something…privately?" he whispered in her ear to avoid anyone, especially Morgan, from over-hearing him. He didn't have time to deal with any of Morgan's typical remarks.

"Yeah, of course," she responded smiling to try and calm the nerves she saw when she looked him in the eyes.


"What's up, Spence?" JJ asked when they were alone in Rossi's kitchen.

"Did you have any resolutions this past year?" he stated simply.

A flash of confusion crossed JJ's face, unnoticed by Spencer, as she answered, "Um... Yeah, I did."

He only nodded and asked, "Did you manage to keep all of your resolutions?"

"Yeah, I actually did this year," she said reflecting on the past year, "What about you? Did you have any resolutions?"

"I did," he confided in her, "but there's one resolution that I haven't quite been able to keep."


JJ checked her watch and said, "Well, you still have two minutes before the New Year. Better late than never, right?"

Spencer took a shaky breath and nodded. He knew that he had to come clean and say what he had kept bottled up for years now. He couldn't lose this chance.


Spencer heard Penelope call out that there was only a minute until the New Year as he took in another shaky breath.

He turned to look JJ in the eyes and said, "I have less than a minute to say when I have to say. Please just hear me out."

She nodded signaling him to continue.

"JJ… Jennifer. I told myself at the beginning of last year that I would finally be honest with you. For years, you have consumed my thoughts. You're all I can think about. Your eyes, your smile, your laugh, and the way you light up the room whenever you enter. You are without a doubt the most beautiful woman I know, not only for physical appearances, but for your personality as well. You're caring, smart, funny, and you always know how to make me smile even when I don't want to. Will didn't treat you like the angel that you are, nor did he realize how lucky he was to be dating you. *10…9…8* I can only hope that you'll give me a chance to show you the love you truly deserve. *7…6…5…4* Jennifer Jareau, I love you with all my heart," he confessed to her. *3…2…1!*

As the team brought in the New Year in the other room, JJ stood up on her toes and gently pressed her lips against Spencer's with tears in her eyes.

When they pulled apart, she whisper, "Spence, I love you, too."